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Fuel economy advice


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CEO I am very envious.

On a slight tangent, has anyone else thought that the manual mode on the transmission is a bit of a disappointment because when you put in in 4, it is not like a true manual because it won't hold that gear. Instead you are simply limiting it to the 4 lowest gears. You can't try to change to a higher gear quicker.

Yes I agree Blinkybill, but I think this is pretty much the case with alot of cars who have sports mode or "tip-tronic" transmission.

Ive seen alot of Honda's do this aswell. Because when you think about it, its not a 100% Manual transmission. I don't play around too much with the sports mode.. Have you noticed if this happens with other lower gears aswell?

Indeed disappointing, but I like to use it a fair bit nevertheless. I've always wondered though if placing it in sports mode (even if you put it in top gear) makes the car use a different gear changing profile than when in Drive. i.e.: does it change gears later and make it the equivalent of SPORTS mode on other cars ? Or is there absolutely no difference from having it in SPORTS on setting "6" as to having it in DRIVE ? (That would be a second disappointment).

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should have asked the service station when it was last calibrated.

your petrol tank don't lie to you... but caltex might...

i heard it's also a crime if they over-sell you more petrol than what your car is capable. Get it check.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've had my SX6 for around 4 months now and have always averaged 11.5L/100Km or worse. Although i attribute that to my heavy footed driving style, even when i take it easy i'm lucky to see any better economy.

For the first time since i've had the car (with no services done since getting the car with 16,000kms and no ECU resets) i got 9.4L/100Km. I filled up the car with BP Ultimate 98 like i always do and hit the freeway to head for the coast. Using the cruise control most of the way on 105Km/h (average speed for the trip was more like 62Km/h according to the car) i finally got the best average i've ever seen. I've been driving a bit around the suburbs today and it's only gone up to 10L/100Km. I forget the distance of the trip but there was a bit of stop start driving through 60 and 70 zones before i hit the freeway. The attached piture was on the final leg home at night, stopped at the lights in a 60 zone. I actually drove the whole trip within the speed limit too...

Up until this point i thought the 9.9L/100Km claim was just a blatant lie. I stand corrected...

Yeah, i was so happy i took a picture


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I've had my SX6 for around 4 months now and have always averaged 11.5L/100Km or worse. Although i attribute that to my heavy footed driving style, even when i take it easy i'm lucky to see any better economy.

For the first time since i've had the car (with no services done since getting the car with 16,000kms and no ECU resets) i got 9.4L/100Km. I filled up the car with BP Ultimate 98 like i always do and hit the freeway to head for the coast. Using the cruise control most of the way on 105Km/h (average speed for the trip was more like 62Km/h according to the car) i finally got the best average i've ever seen. I've been driving a bit around the suburbs today and it's only gone up to 10L/100Km. I forget the distance of the trip but there was a bit of stop start driving through 60 and 70 zones before i hit the freeway. The attached piture was on the final leg home at night, stopped at the lights in a 60 zone. I actually drove the whole trip within the speed limit too...

Up until this point i thought the 9.9L/100Km claim was just a blatant lie. I stand corrected...

Yeah, i was so happy i took a picture

Looks like you have had almost a full tank of petrol there...

I've been city driving to work and back, from stand still bumper to bumper and 80km/hr on the eastern distributor (sydney) and currently I have around 10.3L/100kms. I've seen it on 9.9L/100km only a day ago. Going away for the long weekend and looking forward to some motorway driving to see what I can get it down too. :P

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Yeah, you can see from the picture the tank is still pretty full. The needle goes way over the full mark when you fill up mind you. I checked after putting up my post and the entire trip was almost exactly 100km. It's since gone to 10.4L/100Km driving to the shops and stuff.

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Ive done 700km so far since getting my presara on 1st March and filled up after driving every 300km since I refuel every Tuesday (cheapest day) no matter what.

1st refuel = 11.7 L/100km (91 RON) 2nd refuel = 12.1 L/100km (2nd was with E10) after trialling E10 I noticed a drop in performance with the car sluggish at 0-60km. I am never going to use E10 again, its such a crap fuel.

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Hi guys,

Im all enjoying the car apart for its fuel comsumption. Its doing around 13L/100kms, although not as high as some of numbers been mentioned in here, bit its so much higher than 9.9L/100. My ZR6 has less than 2000kms and i have never gotten below 11L/100km, i guess that is because i rarely hit highways.

Just wondering has any body out there reseted the ECU and got an improvement?

Thanks guys

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Hi guys,

Im all enjoying the car apart for its fuel comsumption. Its doing around 13L/100kms, although not as high as some of numbers been mentioned in here, bit its so much higher than 9.9L/100. My ZR6 has less than 2000kms and i have never gotten below 11L/100km, i guess that is because i rarely hit highways.

Just wondering has any body out there reseted the ECU and got an improvement?

Thanks guys

I know it gets a bit long winded but if you read back through all the posts on this thread, other people have had similar or even the opposite problem. One of the members claimed the economy wouldn't get worse than around 8.5L/100Km. Disconnecting the battery for 20 seconds or getting a dealer to reset the system (probably just disconnected the battery for 20 seconds or more <_< ) and the car started giving a more accurate reading.

I think it should improve after your next service because of the grade of oil they apparently use for running the motor in. Even so, this is the exact same problem i've had since buying the car - really bad fuel economy. Hence the post about finally getting the car on the open road and taking a picture of what i thought was a myth.


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I am always sitting around 14L/100kms even when I drive conservatively. I do floor it every now and then but in all honesty I live in inner Melbourne and usually spend time traveling to city so there isnt much chance of me being able to hit it. I dont know what I am doing wrong.

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Hi guys,

Im all enjoying the car apart for its fuel comsumption. Its doing around 13L/100kms, although not as high as some of numbers been mentioned in here, bit its so much higher than 9.9L/100. My ZR6 has less than 2000kms and i have never gotten below 11L/100km, i guess that is because i rarely hit highways.

Just wondering has any body out there reseted the ECU and got an improvement?

Thanks guys

I know it gets a bit long winded but if you read back through all the posts on this thread, other people have had similar or even the opposite problem. One of the members claimed the economy wouldn't get worse than around 8.5L/100Km. Disconnecting the battery for 20 seconds or getting a dealer to reset the system (probably just disconnected the battery for 20 seconds or more <_< ) and the car started giving a more accurate reading.

I think it should improve after your next service because of the grade of oil they apparently use for running the motor in. Even so, this is the exact same problem i've had since buying the car - really bad fuel economy. Hence the post about finally getting the car on the open road and taking a picture of what i thought was a myth.

I have actually changed oil and filer already (toyota stock) that was done last week. So far there isnt any difference in terms of fuel economy.

Let me try and reset the ECU when i get around to it, i will keep u guys posted.

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Okay :), i'll tag along also if yez dont mind lol..Ive had my Arion Presara for two whole days almost and managed to write up a whole 160k's on the clock :blink: !!.. Between driving it and sitting in the garage with the motor running trying to sus out how to imput info etc with the satnav system my fuel averagestarted off at 23/100 and is now down to16.5/100 :yahoo: ..

Keep going at this rate and may end up not using any fuel lol...

On a more sendsible note :) i thought a new vehicle would take somewhere's around the 5,000 k's for everything to settle down and start getting a more settled fuel average??NO??....

Anyhow i also will be wating with baited breath to see where it finally settles out to..

Mymain query is how happy everyone is overall with their Presara???....

PS can honestly tell you that the Toyota link does work...Sitting in the car in ye ole garage again playing with the satnav only this time the motor wasnt running when my mobile phone rings and a cheerfull voice kindfully informed me my car battery was flat!! :idea: ..

Kindly reminder i may need to take my new toy for a bit of a run ey..


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Hiya guys , ive been reading this whole thread, as im bout to buy a ZR Aurion( i really want a TRD one but cant see the misses liking the added price.)

Im not really worried bout the fuel usage,as i hav a ST184 celica with a 3SGTe in it , avgs bout 13-14 l/100kms, .

Is it fair to say that the Fuel Economy only gets better with driving and the kind of driving you do .?

Also is everyone happy with there Aurions.?, mates of mine all hav Falcons and holdens , and think im mad for getting "another Toyota"

But i think they are close to the best car for the money ,

Whats do u all think , sorry to hijack this thread,any extra info you can give me in regards to these cars would be helpful much so , as the salesman dont seem to know much :rolleyes:

Thanks guys


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After wee drive yesterday am now averaging 13/100, so yes its comming down :toast: ...Mindya just had me noggin shaken a tad as i had a mate come and visit for the weekend and he owns a V8 Club Sports Dunnydoor and hes getting 9.3/100 and 800 odd clicks to a tank of fuel so somebodytell me that aint good fuel economy??...


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I went down the south coast (from sydney) over the long weekend. Drove from sydney down to Ulladulla (about 200kms) there was some nice open road driving and some bumper to bumper traffic (as this was the long weekend). While away I drove a few times into town and little trips here and there. Drove back amongst the same conditions I drove down in (traffic + open road). My average is now 10.4L/100kms which is after the trip and driving to work this morning.

Both the trip down and back, the car boot was full of gear along with the half the back seat. I think 10.4 is a good average, without the load or the traffic it would have gotten better. I normally average 10 - 10.5 just driving to/from work and around on weekends.

As for Aurion/Falcon/Commodore, the toyota has the most cutting edge technology in terms of engine/drive train. The are a great car to drive in comparison, my father has a new falcon and it's a bit boring and 'just a falcon'. I drove the new SV6 before I bougth the SX6 and while the SV6 looks great on the outside the ride is very rough and noisy compared to the Aurion. Also there is alot of engine feel through the cabin + steering in the SV6 and the demo car had rattles throughout the car. The dealer was holding the dash while I drove the near new SV6 to show my what it would be like when I got one . . . until it started rattling itself.

I am completely satisfied with the SX6, ZR6 would be even better and you get some very intertested looks from people you pass by as they look great . . . Hope you buy one EVL-184 . . see you around the forum soon . . .

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I went down the south coast (from sydney) over the long weekend. Drove from sydney down to Ulladulla (about 200kms) there was some nice open road driving and some bumper to bumper traffic (as this was the long weekend). While away I drove a few times into town and little trips here and there. Drove back amongst the same conditions I drove down in (traffic + open road). My average is now 10.4L/100kms which is after the trip and driving to work this morning.

Both the trip down and back, the car boot was full of gear along with the half the back seat. I think 10.4 is a good average, without the load or the traffic it would have gotten better. I normally average 10 - 10.5 just driving to/from work and around on weekends.

As for Aurion/Falcon/Commodore, the toyota has the most cutting edge technology in terms of engine/drive train. The are a great car to drive in comparison, my father has a new falcon and it's a bit boring and 'just a falcon'. I drove the new SV6 before I bougth the SX6 and while the SV6 looks great on the outside the ride is very rough and noisy compared to the Aurion. Also there is alot of engine feel through the cabin + steering in the SV6 and the demo car had rattles throughout the car. The dealer was holding the dash while I drove the near new SV6 to show my what it would be like when I got one . . . until it started rattling itself.

I am completely satisfied with the SX6, ZR6 would be even better and you get some very intertested looks from people you pass by as they look great . . . Hope you buy one EVL-184 . . see you around the forum soon . . .

Thanks mate , any one else wish to share there fuel ecomony stories.?

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Had the Touring for almost a month now. Every time I fill up, the display goes up to 30 or 40l/100km. It gets normal after about 3-4 kms. Most days it varies between 8.5 and 11.

For a challenge, I thought I'd try to see how low I could make it - managed to get it down to about 7.9. Most of the driving on highway and suburbs

Actual figures from filling up:

581.9km 55.03l = 9.46 l/100km

585.3km 54.20l = 9.26 l/100km (yesterday)

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Up until this point i thought the 9.9L/100Km claim was just a blatant lie. I stand corrected...


I believe they are not lie, the rules and the tests did not simulate the real situation - They have to follow AS rules.


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Took a run up to Rocky n back today..Started the trip for the first maybe ten vlicks at 13.5/100 then most the way up dropped back to 9.1/9.2/100 and on the return leg it was between 8.2/100 and as far down as 8.0/100.. :whistling: ..


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  • 5 weeks later...
Would the use of climate control add to the fuel consumption?

Hi SydGunner.

Depends on actual speed of the car and engine revs.

The worst thing you can do is sit at the lights with the A/C turned on or cruising around shopping centre car parks with the A/C on.

The A/C condenser is the coil mounted in front of your radiator. The air flow across it is dependent on the cars forward motion or the thermostatic fan in front of it, at lower car speeds.

The discharge refrigerant gas pressure from you A/C compressor is fed into the condenser as a hot high pressure gas. The air flow over the condenser controls the discharge pressure, the higher the pressure the more energy ( think horse power) is required to turn the compressor. Thus more fuel will be consumed when the A/C is on at low engine revs and low car speed.

It is probably a good idea to get into the habit of turning the A/C off at traffic lights and when travelling below, say 15 km/hr.



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A bit off topic,

To all the Vortex users, do u feel any difference in performance between Vortex 95 and 98?

In terms of actual performance, I don't really notice any difference between Vortex 95 and 98. I've only once used the Vortex 95 however and that is because the Caltex Woolworths around the corner from me has one pump with the 98 on it which is hard to get access to when it is really busy there. I haven't noticed any differences in regard to fuel consumption as well; but I haven't really had my Aurion long enough to test that.

So far this is my averages:

Tank 1: Vortex 98 - 12.9L/100km : my first time with my car, couldn't help but test its power

Tank 2: Vortex 95 - 11.7L/100km : slowly easing off the throttle, but friends still want to see what the car can do

Tank 3: Vortex 98 - 11.7L/100km : probably driving it about the same as the previous tank

Tank 4: Vortex 98 - 10.4L/100km : currently on this tank, 1/4 of it left. I'm now taking it a bit easier on the throttle

Personally I don't think there is any performance or efficiency gain to use 98 octane over 95. I'm the type of guy who thinks that the 98 octane would probably be cleaner for the engine, hence why I would rather fill up with it instead. Just personal preference really.

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