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im sure they find it some what rude

well its manners anyway not to speak a language ur fren cant understand when ure with them..

cos i do feel abit offended when im with a bunch of my frens n they speak their own language n i go like wtf :blink:

well thats just me :)

HAHAHA, bro :( everytime i go out i usually hang with viets and

they all fkn speak viet n **** LOL and all u see is me sitting there going "wdf????"

it is abit rude but its not like its an issue LOL

i usually speak in another language when im tryna betch about someone whos infront of me

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im sure they find it some what rude

well its manners anyway not to speak a language ur fren cant understand when ure with them..

cos i do feel abit offended when im with a bunch of my frens n they speak their own language n i go like wtf :blink:

well thats just me :)

HAHAHA, bro :( everytime i go out i usually hang with viets and

they all fkn speak viet n **** LOL and all u see is me sitting there going "wdf????"

it is abit rude but its not like its an issue LOL

i usually speak in another language when im tryna betch about someone whos infront of me

:P thats what we`re tryin to avoid

bitching in front with another language! hahahaha xD

:P yea i get that all the time from indo`s :P

my indo frens know i understand indo..but their frens dont :) n they start talkin **** n my frens just go :blink: *gasp*

hahahaha :) but im nice! :D LOLS

i forgive..but i never forget :)


When i was with a friend that could only speak chinese we were in line for juice and i was telling her what she could have (eg reading the menu to her) and some woman behind me ges 'you're in f***ing australia speak english" I was like wdf and just ignored her like i couldn't understand lol i don't even look chinese and she says that to me?

im sure they find it some what rude

well its manners anyway not to speak a language ur fren cant understand when ure with them..

cos i do feel abit offended when im with a bunch of my frens n they speak their own language n i go like wtf :blink:

well thats just me :)

HAHAHA, bro :( everytime i go out i usually hang with viets and

they all fkn speak viet n **** LOL and all u see is me sitting there going "wdf????"

it is abit rude but its not like its an issue LOL

i usually speak in another language when im tryna betch about someone whos infront of me

:P thats what we`re tryin to avoid

bitching in front with another language! hahahaha xD

:P yea i get that all the time from indo`s :P

my indo frens know i understand indo..but their frens dont :) n they start talkin **** n my frens just go :blink: *gasp*

hahahaha :) but im nice! :D LOLS

i forgive..but i never forget :)

one thing i learn.... never talk in indo infront of jeremy, specially talking about him.... he speaks indo man... seriously.. if ppl dunnoo... they will think hes indo ROFL :yahoo: :yahoo:

Posted (edited)
Education is absolutely the only way such dispicable attitudes can be transformed, and I am glad for it.

funny how you say that.. coz im having a pretty hard time convincing the kids that they wont get anywhere if they continued to skip class and refuse to do any written work! and i refuse to believe that socioeconomic status or broken homes/families creates dumber people. some of the kids ive encountered do so bad at school, not because their not able to do the work, but theyre just sooo damn lazy to focus!

my parents were born in what is still considered a semi rural, provincial area of a 3rd world country and they studied hard and worked their asses off just to get into australia, then they had to work even harder after they landed here in sydney coz life was sooo much different and they had no friends/family to back them up when they first arrived. one of the things that stuck in my head was that my parents wanted us to make the most of our education and do more than what they were capable of, simply coz they never had the same opportunities that we get to enjoy and take for granted in australia.

i like to think that i have made the most of my opportunities since now i FINALLY have a decent job... (probebly 7-8 years later than i could have), but ive finally got what ive been aiming for. i strongly believe youll never get anywhere in life without hard work. ( i think xoom said something similar when people in here labeled him as "rich" or "his parents paid for his mods" or something to that effect)

anyhoo, the kids that i teach have absolutely no frikken idea about how lucky they are to get a decent education and how easy it can be to get a job if you simply focus and put in the hard work. ive heard kids joke about going on newstart/getting pregnant just so that they can get the baby bonus after they finish school. and ive spoken to other teachers who have actually bumped into former students who were proud of being on newstart with no real intention of finding work! THATS A WASTE OF MY TAX MONEYZ!

in a flash id gladly trade an educated foreigner for an aussie who refused to go to school in a flash.

*end rant*

Edited by J_J
Posted (edited)
im sure they find it some what rude

well its manners anyway not to speak a language ur fren cant understand when ure with them..

cos i do feel abit offended when im with a bunch of my frens n they speak their own language n i go like wtf :blink:

well thats just me :)

Don't know why people like you get offend. Think about it, if you saw a bunch of Aussies in Japan, France, or Africa, what language do you they will be speaking? Its only natural to speak in your natural tongue, especially when they are in a group that all can speak the language. If you can't even understand what your fellow asian friends are saying, well you only have yourself to blame.

Most of the people that get offend are just jealous that can't speak anything else apart from English, and that includes Asian Australians (ABC's). These people need to harden up or for the ABCs, learn it. I'm an ABC myself, and I find it quite lame in this day in age that Asians can't speak their native language (well the parents are to blame as well for not teaching their kids of their own culture).

I was very pleasantly surprised the other day at Coles, where this white couple asked me something in Mandarin and had a proper conversation with them. The guy told me that it was out of interest/hobby at first, and it later paid off when his company can now send him to China to negotiate business deals. Imagine if he had a Chinese colleague who can't speak very much Mandarin :unsure:

When i was with a friend that could only speak chinese we were in line for juice and i was telling her what she could have (eg reading the menu to her) and some woman behind me ges 'you're in f***ing australia speak english" I was like wdf and just ignored her like i couldn't understand lol i don't even look chinese and she says that to me?

I'd like to see that b!tch go on holiday somewhere where English is not used. Then again she's probably got 6 kids at home living off welfare, and the only overseas trip she'll ever afford is to Tasmania.

Edited by DHC09
Posted (edited)
When i was with a friend that could only speak chinese we were in line for juice and i was telling her what she could have (eg reading the menu to her) and some woman behind me ges 'you're in f***ing australia speak english" I was like wdf and just ignored her like i couldn't understand lol i don't even look chinese and she says that to me?

Should've speak in Chinese more and in a more annoyin way while pointing at her face..


im sure they find it some what rude

well its manners anyway not to speak a language ur fren cant understand when ure with them..

cos i do feel abit offended when im with a bunch of my frens n they speak their own language n i go like wtf :blink:

well thats just me :)

Don't know why people like you get offend. Think about it, if you saw a bunch of Aussies in Japan, France, or Africa, what language do you they will be speaking? Its only natural to speak in your natural tongue, especially when they are in a group that all can speak the language. If you can't even understand what your fellow asian friends are saying, well you only have yourself to blame.

True and Vry Good Point...

They never thought on it the other way around..

Edited by VF-X

If ure in that situation its fair enough..but when u guys hang out in a bunch or like when u have frens with u n ure out with other frens..n u speak in a diff language..my aussie or local frens usually tell me that my frens r rude n stuff after they leave..its not that ive never thought about it the other way around..its that even when i was in my international college here..thats what they always remind us too..its supposingly the " australian culture " to not speak a language that someone doesnt understand otherwise considered rude..

Education is absolutely the only way such dispicable attitudes can be transformed, and I am glad for it.

funny how you say that.. coz im having a pretty hard time convincing the kids that they wont get anywhere if they continued to skip class and refuse to do any written work! and i refuse to believe that socioeconomic status or broken homes/families creates dumber people. some of the kids ive encountered do so bad at school, not because their not able to do the work, but theyre just sooo damn lazy to focus!

my parents were born in what is still considered a semi rural, provincial area of a 3rd world country and they studied hard and worked their asses off just to get into australia, then they had to work even harder after they landed here in sydney coz life was sooo much different and they had no friends/family to back them up when they first arrived. one of the things that stuck in my head was that my parents wanted us to make the most of our education and do more than what they were capable of, simply coz they never had the same opportunities that we get to enjoy and take for granted in australia.

i like to think that i have made the most of my opportunities since now i FINALLY have a decent job... (probebly 7-8 years later than i could have), but ive finally got what ive been aiming for. i strongly believe youll never get anywhere in life without hard work. ( i think xoom said something similar when people in here labeled him as "rich" or "his parents paid for his mods" or something to that effect)

anyhoo, the kids that i teach have absolutely no frikken idea about how lucky they are to get a decent education and how easy it can be to get a job if you simply focus and put in the hard work. ive heard kids joke about going on newstart/getting pregnant just so that they can get the baby bonus after they finish school. and ive spoken to other teachers who have actually bumped into former students who were proud of being on newstart with no real intention of finding work! THATS A WASTE OF MY TAX MONEYZ!

in a flash id gladly trade an educated foreigner for an aussie who refused to go to school in a flash.

*end rant*

totally agree jase!!

i would get more money staying at home and just getting centrelink payments but i work cause i wanna earn my own money and do something with my life.

racism is horrible and i seen it in fellow filos in this very own community. fair enough i don't look filo to them but i HATE it when a filo can stand in front of me and talk about me thinking that i can't understand what they are saying. far out!! fair enough i can't speak the language as i was born here but i can still understand every word they say. i'm also sick of the filo people who stand there trying to figure out if the boys are twins.......yes they are twins and yes i can understand them talking about my kids in front of me........why not just ask me??

unfortunately racism is something taught by parents....... kids are like sponges and absorb behaviour from their first role models in life ...their parents. i pay good money to send my kids to a catholic school and i hate it when i my kid comes home upset cause they were being teased for being filo. far out!! my kids were born in this country and speak english they have every right to be as as do the ones who have white skin.....they shouldn't get teased for being a different colour or for not speaking filo. yes they get teased by filo kids too. i teach my kids to treat all their friends equal everyone is equal...........why can't others just teach their kids some respect.....the ones that bully and tease have no respect for anyone including themselves and probably never will.


My parents and every single teacher i had as a kid always taught me the same thing; if you ignore bullies they will get bored ans leave you along due to your lack of reaction. The more you react, the more you're feeding the troll, so to speak. Of course, there is a limit to how much you should take but it's just a rule of thumb.

I reckon being picked on a little as kid helped me become a stronger person as i grew up. If i had a chance to visit all those that bullied and pick on me for being the little Asian kid, i'd rock up to their trailer parks, thank them for helping me become who i am today, and then offer to give them a lift to the nearest centrelink. :lol:

My parents and every single teacher i had as a kid always taught me the same thing; if you ignore bullies they will get bored ans leave you along due to your lack of reaction. The more you react, the more you're feeding the troll, so to speak. Of course, there is a limit to how much you should take but it's just a rule of thumb.

I reckon being picked on a little as kid helped me become a stronger person as i grew up. If i had a chance to visit all those that bullied and pick on me for being the little Asian kid, i'd rock up to their trailer parks, thank them for helping me become who i am today, and then offer to give them a lift to the nearest centrelink. :lol:


Posted (edited)
If ure in that situation its fair enough..but when u guys hang out in a bunch or like when u have frens with u n ure out with other frens..n u speak in a diff language..my aussie or local frens usually tell me that my frens r rude n stuff after they leave..its not that ive never thought about it the other way around..its that even when i was in my international college here..thats what they always remind us too..its supposingly the " australian culture " to not speak a language that someone doesnt understand otherwise considered rude..

Mate, it seems like you guys need to develop some social skills in a multicultural community. If your group of friends are deliberately speaking in a different language to be rude to your local friends, then its a not the same issue, they are just simply being d!ckheads. But if they are genuinely having a nice conversation amongst themselves, then your local friends needs harden up a little or find a way to ignore it. If you are the middle man between the two groups, you should take some responsibility to ensure both sides are comfortable (to some extent of course, can't keep everyone happy all the time :P).

I can't say I've ever heard of that "aussie culture" that you mentioned. The biggest problem is feeling insecure and afraid of what people are saying about you. But guess what, thats a natural human reaction: to be weary and afraid of the unknown. If a person is not open-minded enough when they encounter a look, a language, or a certain culture, they will be defensive (and usually put it down by making fun of it). And its not just people; when the first microwave oven came out, the majority of people were afraid to use it cause they feared the food would be radioactive. And some vaccines (inc the ones used today) are derived from animals, such as cows; and people at first were afraid they would develop animal traits when vaccinated :D.

As with the intercultural b1tchen; it would never end, and thats simply due to the above point about reacting to someone different to yourself; and every race and culture is guilty of that.

Mish: next time that happens, you should make it known that you understand what they are saying but don't get upset; you'll find that you'll embarrass the sh!t out of them. I done it in a pub in Taiwan where these two white dudes where saying that Asians can't drink :lol: so I confronted them with a challenge :P and then they went all apologetic and bought my group of mates around of beer :D good times.

Edited by DHC09

seems to me that this thread is turning into a racist rant as well ...

Posted (edited)
seems to me that this thread is turning into a racist rant as well ...

before i choose to agree/disagree with your statement, can you please quote the statements you consider racist?

edit.. the talk about trailer parks is a bit stereotypical... i mean, there are a lot of bogans out there but i dont believe they live in a caravan of any sort.. not in my area anyhoo.

oh yea and mish... totally agree with you - everyday in 1 way or another it does come up that i am psychologically torn between two cultures- often feeling like you dont fully belong in either culture coz you dont look white enough to be considered an aussie and not filo enough coz you dont speak fluent tagalog. if im with my cousins in philippines i REALLY feel like an outsider and while im at work im called the "asian/chinese/filo" teacher if the student doesnt know my name.

Edited by J_J
  • 13 years later...
Posted (edited)

Sadly Racism and bigotry are alive and well in some Toyota dealerships in Sydney. 

I was looking at our videos with my son on his ipad the other day and found an a religious conversion video targeting Muslims to convert to Christianity. This video and a lot of other material of a similar nature has been sent by a racist (hates Australians and Australia) and religious bigot Keith Christian (who styles himself as Zion) who works now for Phil Gilbert Toyota (previously also with Sydney City Toyota who sacked him for behavioural issues). 

Please see attached video and see if you find this kind of thing acceptable to send to customers. This behavior should not be tolerated by Toyota in Australia as I am sure it would it would not be in Japan. When will someone in Toyota Motors Australia and Phil Gilbert Toyota - do the right thing and stop the harassment by this man of my family????? 

Edited by Vance

I suggest that you get some legal advice and then persue this matter via the appropriate government agencies/ombudsman's offices. You may also be able to get a court restraining order against that individual to cease contacting your wife.

Also the video that you attached, I found to be quite acceptable. I have little interest in religions or politics but for others it is of extreme importance.

This is why talking of sports can be a safer conversation topic. Again there are the die hard tragic supporters for a particular sport and/or club and I applaud their enthusiasm. However, I am more interested in the essentials of life i.e. food, shelter, sex and driving my car. 

Guess you will not be buying any more vehicles from that salesman and others with the same underlying attitudes. 


  • 3 years later...
On 11/3/2021 at 6:43 AM, Vance said:

Sadly Racism and bigotry are alive and well in some Toyota dealerships in Sydney. 

I was looking at our videos with my son on his ipad the other day and found an a religious conversion video targeting Muslims to convert to Christianity. This video and a lot of other material of a similar nature has been sent by a racist (hates Australians and Australia) and religious bigot Keith Christian (who styles himself as Zion) who works now for Phil Gilbert Toyota (previously also with Sydney City Toyota who sacked him for behavioural issues). 

Please see attached video and see if you find this kind of thing acceptable to send to customers. This behavior should not be tolerated by Toyota in Australia as I am sure it would it would not be in Japan. When will someone in Toyota Motors Australia and Phil Gilbert Toyota - do the right thing and stop the harassment by this man of my family????? 


I found Ford dealerships were the worst by far for just being total jerks when trying to by a new Falcon. 

I came across 2 people an old woman who was great and a ex cop who was great and i bought my XG Falcon Longreach ute off him back in 7- 1993.

Worked on a Dealership owners house when the AU Falcons came out, he was a great bloke had this great speed boat as well at home. he said if you need a new car see his top man, so he introduced this dude. and we locked horns ! I pointed out that a V8 ute is mandatory LSD but he wanted me to pay extra for it, i said no way ! LSD is STD in V8 Commodore utes and no extra charge ! 


I bought a new car every 2ed year so it was no big deal to me getting a new car. i wanted value for money ! and as sure did not want to be ripped off ! 


But as to anyone playing the Race card, i could not care less, such means nothing to me at all. people will say and do the wrong thing by you day in day out in my school days and in working life ! My big brother would say, call me what you want ! but don't call me late for dinner ! 

When something cost you money, being taken for a ride by jerks, i do not like that at all but it's a day in day out thing in my job. people are trying to undermine you all the time ! and they clearly do not care less in fact no matter how Politicaly Correct they claim to be. that's all a outright farce ! 


A retired dude was saying to me at a meeting place for retired i go to, said they would call him Jew boy back in his school days, i said i could not care less what they called him ! he made a deal about such, look he does not care ! I said listen mate, i went to a new school out in the sticks and never said a word to anyone yet and they all wanted only to fight me !  mental retards ! it was a group of 50 of them. all they would say is come on c i will have ya come on.    

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