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A mate of mine, he's on this forum(GoHard) has asked me to post this for him because he cant use his right arm atm....

Last Sat night he was involved in an accident. Well he lost control of his sportivo and flipped the car and now its a write off. Basically the whole shell of the car is banged up( beyond repair). Engine is still intact and interior still all good. He needs some advice as on what to do. He has two choices. Pay the towing company $1200(fees) for them to return the car to him so he can salvage the parts and sell them off or not pay the $1200 and let them have the car. Unfortunately he didn't have insurance on the car :(.

He is just thinking if he can make abit of $$$ from the wreck cause he has basically lost a huge amount of $$$...


Posted (edited)

I reckon you could make more than $1200 on the wreck .. even if he had it towed to Fowles in Laverton they can run the car through the auction as private sale .. means you pay no GST and you will make some good money on the complete wreck ....

Unless you are a good mechanic and can remove all these items and have the time to sell them .. if you sell car as whole people might want to buy ..(eg Panel beater) to fix another car they got .. buy 2 wrecked cars for $10,000 each and sell one complete car for $30,000

BTW .. hope GoHard is okie ... sad to loose a car.. better to keep your life though

Edited by DrivInGScHool

mate if he doesnt wanna pay the $1200 wat is he gonna do with the car then ????? let the towy keep it ????? surely not ....... if thats the case mate i'd pay the $1200 for the tow to my place ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

seriously if the engine is in good nick he could easily get more than $1200 just for that .....


Depending on the condition of the engine and gearbox......those two items itself will fetch quite a pretty penny..............obviously not enough to cover the cost of writing off the car.........but better then nothing


Obviously pay the $1,200 and strip the car for parts.

He's very lucky he didn't hit anyone not having insurance he would have been stuffed. Now he's learnt.


thats sad 2 hear man. hope your mate is ok! what exactly happened though?


A mate of mine, he's on this forum(GoHard) has asked me to post this for him because he cant use his right arm atm....

Last Sat night he was involved in an accident. Well he lost control of his sportivo and flipped the car and now its a write off. Basically the whole shell of the car is banged up( beyond repair). Engine is still intact and interior still all good. He needs some advice as on what to do. He has two choices. Pay the towing company $1200(fees) for them to return the car to him so he can salvage the parts and sell them off or not pay the $1200 and let them have the car. Unfortunately he didn't have insurance on the car :(.

He is just thinking if he can make abit of $$$ from the wreck cause he has basically lost a huge amount of $$$...


Check out the wreckers prices, you'll find the're asking $5,500 for the 2ZZ motor and gearbox, that alone is good enough reason to get it towed home!


$1200 sounds like daylight robbery to me (my fathers car was towed from one side of perth to the other for $200). Maybe query the price and make sure its fair if game to do so.


lol yeh i learnt my lesson oright

well wat happen was about 500 metres into mt hwy off tourist rd. i went into the curve understeer like badly out of place...didnt know y mayb didnt look at how fast i was going so i try to correct it then it spins the other way round about 180 degree hitting the wall from the rear.

first hit i thuoght it would only b panel damage then suddenlyy i went flying in the air doing about 2-3 rounds ending up sideway at the tree. the tree was under my car n my window was up into the sky so thats how it landed. nothing really happen accept my right hand slam across the window n i think it was becoz o the air bag. so that was it i think just badly cuts n bruces on my fingers. thankgod no1 else was in the car lol

thanks 4 all the replies n good thing i got a second chance lol


Sorry to hear about your accident...Roll overs seem to be quite 'common' now...a 7th gen celica had similar accident a few weeks ago. :(

mate, $1200 is a rediculous price to pay for a tow. You are getting ripped off. don't pay it, engage legal services of a lawyer, and get your car back. Most you should have to pay is $200 for the tow.

and if you're looking to part out, I may have someone in perth who's interested in your engine.

email/msn me on [email protected]


the car is now at All 1 Towing Services in bayswater and asking for 1200 to tow it bak to my home like 30kmz

but to get my own tow truck it would still cost 1100 to pik it up from the tow truck place. they sed i dont hav to pay anything if i sign the car off to the wrecker.

i dont understand how it works...n wat other options do i hav? any advice plz?


Glad you're ok.

Sounds like they're charging you a (rip-off!) storage/holding fee for the car, not much you can do at all really. Pay the $1,200.00 and take it to your place, strip and sell all you can so at least you can recover a few thousand dollars which can go towards your next car or paying any debt you owe on it.

They're trying to make you leave the car there because they know they can make good money from the wreck.


so theres no other way? i cant sue him? or is this how they all charge people?

first i called up racv for tow truck but some other company rock up n sed it was "alegation tow" i didnt know wat it means but he sed it would all b the same. that nite of the accident the tow truck guy sed it would cost about 600-700bux including the "eagle tow" bak to my place or bak to his car yard it would all cost the same but by the next day they sed to me it would cost 1100 to get the car out n 1200 if i wanted to tow bak home so the only different is 100bux when my house is like 30kmz away.


I agree with IZZ-FE - they reckon $1200 is enough to scare you into leaving it there so they can make money off it (and make you think you've saved $1200). Pay whatever you have to to get it back. Strip it yourself or talk to Fowles Auction Group or Pickles Auctions who are traders of damaged/salvage vehicles.

Or PM me 'cos I know someone who would be interested in buying it :)


$1200 to tow it 30km!!!!! wtf i once got my car towed 15km for $50 n that's in sydney... but when i first started calling around i kept getting quotes of around $100 until i called someone n he quoted me for $60 but i bargained for $50... so shop around n bargain with them i'm sure u'll get a cheaper price


Mate, you have to get someone who knows about this to be personally involved. You _ARE_ getting ripped off, and in a HUGE way. Find a friend, parent, or someone who will help you negotiate your way out of this. If i was over east, I'ld help you out, but the best I can do is tell you to find someone to talk to them on your behalf.

They have NO right to tow it back to their workshop, and it was a 'trick' for them to do it. It's a very common ploy for them to find a car accident, trick the owner into letting them tow it back to their workshop, and then charge large fees for holding it. Don't pay more than $200 for the tow. And as for the holding fee, argue that you wanted it towed back to a place of your choosing, and they didn't do it.

And i have a buyer for your engine if you're ready to part out.

Email/PM me your mobile number, and I can discuss this with you.


the car is damage all round it hits thru to the radiator but the throttle body is still good n the bonnet is still flat so i still can open it. gear box is all good i can still turn on the car but i wont start it....

how much roughly people would pay for the engine? at least over 1200 easily? lol


man no insurance your braver than i am cheez, hope its not under finance otherwise they will be severely after you. But your still in one piece and thats what matters :)


the car is damage all round it hits thru to the radiator but the throttle body is still good n the bonnet is still flat so i still can open it. gear box is all good i can still turn on the car but i wont start it....

how much roughly people would pay for the engine? at least over 1200 easily? lol

Easily over 1200 my man...

Wouldn't it be easier to sell the whole car?


man no insurance your braver than i am cheez, hope its not under finance otherwise they will be severely after you. But your still in one piece and thats what matters :)

a finance company will usually not let u finance a car unless its got full comprehensive


when i blew my engine i got it towed 60km back home and it cost me $300 and this was at 1am in the morning.


man no insurance your braver than i am cheez, hope its not under finance otherwise they will be severely after you. But your still in one piece and thats what matters :)

a finance company will usually not let u finance a car unless its got full comprehensive

that's only to take out the loan... after that you're on your own...


yep after you got the loan its all up to your honesty books, i couldnt even imagine driving a brand new car or any car for that matter without some sort of insurance


Um... seems like they want your car for selling parts more than really towing service.. :(

Do you remember, have you sign any paper before they tow your car away? If the tow guy tell you it will cost that much to get the car back from their place, I think your will tow the car straight back to home.

Just my opinion, find some panel shops that you trust and ask their advice, you might able to sell the car to panel shops and they will find the way to get your car back..

If your engine and gearbox is still alive with no crack, I think it still worth more than $1200 tow fees.

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