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Interior Lights


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Hey guys,

Just got a new Aurion and have recently put NEONS through the interior. It looks great only problem is i had a thought of changing the interior light to match but it's got me stumped how to get to it. Looked in the manual but as usual no help there... Any idea's

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Using a small screwdriver as shown in the attached photos, you can "pop" the covers off the lights. With the centre dome light, there is another point on the opposite side of the switch in the same are as the one shown. You can even see the groove if you look carefully. If you have the sunroof and have the rear map lights, I can't really help you there. I think I heard about them being slightly more difficult, but I am yet to see that and judge it for myself. As for the door lights, that's a no-brainer. Just insert said screwdriver in any portion of the upper part of the light and lever out.

Excuse the over exposed photos. My digital camera is flat and my K850 has a tendency to over-expose with the flash.

dsc02563ti5.th.jpg dsc02566mk4.th.jpg dsc02569io3.th.jpg

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DJKOR: you need to be made the tech person for aurions... give up your day job and just give people advise about aurions!!! :lol:

seriously, after going through what you went through on your car, you know the car better than toyota i reckon! haha

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DJKOR: you need to be made the tech person for aurions... give up your day job and just give people advise about aurions!!! :lol:

seriously, after going through what you went through on your car, you know the car better than toyota i reckon! haha

Hehehe. Just the resulting knowledge of working on my own car I guess. Enjoying working on electronics helps as well when it comes to the electrics. I pretty much know everything in the cabin and cargo areas down to the body itself. The only sections of trim inside that I haven't taken out yet are the dash, the doors, and the roof liner. Those will be on a "needs only" basis. The doors would probably come soon if I wish to change my speakers. I haven't worked on the engine yet either. I've only gone as far as pulling out all the intake components, but that's about it. One day I'll get there.

It just amazes me though how easily the workers over at Toyota can assemble these cars. I've toured a Toyota plant in Nagoya, Japan and watching them put cars together on a production line, you would think it is quite simple. Speaking of which though, the one thing I love about Toyota's is how relatively easy they are to pull apart when you compare them to other cars such as Holden.

The good thing with this forum is that others have different needs with working on their car. Such example is JIN who was able to post his experience with removing the front and rear bumper. By having members post what they have done, you can build up all this information on working with the car. Now all we need is someone who to come along and work with the engine, then that should expand the knowledge available for the Aurion.

This is about as far as my knowledge of taking apart the interior goes:


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Thanks for that DJKOR... didn't realise that it was that easy :huh: .. One more question while we are on it coloured lights for the interior does anyone have fav's cause i tried a whole bucket of differnet types in my old car and just found they were way to dull!!! any suggestions???

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When it comes to the interior lights (dome, map, and door lights), I personally prefer white for functionality and cleanliness. If I want something more fancy and attention grabbing, I would add neons; my personal preference is blue. That's what I did in my old car. I was 18 at the time and it looked wicked. As well, I changed all my dash lights to blue LED's, but the Aurion already has a nice setup for that already.

Edit: I probably answered the wrong question there. If you are referring to the type of LED's, since you will be working with mostly T10 style, you should aim to get ones with as many LED's built into them as possible. I prefer the ones that consist of multiple surface mount (SMD) or high flux LED's. I usually get mine from eBay for convenience and for the selection. I would advise to steer away from Luxeon style ones (commonly described as 1Watt or greater LED's) as they have a tendency to burn out due to overheating.

Edited by DJKOR
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When it comes to the interior lights (dome, map, and door lights), I personally prefer white for functionality and cleanliness. If I want something more fancy and attention grabbing, I would add neons; my personal preference is blue. That's what I did in my old car. I was 18 at the time and it looked wicked. As well, I changed all my dash lights to blue LED's, but the Aurion already has a nice setup for that already.

Edit: I probably answered the wrong question there. If you are referring to the type of LED's, since you will be working with mostly T10 style, you should aim to get ones with as many LED's built into them as possible. I prefer the ones that consist of multiple surface mount (SMD) or high flux LED's. I usually get mine from eBay for convenience and for the selection. I would advise to steer away from Luxeon style ones (commonly described as 1Watt or greater LED's) as they have a tendency to burn out due to overheating.

Ok clarfication if i was to go on ebay a search like "T-10 style LED (RED)" would probebly get me a selection of what iam looking for. Sorry to sound lke a dumb ***** but I usually would just go to repco but they alreaduy gave me my marching orders :o To difficult to get!!!

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When it comes to the interior lights (dome, map, and door lights), I personally prefer white for functionality and cleanliness. If I want something more fancy and attention grabbing, I would add neons; my personal preference is blue. That's what I did in my old car. I was 18 at the time and it looked wicked. As well, I changed all my dash lights to blue LED's, but the Aurion already has a nice setup for that already.

Edit: I probably answered the wrong question there. If you are referring to the type of LED's, since you will be working with mostly T10 style, you should aim to get ones with as many LED's built into them as possible. I prefer the ones that consist of multiple surface mount (SMD) or high flux LED's. I usually get mine from eBay for convenience and for the selection. I would advise to steer away from Luxeon style ones (commonly described as 1Watt or greater LED's) as they have a tendency to burn out due to overheating.

Ok clarfication if i was to go on ebay a search like "T-10 style LED (RED)" would probebly get me a selection of what iam looking for. Sorry to sound lke a dumb ***** but I usually would just go to repco but they alreaduy gave me my marching orders :o To difficult to get!!!

Lucky you didn't buy from Repco/Super Cheap Auto. They sell LED's like the ones in the first two pictures below. Those ones are insanely dim. Keyring lights are brighter than those. Ideally, you will want ones that are similar to the one in the third picture below. If you want to search eBay, use a parameter such as "T10 LED SMD" or "T10 LED refractor". The red ones are a bit more limited than colours such as white or blue.

A little warning though. The "SMD" parameter may turn up the 1W LED's such as the one shown in the fourth picture. Stay clear of those because even if they look bright... and they really are; they burn out rather quickly.

01sk7.th.jpg 02fw4.th.jpg 03po9.th.jpg 04at7.th.jpg

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anyone know what the boot light uses? that light in the boot does nothing i sware.. wanna to get it replaced asap

Just a single 5W T10 bulb. Quite pathetic eh?

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Could you please take photos of you boot LED lights set up?


Nothing too it really, but here are some photos of how mine is set up. I didn't even cut the 2 metres of power cable that it came with. I just tucked it into one of the spaces there in the boot (you can see where in the fifth photo). All I needed was a couple of crimp connectors and a 1.5mm drill bit to drill two pilot holes for the screws. With 21 LED's that cover a good length of the boot, this is one useful light to have.

Jaycar - 12VDC Flexible 21 LED Lights

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So i take it from the pics you drew your power from the light straight from the existing one???

Could you please take photos of you boot LED lights set up?


Nothing too it really, but here are some photos of how mine is set up. I didn't even cut the 2 metres of power cable that it came with. I just tucked it into one of the spaces there in the boot (you can see where in the fifth photo). All I needed was a couple of crimp connectors and a 1.5mm drill bit to drill two pilot holes for the screws. With 21 LED's that cover a good length of the boot, this is one useful light to have.

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So i take it from the pics you drew your power from the light straight from the existing one???

Sure did. With two thin spade crimp connectors, there was no need to cut into any existing wiring. Should I need to return the light back to normal; just unplug the LED light and insert a T10 bulb into the lamp base.

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OK got the goodies from Jaycar...

Did the installation, managed to blow a fuse in the process haha...

I did something different,

Instead of drilling holes I tighten tube with fasteners

Instead of using crimps and connectors, I just unplug the T10 lamp base and use the exposed wire and plug it straight into the connector that used to connect the T10 lamp base... and hid all the wires in the steel gaps...

Results looks slightly amateurish but saved me from any drillings and cutting of wires...


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Instead of using crimps and connectors, I just unplug the T10 lamp base and use the exposed wire and plug it straight into the connector that used to connect the T10 lamp base... and hid all the wires in the steel gaps...

That's how I did mine at first. Except I plugged into the connector using the crimp spade terminals (got all kinds of electrical stuff because of my industry). That method provided the most secure connection. I am a really picky person though and I couldn't stand having a gap in the position where the bulb holder goes so I put the holder back in and shove the spade terminals into that. Even if it could never really be seen, I couldn't stand the though of it being out of place.

Speaking of fuses; man those miniature fuses the Aurion uses are something different. I have a blown fuse, which was there when I got the car, so I borrowed one form the spares in the engine fuse box. What annoys me though is the size of the fuses. Now I have seen blade fuses and mini blade fuses, but what on earth does the Aurion use. It's like a micro blade fuse and personally, I have not come across those fuses ever before. Everyone only really stocks the blade and mini blade fuses. I guess I will stop in at Toyota and talk to them about it. Unless one of you guys have seen them before and could suggest where to find some.

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Yeap yours is the most complete mod, but yeah I will just put electrical tape and wrap it around and I'm a happy lad lol...

Coz I'm bad with the crimp tool... lol

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  • 1 year later...

I'm about to buy LEDs to replace the interior lights, though i opened up the dome light and the map reading light and they appear to have different bulbs. The dome light has one with connectors either end and the map light only connects on one end. I'm looking at those 5SMD LEDs, but will they fit in the dome?

I havent opened up the door lights yet, but I'm assuming they're the same as the map lights.

So I'm looking at buying 4 SMD Leds (map lights + doors) but i dont know what to buy for the dome. And one other thing, will i have to cut any wires or is installation as simple as plug and play?


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I'm about to buy LEDs to replace the interior lights, though i opened up the dome light and the map reading light and they appear to have different bulbs. The dome light has one with connectors either end and the map light only connects on one end. I'm looking at those 5SMD LEDs, but will they fit in the dome?

I havent opened up the door lights yet, but I'm assuming they're the same as the map lights.

So I'm looking at buying 4 SMD Leds (map lights + doors) but i dont know what to buy for the dome. And one other thing, will i have to cut any wires or is installation as simple as plug and play?


the dome use Festoon 3175 bulb. just plug and play. try it on ebay.

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Using a small screwdriver as shown in the attached photos, you can "pop" the covers off the lights. With the centre dome light, there is another point on the opposite side of the switch in the same are as the one shown. You can even see the groove if you look carefully. If you have the sunroof and have the rear map lights, I can't really help you there. I think I heard about them being slightly more difficult, but I am yet to see that and judge it for myself. As for the door lights, that's a no-brainer. Just insert said screwdriver in any portion of the upper part of the light and lever out.

Excuse the over exposed photos. My digital camera is flat and my K850 has a tendency to over-expose with the flash.

dsc02563ti5.th.jpg dsc02566mk4.th.jpg dsc02569io3.th.jpg

hi DJKOR, do you know what bulb is use behind the button on the steering wheel. is it use T5? because i feel it is too dark to see the button on my steering wheel.


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I'm about to buy LEDs to replace the interior lights, though i opened up the dome light and the map reading light and they appear to have different bulbs. The dome light has one with connectors either end and the map light only connects on one end. I'm looking at those 5SMD LEDs, but will they fit in the dome?

I havent opened up the door lights yet, but I'm assuming they're the same as the map lights.

So I'm looking at buying 4 SMD Leds (map lights + doors) but i dont know what to buy for the dome. And one other thing, will i have to cut any wires or is installation as simple as plug and play?

One of the links I have in the FAQ will lead you here:

LED and HID and Kangaroos". There you will find the answer:

If you don't have the moonroof, your dome light uses a 31mm festoon bulb and you can easily get festoon LED replacements off eBay as well. You can go to other online LED stores, but eBay is the most convenient I find.

Although, a more useful answer of mine would be:

How much you spend all up replacing the interior and the parkers?

I wanna probably use a different LED shape than yours... got a place where they give you the size of the festoon? I dont wanna buy it and ended up not able to plug it in coz its too big..!!!

I spent a total of $25 for all my T10 LED's (parkers, door lights, map lights), $29.95 on the main dome light (
), and $24.95 on the light in the boot(

For the festoon style bulbs, Jaycar has them but they are a bit more pricey. As well, there is a limit as to how bright those festoon style replacements get. That's why I used the one that I have linked above. It comes with a fitting that allows you to put it into a festoon style base. This is a picture of my dome light setup and boot light.



hi DJKOR, do you know what bulb is use behind the button on the steering wheel. is it use T5? because i feel it is too dark to see the button on my steering wheel.


They are surface mount LED's. You'll need a soldering iron if you want to change them.

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Sorry, I could only find the thread about changing number plate lights in the FAQ and the parker to LED conversion.

I'll probably be getting a single festoon and just a pair of LED to change the map reading lights but ill keep the doors the way they are now.

Although, one other thing, does anyone know if it is possible to make the map reading lights light up along with the dome light when the doors are opened?

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Sorry, I could only find the thread about changing number plate lights in the FAQ and the parker to LED conversion.

That's alright. I guess everyone searces differently. In the FAQ, I have the link to the thread "LED and HID and Kangaroos". There you will find the answer:

If you don't have the moonroof, your dome light uses a 31mm festoon bulb and you can easily get festoon LED replacements off eBay as well. You can go to other online LED stores, but eBay is the most convenient I find.

Although, one other thing, does anyone know if it is possible to make the map reading lights light up along with the dome light when the doors are opened?

Yes it is quite possible. You simply wire the map lights in parallel with the dome light with a diode in between. Only issue is that even if you turn the dome light to off, the map lights will always come on when you open the doors. You can get around this by integrating a switch if you can find somewhere to cleanly mount it.

There are quite a few ways you could make this all happen if you really wanted to.

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What do you think would be the simplest way to get it done? I would have trouble accessing the wires to do so, although im considering putting a switch between the two map lights if it is possible

The way I would do it is to remove both the front map lights and the dome light firstly. Then tap into the dome light wiring and extend some wires forward to the front. Then put a diode in line (to prevent the map lights from turning on the dome lights), and then a switch to override it, and then connect the extended wires directly to the map lights. That would do it. It is quite simple to access both lights as well.

P.S. I edited my post from a few posts up. Contains my better answers.

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