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Meow! Get ready for a 'lil action.

Last year we established that the current Corolla is the Hottest Corolla Ever. This year, we're taking that message to it's next natural progression. Not only is the Corolla "hot looking" (because it is), but it's also packed with features, inside and out. To reach the elusive 25-34 year old market we've developed a campaign that's bold exciting and unexpected. And most importantly, it cuts through.

The first part of this campaign to go live is the microsite. Dynamic, and styled like an action comic, it has instant visual appeal (just like the Corolla). What's more it incorporates downloads, and carries our message through many places online, where we know this audience spends their time. Places like Facebook, You Tube, Del.ici.ous, and Digg. All of this designed to immediately appeal to a younger audience- an audience that may not have looked at the Corolla in a "cutting-edge" way before. Visit www.corolla.com.au and begin to see what all the fur-flinging commotion is about...


Coming soon...

Our new Corolla TVC purrs onto screens from Sunday November 9.

First print execution hits newsstands tomorrow (5 November) - Attached below FYI


oh wow this site is mad! Reminds me so much of Heroes! :D

Meow! Get ready for a 'lil action.

Last year we established that the current Corolla is the Hottest Corolla Ever. This year, we're taking that message to it's next natural progression. Not only is the Corolla "hot looking" (because it is), but it's also packed with features, inside and out. To reach the elusive 25-34 year old market we've developed a campaign that's bold exciting and unexpected. And most importantly, it cuts through.

The first part of this campaign to go live is the microsite. Dynamic, and styled like an action comic, it has instant visual appeal (just like the Corolla). What's more it incorporates downloads, and carries our message through many places online, where we know this audience spends their time. Places like Facebook, You Tube, Del.ici.ous, and Digg. All of this designed to immediately appeal to a younger audience- an audience that may not have looked at the Corolla in a "cutting-edge" way before. Visit www.corolla.com.au and begin to see what all the fur-flinging commotion is about...


Coming soon...

Our new Corolla TVC purrs onto screens from Sunday November 9.

First print execution hits newsstands tomorrow (5 November) - Attached below FYI

I would have thought that this campaign was planned in the early stages and to have been launched as part of the avaliabilty of stability control which was due for release sometime this year, but still no word, so i guess its a new refreshed campaign for the Corolla, but nothing like new features etc. If you also take note of the interactive "more features" section, try to decipher what all the symbols are trying to tell about the safety and cruise packs "only avaliable on the Ascent/Levin SX models", but it may be fixed soon.


I remember seeing that hottest corolla ever ad and thought, wow what have they done, salivating at the prospect of indeed this car being the hottest corolla ever.

I reckon the old 1988 Corolla SX with 88kw from its 4AGE is hotter than the stylish (i still think it's a prettier car than the old models) but ultimately slow new corolla.

It's a gorgeous car, someone in toyota grow some balls and do something with it. No one cares about websites when you got a 2ZZ under the bonnet.



What Toyota Australia did last year was go around and hit each individual employee from their marketing department in the head with a giant hammer made of **** (from the perspective of past and current Sportivo owners). Stylish perhaps, hottest no.

Factory wise, Toyota Europe have what is the most likely candidate for that crown, which is the Compressor.

TRD or no TRD, Toyota Australia don't really give a **** about the performance market. They got it right with the Aurion, then just went back to their usual docile selves.


Saw the add on Tv and don't get the cat heads thing, unless of course this all results in the release of a turbo or super (or both - re. VW) charged model with a cat name it doesn't make any sense


Saw the ad last night did not know it was for a car till the end . .Also could not understand the cat heads.

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