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Dash Flexing Rattles Galore


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Well I've reported here before about dash rattles and that we have not driven a New Gen Kluger in a Southern Au Winter yet.

Like our US cousins have experienced with their Highlanders and there report hassles with dash rattles during winter.

Although you don't need cold days to experience my concerns.

Well over the last two days I've recorded 900L'k of driving from Albury/Wodonga to Bendigo to Melb+ surrounds and repeated the same trip back.

The Bendigo to Melb was in the early cold morning and the dash rattles across the entire dash was just an absolute DISGRACE for such an otherwise superb vehicle.

The return trip from the outskirts of Epsom Nth Bendigo cutting across to Voilet Town through Murchison linking to Hume during the late arvo today.

Resulted in the worst dash rattles across the whole dash that I have ever experienced from within any car I've sat in in my 30yrs of driving.

For a company of Toyota's reputation and the up to the minute scientifics that have gone into making such a great AWD vehicle. It just astounds me that such a total botched job could be done on the dash lugs that lock it in.

I've had the Toyota dealer mech sit in my beast late last week to here the noises at 60kms on town streets and he heard them all at that speed. I told him it becomes an orchestra of noise on secondary main sealed roads at 100ks.

Well it's booked in for full day or two if needed this for the 10,000 service and to rip out the plastic top part of the dash and lay it back in with felt insulation. The dealer has asked for the car for the entire day and the next if needed.

Surely the many dash lugs could be soft rubber or felt lined at the factory to satisfy the customer and save huge $$$ on warranty claims by the dealers.

It got me totally beat.

I'm not over pickie, you just need to here this dash to understand. My elderly parents who don't have the best of hearing were astounded by the noises when I picked them up in Bendigo.

Knowing the dealer will be onto it this week still makes me love the blue beast.

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We were at Orange the other weekend and traveled over to Parkes and then to Bathurst on the way back to the big smoke, it actually started snowing one morning/afternoon (very cold in the mornings and at night) but I didnt notice any rattles suprisingly.

We did have a dash rattle not long after new but it seemed to dissapear, (or am I used to it?).

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Ladies & Gentlemen,

Not long now since I've arrived home from work and also picking my vehicle from the local Toyota dealer.

I have that "Toyota Feeling" totally cemented in my train off thought tonight.

The "Orchestra of Sound" across the whole dash, well, has just GONE.

When I drove over the repaired pot holes nothing could be heard, again over the bridge expansion joints well nothing again.

Just plain driving over country town streets and again nothing could be heard.

Yep, the Toyota Feeling has arrived.

Thanks to my local dealer and the guy/s who worked on the beast for the caring Service and bring it back imediately policy if not happy.

After 10,000 ks you some what become a customed to the noise.

Yep, after a few more ks to ensure all is well, the dealer will receive a thanks call to be directed to their mechanic/s who worked on the beast.

They say they remove the dash & patch out the dashed with foam.

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Thats great to hear, "no rattles that is". Good to hear of the nice service you received.

I always worry when they have to do a big job like taking a dash out, you wonder if everything will work okay and what other damage they might cause.

But sounds like they did a good job.

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Thats great to hear, "no rattles that is". Good to hear of the nice service you received.

I always worry when they have to do a big job like taking a dash out, you wonder if everything will work okay and what other damage they might cause.

But sounds like they did a good job.

I did have concerns re removing the dash, but I'd totally had it with the many dash noises.

There are no marks of any description around the dash joins leading into the main centre dash area or over the speedo region.

No marks on the centre console, so far only what appears to be a great job. Although only limited Ks were done to arrive at home to night. But the roads taken to arrive home would have highlghted any issues.

But it was very evident the car was vastly different.

The dealer service staff even walk you to your car from the reception to the place of parking, open the door for you. Whilst talking to you asking you to provide feedback of any further vehicle concerns and if the current problems returns, come back to us ASAP.

They have a sign up, apologising for not washing the car due to water restrictions.

Never had that type of treatment with the many new commodores/Berlinas I drove up until the Kluger.

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I've been low key on this subject since the dash was taken off to resolve the many rattles/noises which I thought were fixed.

A couple of days after the repairs the rattles came back concentrated to the passeger side of the dash near the speaker to middle section.

Again the dash has been removed for a second time after a head service guy sat in vehicle with me whilst I was driving to hear it.

After picking the repaired vehicle up again, the nosies came back imediately. But this time far worse than on my first complaint. This time (3rd time) they were very loud across the whole dash. I do mean very loud and in many spots.

The temp today was 2 degree outside at 7.15am, whilst my car was parked all night in a double brick house garage that has the roof 3.5 insul batted. Not that parking inside or outside should make any diff.

The journey to work this morning being at 50 to 60kph on good roads, saw an untoleratble situation with noises.

I immediately drove to to the local dealer and waited till they openned which I almost have to drive past and insisted a head service guy jump in the car and just listen the the non stop noises and twitching of the dash across the whole frontal area.

He was a big a guy and applied pressure down on the dash to try and stop the nosies whilst they were occurring. But the noises just kept occurring regardless of the down ward pressure applied.

I've driven many many new commodores before the Kluger and one of those vehicles had a similar situation and had to go back in many times. Until they found it was the actual windscreen being not bonded properly. The windscreen is a integrital part of the strenghting of the roof.

Not saying this is the prob this time.

This is becoming B*LL***T for a new car and one that can go off road in the bumpy stuff in this day and age.

My dealer has been excellent and are totally supportive and just want to help no matter what. They have offerred everthing to please me including a hire car whilst the cars off the road. THIS POST IS NOT A WHINGE TOWARDS THEM AT ALL.

I'm just starting to hit the Grrrr!!!-WTF point now that for the third time for dash removal is about to occur and so far the problem is getting no better, but far worse today with the colder temps that hit this morning. The noises are still there at 2.00pm (warmer part of the day), but no where as servere as in the morning.

The head service guy told the reception lady to type in "loud dash noises" upon the rebooking in.

My wifes car is an old EB 1991 Ford and with 228,000ks on the clock and you guessed it, no dash noises. Edit: she wants a Yaris soon.

I'm starting to look at those "Territory" vehicles that buzz around on the streets and think to myself should I have listened to the misses.

Best I go and get another Crownie into me and have faith that the local dealer will resolve it one day soon.

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The bonding of the windscreen is not uncommon for toyota. Even my dads old Vienta v6 back in 95, it took several trips to the dealer, reported, nothing ever became of it because when they drove it it never made a sound.

Around 01/02, i went over a speedhump fast(unpainted one) and i actually saw the windscreen move, when i pressed outwards, it was not even attached on the roof and sides!!!!

Had to pay this out of our own pockets as toyota said it is normal for this to happen over time. When the windscreen guy took it off, he couldnt believe how little glue stuff was there, the windscreen simply popped off, whereas a normal one would most likely crack.

Try pushing outwards and see if there is any movement? I hope there arent any rattles in mine...

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Thanks Blackkluger,

I can't feel any visible movement but, it's a possible cause high on my agenda due to a past commodore having it in a similar fashion.

Particully early on a cold frosty/dewy morning. I noticed as the temp drops the noise increases many DB's louder. I've only had one near frosty morning so far this Autumn.

Well tomorrow (Tuesday) the local car doctor takes her in for surgery no 3. If this one doesn't fix it, well my attitude will change dramatically.

I've notified my Novated Lease peoples for assistance if fix number three fails as this car is contracted to be mine outright after the agreed fully maintained period expires down the track. Plus she's registered in my name and $4,000 of add on's have gone into it already + the salary sacrifice.

Great beast don't get me wrong, but I've been patient and understanding and given Mr Toyota a fair go as I would expect from them.

Hope fellow Kluger owners here don't inccurr this problem, but watch out for thoses up and coming cold morning arriving soon.

If your've got the prob lurking, a 2 degree morning will allow the prob to surface with vengeance.

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I've had mine back to Toyota re the rattles in the passenger side dash but they weren't able to hear them.

Sometimes the noise drives me crazy so my next step is to take a digital voice recorder in the car to try and record the rattles for them.

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I've had mine back to Toyota re the rattles in the passenger side dash but they weren't able to hear them.

Sometimes the noise drives me crazy so my next step is to take a digital voice recorder in the car to try and record the rattles for them.

Cookie the left side near the speaker has been the worst area for sure, although it can be heard across the dash.

I've asked the dealer to keep it over night and drive it again tomorrow morning in the cooler temps to see it alls Ok now. (Bugger forecast only 7-8 deg min), but the noises will appear regardless if not corrected.

They have been great and have offerred a personal car to minimise the hassle. My family spotted my beast being driven around early this morning with two workshop blokes in it, so there trying at least.

Just got to stop looking at those Territory badged things whilst pondering if their dash rattles like mine. Well at least I know there tailgate is rusting.


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I have mentioned this to Scott C, but not to the forum group, there is a potential for rattles that I discovered when looking at under dash wiring, on the extreme LH and RH side under dash there is a plastic box that the door wiring passes through these boxes are loose and you dealer needs to check them.

Let me know your findings.


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I have mentioned this to Scott C, but not to the forum group, there is a potential for rattles that I discovered when looking at under dash wiring, on the extreme LH and RH side under dash there is a plastic box that the door wiring passes through these boxes are loose and you dealer needs to check them.

Let me know your findings.


Thanks Don,

Will discuss with the dealer when I pick up the vehicle upon my return from melb tomorrow. Although the noise appears louder than what loose wiring could cause in my case

Any advise/knowledge is totally welcome.



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I'm starting to look at those "Territory" vehicles that buzz around on the streets and think to myself should I have listened to the misses.

If you got the territory, you'd be complaining about rust in your vehicle, apparently it is pretty wide spread problem with them, the paint was dont properly and hence paint protection from rust as well...

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Is the rattles only applicable to the 2007 build? Is anyone having the same problems with the 2008 build.

Hi Guys

My March 2008 model is as quiet as a mouse..so far. :)

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Mine is a August 2007 build.

The dealer has had my car for two days and all attempts to stop the noises have failed again. There driving it early in the cold mornings and too their amazment the prob's still there.

After returning from Melb not long ago they asked to keep it for another two days. As now there attacking the external area outside the windscreen under the wiper area and then need to retest it in the cold early morning.

No problems too me just keep it until it's fixed.

Now I have a new problem surfacing tonight.

They have given me a cute 4 door auto Yaris to buzz around in the mean time. Now my wifes glued too it and wants one and my 17 daughter wants one.

Yep, I kinda like it to and it would have to be in matching Tidal Blue to color coordinate with the Kluger if I did.

I've said before in my dribbles here, but the Toyota Care factor and service at the local dealer runs rings around the many many years of poor sevice I got from the Lion badged cars I used to drive.

Will let you guys now the final outcome when known.

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Mine is a August 2007 build.

The dealer has had my car for two days and all attempts to stop the noises have failed again. There driving it early in the cold mornings and too their amazment the prob's still there.

After returning from Melb not long ago they asked to keep it for another two days. As now there attacking the external area outside the windscreen under the wiper area and then need to retest it in the cold early morning.

No problems too me just keep it until it's fixed.

Now I have a new problem surfacing tonight.

They have given me a cute 4 door auto Yaris to buzz around in the mean time. Now my wifes glued too it and wants one and my 17 daughter wants one.

Yep, I kinda like it to and it would have to be in matching Tidal Blue to color coordinate with the Kluger if I did.

I've said before in my dribbles here, but the Toyota Care factor and service at the local dealer runs rings around the many many years of poor sevice I got from the Lion badged cars I used to drive.

Will let you guys now the final outcome when known.

Thanks for letting us know how your going with the car...

Hopefully the end outcome is a good one. All new cars from every brand are strating to develop these annoying rattles. It must be something to do with the amount of plastics they use now. Good to hear the dealer is doing the right thing by you!! No matter what brand of car, there are bad dealers. Just watching the news tonight, some car (sweedish I think) which is the fastest car in the world with a $2m price tag, will send out there mechanics within 24hrs of your problem occuring (and thats anywhere in the world...thats some service!!!)

The Yaris is a good car, but the new Mazda 2 I reckon is even better!! So many colours to chose from as well!!!!

At least it's not summer, you wouldn't want something like this stopping you from heading off to the ramp!!

Overall though, I'd prefer a rattle to rust. Pitty the Territory does rust in those areas, I mean it's a descent car (does over do the plastic trim inside it though).

By the way, im from Fishnet as well :whistling:

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Mine is a August 2007 build.

The dealer has had my car for two days and all attempts to stop the noises have failed again. There driving it early in the cold mornings and too their amazment the prob's still there.

After returning from Melb not long ago they asked to keep it for another two days. As now there attacking the external area outside the windscreen under the wiper area and then need to retest it in the cold early morning.

No problems too me just keep it until it's fixed.

Now I have a new problem surfacing tonight.

They have given me a cute 4 door auto Yaris to buzz around in the mean time. Now my wifes glued too it and wants one and my 17 daughter wants one.

Yep, I kinda like it to and it would have to be in matching Tidal Blue to color coordinate with the Kluger if I did.

I've said before in my dribbles here, but the Toyota Care factor and service at the local dealer runs rings around the many many years of poor sevice I got from the Lion badged cars I used to drive.

Will let you guys now the final outcome when known.

Thanks for letting us know how your going with the car...

Hopefully the end outcome is a good one. All new cars from every brand are strating to develop these annoying rattles. It must be something to do with the amount of plastics they use now. Good to hear the dealer is doing the right thing by you!! No matter what brand of car, there are bad dealers. Just watching the news tonight, some car (sweedish I think) which is the fastest car in the world with a $2m price tag, will send out there mechanics within 24hrs of your problem occuring (and thats anywhere in the world...thats some service!!!)

The Yaris is a good car, but the new Mazda 2 I reckon is even better!! So many colours to chose from as well!!!!

At least it's not summer, you wouldn't want something like this stopping you from heading off to the ramp!!

Overall though, I'd prefer a rattle to rust. Pitty the Territory does rust in those areas, I mean it's a descent car (does over do the plastic trim inside it though).

By the way, im from Fishnet as well :whistling:


PM me on Fishnet who you are on that site, as you can tell I kept my same ID within here. I'm "GarryM" on the Oz forum travel/4X4 site. Thats if your happy too

I've picked up the beast today and it appears to all be rectified during the short trip home. The Service Mgr and the mechanics did the Toyota jump/thumbs up today in the belief that they corrected the prob. Whilst internally e-mailing Toyota of the prob and fix for other dealers to be alert to.

Whilst I heard no (absolute zero) noise at all on the way home tonight, I will reserve my Toyota jump until Monday. But just quietly I'm having a crownie or two just as an entree of celebration at this time. If all is Ok by Monday, I'll post the cause as explained to me.

Sounds a minor thing, but constant loud noises does p**s you off more than a days work at times in a quality car.

Again, if my local dealer tunes in here at times. Thanks guys and girls for your true committed to customer care, it's greatly appreciated.

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Mine is a August 2007 build.

The dealer has had my car for two days and all attempts to stop the noises have failed again. There driving it early in the cold mornings and too their amazment the prob's still there.

After returning from Melb not long ago they asked to keep it for another two days. As now there attacking the external area outside the windscreen under the wiper area and then need to retest it in the cold early morning.

No problems too me just keep it until it's fixed.

Now I have a new problem surfacing tonight.

They have given me a cute 4 door auto Yaris to buzz around in the mean time. Now my wifes glued too it and wants one and my 17 daughter wants one.

Yep, I kinda like it to and it would have to be in matching Tidal Blue to color coordinate with the Kluger if I did.

I've said before in my dribbles here, but the Toyota Care factor and service at the local dealer runs rings around the many many years of poor sevice I got from the Lion badged cars I used to drive.

Will let you guys now the final outcome when known.

Thanks for letting us know how your going with the car...

Hopefully the end outcome is a good one. All new cars from every brand are strating to develop these annoying rattles. It must be something to do with the amount of plastics they use now. Good to hear the dealer is doing the right thing by you!! No matter what brand of car, there are bad dealers. Just watching the news tonight, some car (sweedish I think) which is the fastest car in the world with a $2m price tag, will send out there mechanics within 24hrs of your problem occuring (and thats anywhere in the world...thats some service!!!)

The Yaris is a good car, but the new Mazda 2 I reckon is even better!! So many colours to chose from as well!!!!

At least it's not summer, you wouldn't want something like this stopping you from heading off to the ramp!!

Overall though, I'd prefer a rattle to rust. Pitty the Territory does rust in those areas, I mean it's a descent car (does over do the plastic trim inside it though).

By the way, im from Fishnet as well :whistling:


PM me on Fishnet who you are on that site, as you can tell I kept my same ID within here. I'm "GarryM" on the Oz forum travel/4X4 site. Thats if your happy too

I've picked up the beast today and it appears to all be rectified during the short trip home. The Service Mgr and the mechanics did the Toyota jump/thumbs up today in the belief that they corrected the prob. Whilst internally e-mailing Toyota of the prob and fix for other dealers to be alert to.

Whilst I heard no (absolute zero) noise at all on the way home tonight, I will reserve my Toyota jump until Monday. But just quietly I'm having a crownie or two just as an entree of celebration at this time. If all is Ok by Monday, I'll post the cause as explained to me.

Sounds a minor thing, but constant loud noises does p**s you off more than a days work at times in a quality car.

Again, if my local dealer tunes in here at times. Thanks guys and girls for your true committed to customer care, it's greatly appreciated.

Well, that's great news!! And hopefully it stays that way!

Those rattles and noises are bloody annoying, yet there so simple. They ruin a prefectly good car to :angry:

Once again, great to hear about a good dealer. Shows that some dealers arn't just "all talk".

Will PM you on fishnet!

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I'm glad there is a progress: lets keep fingers crossed it is fixed and waith for your jump on Monday. I'm glad these guys let Toyota and other dealers know what is the problem - I was going to ask you what's Toyota stance on the issue (e.g. if your dealer technical guys can't fix the problem they should ask Toyota, right)... but it look slike it worked the other way around.

Please post final findings and the cause as soon as you feel confortable. I haven't got a chance to drive the car when its cold... but I will soon; I see the light at the end of the tunnel for my workload... so next fishing session will give me the opportunity :rolleyes:

P.S. Today our family goes to the local Toyota dealer... to test drive Yaris for my wife :help:


PM me on Fishnet who you are on that site, as you can tell I kept my same ID within here. I'm "GarryM" on the Oz forum travel/4X4 site. Thats if your happy too

I've picked up the beast today and it appears to all be rectified during the short trip home. The Service Mgr and the mechanics did the Toyota jump/thumbs up today in the belief that they corrected the prob. Whilst internally e-mailing Toyota of the prob and fix for other dealers to be alert to.

Whilst I heard no (absolute zero) noise at all on the way home tonight, I will reserve my Toyota jump until Monday. But just quietly I'm having a crownie or two just as an entree of celebration at this time. If all is Ok by Monday, I'll post the cause as explained to me.

Sounds a minor thing, but constant loud noises does p**s you off more than a days work at times in a quality car.

Again, if my local dealer tunes in here at times. Thanks guys and girls for your true committed to customer care, it's greatly appreciated.

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