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Warning: R34 Police Car. PERTH

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Actually, it's quite ironic that police coax ppl into breaking the law in an effort to stop ppl from breaking the law.

I would love for an official law enforcer to explain that one to me. Go on, just try it... :lol:

I'll try... B)

They don't coax you into doing it per se - making someone perform an act that they might not have under other circumstances is entrapment, which is illegal in Australia.

Instead, they give you the chance not to commit the act. For instance, when someone revs their engine at the lights, you are not forced to race them.

Same with the police car - if you don't take the bait, they won't pull you over.

If you are stupid enough to take the bait, then the argument is that you would have done so even if the police were not driving. This is proven by the fact that you didn't actually know it was the police... you assumed it was a 'normal' driver, and therefore have displayed a general propensity or intent to commit such an offence, and did in fact commit an offence.

Seems fair enough to me.

That's all fine based on the standing engine rev at the lights option. But what about at night when an unmarked performance car flies up behind you and tailgates you, and then drives up beside you, and then back behind you again, doing this in a seemingly harassing fashion??? This has happened to me a few times before, and I wouldn't have clue if it was police (except 2 times it was police) or someone trying to car-jack me or what? Police use force just short of nudging your car with theirs at times, an in effort to make you do something wrong. I believe you can try and justify their actions, but there is a line, and I've personally seen it crossed more than once.


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I have been followed numerous times (more than 7) for no apparent reason and pulled over aswell (i later found out that the previous owner lost their licence), they always followed me for a couple of kilometers and then pull me over, one of em was a high performance car, but it was dark and i really didnt believe my friend, and the rear window tint is slightly blury. Anyone else get that nervous feeling when they follow you for ages, and you thing you did something wrong?

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That's all fine based on the standing engine rev at the lights option. But what about at night when an unmarked performance car flies up behind you and tailgates you, and then drives up beside you, and then back behind you again, doing this in a seemingly harassing fashion??? This has happened to me a few times before, and I wouldn't have clue if it was police (except 2 times it was police) or someone trying to car-jack me or what? Police use force just short of nudging your car with theirs at times, an in effort to make you do something wrong. I believe you can try and justify their actions, but there is a line, and I've personally seen it crossed more than once.


I personally agree with you - that constitutes harassment.

May I ask a) What was your driving response to the tailgating?

and b ) What were the final outcomes of your 2 encounters?

Edited by Leroy
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That's all fine based on the standing engine rev at the lights option. But what about at night when an unmarked performance car flies up behind you and tailgates you, and then drives up beside you, and then back behind you again, doing this in a seemingly harassing fashion??? This has happened to me a few times before, and I wouldn't have clue if it was police (except 2 times it was police) or someone trying to car-jack me or what? Police use force just short of nudging your car with theirs at times, an in effort to make you do something wrong. I believe you can try and justify their actions, but there is a line, and I've personally seen it crossed more than once.


I personally agree with you - that constitutes harassment.

May I ask a) What was your driving response to the tailgating?

and b ) What were the final outcomes of your 2 encounters?

Hi Leroy,

The first time I was being tailgated at night in my 1999 CSX Camry on a HWY (100kph), and then I came up to a "work zone" (just a sign, not workers or evidence of work) that was signposted at 80kph for some 100m. But because I had a car on my left driving maybe ~1kph less than me, and this car up my arse, I felt it would be safer just to cruise through the "work zone" at the normal speed limit, as this guy was making me nervous enough already without me slowing down in front of him...

By the time I passed the car on my left and was able to move over, I was out of the "work zone". I then gestured for the guy to go past me (since he seemed to be in such a hurry), but he then stayed in my blind spot for some reason (that's how close he was!). By this time I was well and truly worried, as he had driven up behind me so fast initially. The HWY then became 3 lanes at this point, and the guy dropped back behind the car that was now behind me and flew up around on the left of me, now I was scared! It wasn't until then that he flashed blue lights out of his dashboard.

The guy pulled me up, and was verbally abusive. By this time I was utterly lost for words and couldn't even really think properly enough to string a coherent sentence together. End of story, He booked me for doing 20kph over the limit, by virtue of his harassment.

The next time was many years later in broad daylight when I was driving back from NSW in my 2002 323 Astina. Now to give you an idea of how fast this guy was going, I regularly check my mirrors and gauges when I drive. This guy in a HWY pursuit car just appeared in my rearview mirror, and was so close I could not see his headlights. He sat there for a good minute, which in itself was a huge distraction from watching the road, as I spent every 2nd moment looking at him wondering WTF is going on?!

This guy flew out beside me and took off so fast it was amazing. 2 minutes later I passed him having pulled someone else up, presumably by pulling the same caper on this guy that he did on me... I guess I passed the pressure test hey? At least this time I wasn't fined as there was no change in speed limit. Oh, I have encountered this guy pulling the same tricks on 2 separate occasions. At least the 2nd time I knew what he was about.

Now, you tell me that is not entrapment? Both times I thought I was being targeted by a madman, even the 2nd time when knowing it was a cop! I'm sure the same or worse has happened to other ppl. I wouldn't blame anyone for responding in what would be considered otherwise a reckless manner with this sort of treatment...

Cheers, Gav.

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i got a police officer slightly in trouble cause he swore at me for no apparent reason, told me to slow down faster and called me a blank head at a police check up road block thingy, even though the signs arnt up, lights on or any officers directing on the road, what i did and was told to do by my law lecture dude is to grab his police number and name, where you were "assaulted" and the police number and name of the officer spearheading the operation. wrote a complaint to the police office place (the big one near the city next to that funky abandon prison museum. Got a letter back about them having to deal with it and will look into it (which i doubt they will.... "police culture, they support each other and dont dob eachother in, [criminology culture study])

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I sometime take off at the lights but ease on the throttle after hitting the speed limit like 80kmph on highways and just cruise. By then I would have hit LIFT in 1st and almost LIFT in 2nd.

Does that constitute a fine? No wheel spinning of course, you loose precious time that way :lol:

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I sometime take off at the lights but ease on the throttle after hitting the speed limit like 80kmph on highways and just cruise. By then I would have hit LIFT in 1st and almost LIFT in 2nd.

Does that constitute a fine? No wheel spinning of course, you loose precious time that way :lol:

If there is a car next to you at the time you do that, it constitutes "hooning", and then you're really farked if you get tarnished with that brush, and there is no way out of it. It doesn't matter if you spin the wheels or not...


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I do that sometimes in my small paseo 1.5L with an large audio system that has a mass of a little truck, i just get followed a bit and either get pulled over (i onyl had the car for 1 year and have been pulled over and checked more times that i can count, even if i removed my chrom spinners, it was used as a joke and provked rices to ride next to me and "audio duel" or rev their engine). but i asked a few of my police mates and they just say make up an excuse, common one is that im testing out my engine cause i heard some rattling and i wanna stop it. as long as you dont make too much noise whilst past 10 or 9pm (noise pollution, same thing as car audio, yes if you can hear it 10m away from your car and its pretty loud then you get noise pollution), shoot up smoke or endanger people's lives then its okay, accordign to 2 of my cop friends, but you could get something for endangering people's lives, its really depending of the cop you get.

Like they say in my course at uni "criminology, making criminals better" and "It all depends on the cop's mood is depending on what route of the criminal justice system your going down"

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Traffic cops are generally always abusive one way or another. I've had one walking around my car trying to defect me (which he couldn't, aha!), and was slamming my car doors, one time just hitting me on the side of my head as he did it...! Since traffic caps do record their conversation with you, if their conduct is beyond what you would constitute as being appropriate while your's is, I suggest making a gentle statement to that nature for his recording device to pick up...


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Traffic cops are generally always abusive one way or another. I've had one walking around my car trying to defect me (which he couldn't, aha!), and was slamming my car doors, one time just hitting me on the side of my head as he did it...! Since traffic caps do record their conversation with you, if their conduct is beyond what you would constitute as being appropriate while your's is, I suggest making a gentle statement to that nature for his recording device to pick up...


Also, asking for there badge number after they have been a total ***** gets em worked up and a bit scared too, they HAVE to give it too you too...

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ive seen an unmarked cop car cut across another car in order to slow them down. they used the same maneouvre (harassing the other driver until they try to speed off). he didnt flash his lights or anything, just swerved into the lane of the other car forcing it to plough through the grass. i think it was completely unnecessary as most drivers would pull over when lights are flashed without having to cut across them in such a dangerous manner.

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they r tryin to cut down on all the hoon behaviour by us youngens...i saw an unmarked ford falcon gt-p with green plates driven by a copper...he pulled over a pulsar 2oo...my guess is they rock up 2 the lights and becoz their cars have 20 percent tints on em, u can see a thing! so must p-platers think its a p-plater with a hot ride..i call em bait cops :P

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Today I saw a black WRX Wagon (New style ones) with a huge f-off exhaust. Funnily enough, it was driven by the local authority enforcers!

Really though, if you're driving and you see a car like this and can't tell it's a blueboy then u can't blame anyone else if you got pulled over for doing silly stuff. They stick out like a sore thumb with its antennas that resemble something like a spaceship.

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but i asked a few of my police mates and they just say make up an excuse, common one is that im testing out my engine cause i heard some rattling and i wanna stop it.

haha a mate of mine from work pulled that one whilst in a rodeo with an unenclosed pod where its headlight should have been

'im just road testing it, i think my tailshaft is cracking'

they let him go without any further hassle

...he doesnt have a licence.

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last night driving back from work i had to stop at an rbt ><! police said my licence was for red p's not green ><! and he told me me to park me car further up and lift my hood.

long story short 20 mins later my licence was given bacl and i was on my way... got home at 11:( 20 mins pulled over for no reason!

Edited by Ascendant Rice
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I could of sworn I saw an undercover civic type R this arvo today as well, on that poofter that goes from Fremantle and turns into the greatern eastern highway :unsure:

Was it near the KFC in Melville? My friend is a cop and he drives a CTR.

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I could of sworn I saw an undercover civic type R this arvo today as well, on that poofter that goes from Fremantle and turns into the greatern eastern highway :unsure:

Was it near the KFC in Melville? My friend is a cop and he drives a CTR.

u just blew his cover xD there goes his effort xD

ahhahahah jk :P

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I could of sworn I saw an undercover civic type R this arvo today as well, on that poofter that goes from Fremantle and turns into the greatern eastern highway :unsure:

Was it near the KFC in Melville? My friend is a cop and he drives a CTR.

u just blew his cover xD there goes his effort xD

ahhahahah jk :P


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haha! just saw a unmarked VW R32 or waht ver number it is a grey one on the M1 south bound near movie world on the gold coast! sneaky f@#kers lol

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I could of sworn I saw an undercover civic type R this arvo today as well, on that poofter that goes from Fremantle and turns into the greatern eastern highway :unsure:

Was it near the KFC in Melville? My friend is a cop and he drives a CTR.

u just blew his cover xD there goes his effort xD

ahhahahah jk :P


That's he's own car though, not police issue!

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there is a green and a dark blue XR6T arounf my areas both with green p"s and are cops lol

i watched the green one race a ute then proced to pull him over

if the cops race they should get fined too

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there is a green and a dark blue XR6T arounf my areas both with green p"s and are cops lol

i watched the green one race a ute then proced to pull him over

if the cops race they should get fined too

who is there to fine them.. they can make up all sorts of story and court will more then likely to believe their BS...

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