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Re-setting ZRE HID auto - leveling

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Im just wondering what ZRE people are doing to re-level their HIDs once they have lowered their rollas?

Ive found two methods, just wondering if anyone had tried them yet....

First, is resetting the initialization level. This can be accomplished by shorting out the pins on the OBC plug, pins 8 & 4.


Also i have confirmed that the ZRE OBC plug also used pins 8 & 4 for this.

From a Japanese blog site:

"In the headlights OFF.

イグニッションをONにして画像にある「故障診断コネクタ」の4番と8番を短絡させます※上の画像説明参照 Images in the ignition ON and the "diagnostic connector" No. 4 and No. 8 are shunted to the image description information ※

怖いですが(笑) Is scary (laughs)

Now we took the short (20以内Rashii seconds)

3回1秒間隔でパッシングさせると Three times in one second intervals and passing to

画像のようなウォーニングランプがタコメーター左に3回点滅します★ Tachometer to the left of the image such as a warning lamp will blink three times ★

そしたら成功です! Then a success! "


The other method is Kenstyle Adjustable link



Any thoughts....

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Hello Dutchie!

Maybe this helps:

"To adjust the beam alignment, what you are looking for on each side of the car is this:



Remember that as you have lowered suspension or then you probably won't have an initial height of 70cm.

You should block one of the head lamps at a time and see the beam of the other head lamp to get a better idea where is it pointing to. Cover it with a cloth and adjust one beam at a time to the marks on the wall.

When/if you do check your alignment and you get to the stage of reversing the car back, do make sure you are reversing back dead straight. I.e 90 Degrees to the wall. Because if you reverse back at a slight angle and then adjust you lights to the marks you create on the wall, you will in fact have incorrect beam alignment."

Best regards, Alex

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alex-C... I believe that this may not be quite what Dutchie was looking (though useful for others).

Because he has the HID's with auto-levelling, the light control ECU does a little bit of work to keep the headlights level and the effects of lowering can throw the sensors off causing it to level incorrectly.

For a little bit of insight, you would have sensors attached to your suspension similar to that shown below (from a different car) and these detect the position of the suspension to adjust the headlight accordingly:


That adjustable link method shown and linked to in the first post essentially changes this link for the sensor to give readings like factory spec.

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