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Hi Guys...

Bit of a N00b Question... but anyways...

I put my red LED's in tonight and had scored myself a massive win untill i was putting the trim over gear knob and re connecting the wiring for the 12 volt ciggie lighter... and a little peice of metal disconnected fron inside and must have shorted it out...

so right now... none of the lights on the climate control work right now. and neither do my fog lights?

can anyone help me diagnose this? I assume its just a fuse .. but heheh i cant find the F'n Fuse bax to hunt it down.

If you know which fuse i have blown. I'd appreciate your help.

Muchos Grazias Amigos



some in the engine bay on the right hand side and the others are above the glove box (take the glove box out to get to it easier)

some in the engine bay on the right hand side and the others are above the glove box (take the glove box out to get to it easier)

thanks for that....

Any chance you might know or be able to tell me which fuse i should be looking at?


I've had like 3 x 15amp fuses blow up on me so far from doing stuff with my car.


ha nice work mate...lol

yeah i blew the same fuse playing with ciggie lighter etc...wondered why things werent working, radion climate control lights etc.....great location that fuse too...pull out glove box etc.....

I've had like 3 x 15amp fuses blow up on me so far from doing stuff with my car.

Haha I just blew two yesterday from putting in those Door Sills :lol:

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