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bloody pucking black magna keep tailgating me today..bloody car infront was so slow n there was no where i can go..its not like i can fly over the car..bloody pucking idiots

joined! :D

bloody pucking black magna keep tailgating me today..bloody car infront was so slow n there was no where i can go..its not like i can fly over the car..bloody pucking idiots

LOL.... u can start writing that in FB jeremy... LOL :)

anyway.. i joined the group... hehe :)

joined! :D

bloody pucking black magna keep tailgating me today..bloody car infront was so slow n there was no where i can go..its not like i can fly over the car..bloody pucking idiots

if i were u, i drive slow, and make sure he cant go pass me ;) for just like 30 sec and quickly drive away..

actually i do tailgate ppl too when they drive slow and it works to 'make them move', if it doesnt work, next is horning.. mayb someone should teach them to keep left when driving and give way to us :)

joined! :D

bloody pucking black magna keep tailgating me today..bloody car infront was so slow n there was no where i can go..its not like i can fly over the car..bloody pucking idiots

if i were u, i drive slow, and make sure he cant go pass me ;) for just like 30 sec and quickly drive away..

actually i do tailgate ppl too when they drive slow and it works to 'make them move', if it doesnt work, next is horning.. mayb someone should teach them to keep left when driving and give way to us :)

:P ppl tail gate me i usually slow down n make them overtake me..then i tail gate them back :D

but i had no place to go.. :( traffic n stuff.. i was stuck.. >.<


I spat molten tar on to the windscreen of a 121 at a set of lights. Before, she was that far up my ***** it wasn't funny. So she got a smoke show.


Pretty much everybody in Melbourne speeds, it seems. I might be sitting on 100 on the freeway (or 80 in some areas), yet there's no shortage of cnuts (usually yobbos in commodores, bitches in lancers/excels or ****** truckies) who enjoy getting right up my *****. When I refuse to speed they pull out and give me 'the stare' before fanging off ahead. The problem isn't with my car, I just got a new speed sensor and tyres and tested it against another vehicle.

Morale: You'd have to be a real d!ckhead to treat people like that.

actually i do tailgate ppl too when they drive slow and it works to 'make them move', if it doesnt work, next is horning.. mayb someone should teach them to keep left when driving and give way to us :)

There's always the safer and more polite option of overtaking, too. So long as someone is doing a reasonable proportion of the speed limit (which is just that), there's no need to be like that. Just chill.


The other day I was fanging along, 3/4 full tin of mother in the centre console, this old ***** she jumps on the anchors for a car slowing down 20 metres up the road, so I ******en hit the skids and as per usual with the extremely large cup holder things in the stivo I get a centre console full of sticky *****, stupid *****...


i say this to my misses and mates, if they can afford to tail gate you, they can afford to pay your excess. i love tail gaters, i go 5kms slower, and when they go past me, i speed up.

if theres a slow person infront of me, i just drive with my highbeams on, and give them a honk,

i say this to my misses and mates, if they can afford to tail gate you, they can afford to pay your excess. i love tail gaters, i go 5kms slower, and when they go past me, i speed up.

if theres a slow person infront of me, i just drive with my highbeams on, and give them a honk,

this is when 12000k HID comes in very HANDY


I always throw in a good ol fashioned "DRIVE THE FUKEN THING!" for good measure too


Getting tail gated is uber annoying. So I slow down. Then when they come to over take, just speed up and box them in. It gives me great entertainment! :D

Or... baiting them into getting a speeding ticket is most rewarding! i.e. IF you know the roads better than they do. MUHAHAHA

Getting tail gated is uber annoying. So I slow down. Then when they come to over take, just speed up and box them in. It gives me great entertainment! :D

Or... baiting them into getting a speeding ticket is most rewarding! i.e. IF you know the roads better than they do. MUHAHAHA

now thats evil but i LIKE xD


no one like puckin obeys the road regulations n all ey.. on a 70 zone..i almost drive 80+ everytime..u`d think i`ll be the one zoomin past everyone n stuff cos im travellin 10k`s on top..but noooo...everyone zooms past me..my gawd..i have no idea how fast those ppl go..but its good in a way..they go fast n i go faster :D so they`re my speed cam detector..

but seriously..those ppl drive damn fast..esp those family..4wds..ppl who u wouldnt expect..


once i got tailgated by a p plater in a golf, i slammed my brakes for half a second before speeding off again, should have seen his face, haha priceless.. :)


What annoys me most is that when people tail you and you obviously have nowhere to go (ie. you're stuck behind slow cars yourself). I especially love it though when the idiot tailing behind you sees some empty space in the left lane and cuts into there and accelerates to a few cars ahead only to realise there is no room to move back in. Then I accelerate up so they have no room to move in, and then like to adjust speed so any cars behind me now block that car out and they end up further back in the line.

And like RME1 said, it's hell fun when you can make them become agitated then speed past a speed camera or unmarked. The one thing I love to do as well to those that tail badly is press on the brakes very lightly then accelerate off. You can actually press it lightly so that the brake lights come on, but the brakes don't. Really fun to see them get a shock as you accelerate off.

What annoys me most is that when people tail you and you obviously have nowhere to go (ie. you're stuck behind slow cars yourself). I especially love it though when the idiot tailing behind you sees some empty space in the left lane and cuts into there and accelerates to a few cars ahead only to realise there is no room to move back in. Then I accelerate up so they have no room to move in, and then like to adjust speed so any cars behind me now block that car out and they end up further back in the line.

And like RME1 said, it's hell fun when you can make them become agitated then speed past a speed camera or unmarked. The one thing I love to do as well to those that tail badly is press on the brakes very lightly then accelerate off. You can actually press it lightly so that the brake lights come on, but the brakes don't. Really fun to see them get a shock as you accelerate off.

I am TEMPTED to make a switch that will turn on your brake lights without you tapping on the brakes.. sorta like a press button switch.. they tail gate.. you press on it :D.. see the expression on their face..

What annoys me most is that when people tail you and you obviously have nowhere to go (ie. you're stuck behind slow cars yourself). I especially love it though when the idiot tailing behind you sees some empty space in the left lane and cuts into there and accelerates to a few cars ahead only to realise there is no room to move back in. Then I accelerate up so they have no room to move in, and then like to adjust speed so any cars behind me now block that car out and they end up further back in the line.

And like RME1 said, it's hell fun when you can make them become agitated then speed past a speed camera or unmarked. The one thing I love to do as well to those that tail badly is press on the brakes very lightly then accelerate off. You can actually press it lightly so that the brake lights come on, but the brakes don't. Really fun to see them get a shock as you accelerate off.

I am TEMPTED to make a switch that will turn on your brake lights without you tapping on the brakes.. sorta like a press button switch.. they tail gate.. you press on it :D.. see the expression on their face..

Most of the time, even resting your foot on the brake pedal will make your brake lights turn on without even engaging the brakes. If I'm getting tailgated, I move out of the way and let them pass. I don't care if they are being ******wits, they can be a ******wit to another car - having my car written off and months of paperwork and legalities isn't worth the satisfaction of causing a crash.

Posted (edited)

Speaking of which, I was coming off Kwinana Freeway onto Hay St exit when this grandpa decided to drive at 40kph where people are coming out of a freeway driving 80. Naturally I went to the outler lane on the right and drove past him, and just as I was about to pass him decided to try pulling out. Obviously I honked the poor old man telling him I'm pretty much right next to him.

He goes and starts flashing his lights behind at me and decides to follow me. Comes right up my car, pulls his mobile phone out and takes a picture of my license plate. I turned around and looked at him, he ****s himself and reverses. The decides to go to the right hand lane and speeds off turning right.

Seriously people over 60 should need to do a license test every 2 years, and if they're over 70 it should be every year.

It is ridiculous these people can manage to drive when they can barely walk. Thinking they own the road because they've had their license longer than your average driver on the road, to which I'd like to say, it doesn't mean sh!t.

/end rant.

Edited by Jaaassseeee
Speaking of which, I was coming off Kwinana Freeway onto Hay St exit when this grandpa decided to drive at 40kph where people are coming out of a freeway driving 80. Naturally I went to the outler lane on the right and drove past him, and just as I was about to pass him decided to try pulling out. Obviously I honked the poor old man telling him I'm pretty much right next to him.

He goes and starts flashing his lights behind at me and decides to follow me. Comes right up my car, pulls his mobile phone out and takes a picture of my license plate. I turned around and looked at him, he ****s himself and reverses. The decides to go to the right hand lane and speeds off turning right.

Seriously people over 60 should need to do a license test every 2 years, and if they're over 70 it should be every year.

It is ridiculous these people can manage to drive when they can barely walk. Thinking they own the road because they've had their license longer than your average driver on the road, to which I'd like to say, it doesn't mean sh!t.

/end rant.

HAHAAHHAHAHA! he takes a pic of ur license plate? he thinks hes a G 0d is it? LOL... he cant do much... .go ahead take your license plate... he cant do anything... sif like cops gonna beleive him! LOL....

doesnt even have enuf evidence.... Plus if cops contact you, you will tell the real story and hes gone! LOL...

anyway... its just funny how he takes his phone and takes ur license plate! LOL

Speaking of which, I was coming off Kwinana Freeway onto Hay St exit when this grandpa decided to drive at 40kph where people are coming out of a freeway driving 80. Naturally I went to the outler lane on the right and drove past him, and just as I was about to pass him decided to try pulling out. Obviously I honked the poor old man telling him I'm pretty much right next to him.

He goes and starts flashing his lights behind at me and decides to follow me. Comes right up my car, pulls his mobile phone out and takes a picture of my license plate. I turned around and looked at him, he ****s himself and reverses. The decides to go to the right hand lane and speeds off turning right.

Seriously people over 60 should need to do a license test every 2 years, and if they're over 70 it should be every year.

It is ridiculous these people can manage to drive when they can barely walk. Thinking they own the road because they've had their license longer than your average driver on the road, to which I'd like to say, it doesn't mean sh!t.

/end rant.

HAHAAHHAHAHA! he takes a pic of ur license plate? he thinks hes a G 0d is it? LOL... he cant do much... .go ahead take your license plate... he cant do anything... sif like cops gonna beleive him! LOL....

doesnt even have enuf evidence.... Plus if cops contact you, you will tell the real story and hes gone! LOL...

anyway... its just funny how he takes his phone and takes ur license plate! LOL

u sure it wasnt a toy phone??

Speaking of which, I was coming off Kwinana Freeway onto Hay St exit when this grandpa decided to drive at 40kph where people are coming out of a freeway driving 80. Naturally I went to the outler lane on the right and drove past him, and just as I was about to pass him decided to try pulling out. Obviously I honked the poor old man telling him I'm pretty much right next to him.

He goes and starts flashing his lights behind at me and decides to follow me. Comes right up my car, pulls his mobile phone out and takes a picture of my license plate. I turned around and looked at him, he ****s himself and reverses. The decides to go to the right hand lane and speeds off turning right.

Seriously people over 60 should need to do a license test every 2 years, and if they're over 70 it should be every year.

It is ridiculous these people can manage to drive when they can barely walk. Thinking they own the road because they've had their license longer than your average driver on the road, to which I'd like to say, it doesn't mean sh!t.

/end rant.

HAHAAHHAHAHA! he takes a pic of ur license plate? he thinks hes a G 0d is it? LOL... he cant do much... .go ahead take your license plate... he cant do anything... sif like cops gonna beleive him! LOL....

doesnt even have enuf evidence.... Plus if cops contact you, you will tell the real story and hes gone! LOL...

anyway... its just funny how he takes his phone and takes ur license plate! LOL

u sure it wasnt a toy phone??

Could have been his hearing aid.

Speaking of which, I was coming off Kwinana Freeway onto Hay St exit when this grandpa decided to drive at 40kph where people are coming out of a freeway driving 80. Naturally I went to the outler lane on the right and drove past him, and just as I was about to pass him decided to try pulling out. Obviously I honked the poor old man telling him I'm pretty much right next to him.

He goes and starts flashing his lights behind at me and decides to follow me. Comes right up my car, pulls his mobile phone out and takes a picture of my license plate. I turned around and looked at him, he ****s himself and reverses. The decides to go to the right hand lane and speeds off turning right.

Seriously people over 60 should need to do a license test every 2 years, and if they're over 70 it should be every year.

It is ridiculous these people can manage to drive when they can barely walk. Thinking they own the road because they've had their license longer than your average driver on the road, to which I'd like to say, it doesn't mean sh!t.

/end rant.

HAHAAHHAHAHA! he takes a pic of ur license plate? he thinks hes a G 0d is it? LOL... he cant do much... .go ahead take your license plate... he cant do anything... sif like cops gonna beleive him! LOL....

doesnt even have enuf evidence.... Plus if cops contact you, you will tell the real story and hes gone! LOL...

anyway... its just funny how he takes his phone and takes ur license plate! LOL

u sure it wasnt a toy phone??

Could have been his hearing aid.

HAHAHHAH! to hear whether u swear at him... or u have over horned him! LOL! thats just hilarious! ROFL


i am really interested to look at survey to compare between the history/chances of getting into an accident of young(<30) and old people(>60).

not tat i dont agree with some old people's driving, but just curious.

Today along a 3 lane road, usual speed limit is 80, and due to small road work, the limit was put at 60. The situation is where there is no one seems to be at work, and there is only 5 cars including me on the road.

2 cars in front of me, keep at speed of 70-80, the car behind me did the same. While the old man driving a 1999 mercedes driving on the 3rd lane, seeing the sign, brakes down straight to 60, and unluckily i was behind, with the truck behind me soooo close when i looked into my mirrow...

Yes, no accident happen.. Yes, he is doing the right thing, but fuk, everyone is driving at 80, and he is at the outer lane!! Move your ****...

By the way, for those in Vic, do you guys notice that truck drivers bcoming much more scary nowadays? They tailgate people, they horn... and Some are huge!! and the old man in front driving a small barina has no idea that he might be squash into smash potato sooner or later if he didnt give way..

I always make sure i m not in the way of trucks along monash fwy near toorak or st kilda exit or after kings, they are either late in schedule or they are just frustrated with getting up early and stuck in traffics...

but, if u hv your license, u can drive, nothing we can do about it.. No one cares UNTIL something happens..

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