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I've seen a thread similar on another car forum and was wondering what 'little' things people do to keep their engines running perfectly all the time...

I know since it's a Toyota, and an Aurion that engine reliability isn't REALLY an issue (<3) but hey, curious anyway!!

One thing I do is in the morning's or whenever I start my car up I warm it up for 30 seconds to a minute before I start driving, then granny drive (never strain the engine past 3k rpm) for the first 10 minutes until the temp is about midway.

I've heard of people:

Changing into neutral at stops (traffic lights etc.)

Using Shift Mode for downhills (though tbh I prefer brakes?)

Engine Injector Cleaner every 4 fill ups

Only running 98

Only servicing at their make's servicing centre (Toyota Servicing.... Ahemm)

Anyway would like to know what little things they do to keep their Aurion running great all the time.


Letting the car warm up a bit is ok....no more then 2 mins on stand still

The neutral idea is great.....stops the pressure on the auto clutch

I prefer compression braking....feels like you have more control IMHO

Injector cleaner - I get Toyota to do mine every 20,000kms

98 FTW

It might cost more after the fixed capped pricing ends, but i have never had a problem to date

Just remember, there is engine management for a reason ;)



Drive with a variety of driving patterns and everything will wear normally and won't need cleaning. The more time spent using better fuels, the easier this will be. If the engine performance drops (ie running rough) use genuine injector cleaner.


Change your oil every 5000kms or 6 months, use quality oil and genuine filters.

Buy good quality fuel and dont go over your service intervals in your service book.

Keep your tyres at the recomended pressure, dont carry around any extra weight if you dont have to.

Letting the car warm up gradually is great idea, I run mine for about 20 seconds before driving off, then I drive steady for the first couple of kms to the engine is warmed up.


The most crucial thing is warming up your engine. I let my car warm up while i get things prepared for the day and load the car up. let it sit in neutral or park and let the engine warm up. Then drive off without letting the car go over 2000rpm, this will warm up your gearbox. 98 also helps alot, and regular servicing and oil changes etc will reflect on your cars health.

Posted (edited)

ive seen the pertol injector cleaner thingos on special at supercheap for $4.95 .

i've never used one , i know you pour it into the tank, but do we do this before or after we fill up ?

edit : http://www.nulon.com.au/products/Fuel_Treatments/Petrol_Injector_Cleaner/#.T82lIMWfiAo

found a site for it and thats similiar to the one on special at supercheap.

Edited by simplyvandinh

If you use 98 then technically you won't need to use fuel injector since the petrol already has a cleaning agent in it.


The most crucial thing is warming up your engine. I let my car warm up while i get things prepared for the day and load the car up. let it sit in neutral or park and let the engine warm up.

The owner's manual recommends otherwise. Here is the Aurion manual:


Allow me to explain. Each different engine speed and load combination will mean a different area of contacting surfaces (such as piston to bore) is experiencing more contact. (imaging your going around the same corner on a push bike, but one is at 2 km/h and the other at 20 km/h. Different parts of the tyre will be in contact with the road for each) During warmup, the moden engine is at its most susceptible for high wear and ultimately damage. Hence, if you always run a cold engine at a constant speed, such as idle, the internal components will wear repeatedly at the same place and reduce overall engine life.

In any tuned race engine, such as V8 supercars, are warmed up with someone varying the engine speed to a set pattern and are never left at a constant speed. Any new Toyota engine needs the same (by driving it), although it won't go bang, as oil consumption and exhaust smoke will be the first complaints.

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