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I m new to OZ :)

Heard that we are not allowed to use the hose to wash cars at home.. but just buckets. Is it true?

lol @ avatar

well in melb theres water restrictions

no hoses to wash ur car

use high pressure water system


trigger hose only for spraying plants etc.. ^^;

only high pressure guns allowed for car washing.

Which is kinda stupid because you generally go nuts with a pressure gun as opposed to a hose ^^;

around the warehouse i manage, one of the neighbouring warehouse owners has 2 bmw's parked outside. and lets just say he washes it like practically every 2 days. With his pressure system ^^;


water restrictions in sydney!

no hose on vehicles at all! just go to a car wash $3 will soap and wash your car.

all done by you ofcourse. and you have to dry it.

water restrictions in sydney!

no hose on vehicles at all!  just go to a car wash  $3 will soap and wash your car.

all done by you ofcourse. and you have to dry it.

i use buckets and meguires gold wash and gold class wax

also use microfibre cleaning cloth as my sponge and a meguires chamois to dry...

i only use the chamois to do my windows. .. pure water + good clean chamois is the best

trigger hose only for spraying plants etc.. ^^;

only high pressure guns allowed for car washing.

Which is kinda stupid because you generally go nuts with a pressure gun as opposed to a hose ^^;

around the warehouse i manage, one of the neighbouring warehouse owners has 2 bmw's parked outside. and lets just say he washes it like practically every 2 days. With his pressure system ^^;

ah i see.. well imma just go paint my car green and problem solved :D

water restrictions in sydney!

no hose on vehicles at all!   just go to a car wash  $3 will soap and wash your car.

all done by you ofcourse. and you have to dry it.

i use buckets and meguires gold wash and gold class wax

also use microfibre cleaning cloth as my sponge and a meguires chamois to dry...

i only use the chamois to do my windows. .. pure water + good clean chamois is the best

yeah thats it! i just drive in the wash bay give it a spray $1 then then soap $1 then i sponge it down. then $1 for a high pressure rinse. maybe $1 for a wax.

so the max i spend is $5 but the end result is 110%!

yeah thats it!  i just drive in the wash bay give it a spray  $1 then then soap  $1 then i sponge it down. then $1 for a high pressure rinse.  maybe $1 for a wax.

so the max i spend is $5 but the end result is 110%!

where is that?


Here in castle hill! il show u if you want some time! we can take over the place if we get a few toys together.

r the badges still up for grabs?

Here in castle hill! il show u if you want some time! we can take over the place if we get a few toys together.

r the badges still up for grabs?

well where about in Castle Hill?? i know the area pretty well.

yup, the badge is still up for graps between you and Grey-Rolla.

Here in castle hill! il show u if you want some time! we can take over the place if we get a few toys together.

r the badges still up for grabs?

well where about in Castle Hill?? i know the area pretty well.

yup, the badge is still up for graps between you and Grey-Rolla.

go to a car lovers

one in turramurra, chatswood

couple bucks to use their **** and hose etc ...

i dont trust their wax tho


I use the hose :)...

i reckon you use more water with a bucket than a hose with a pressure nozzle on the front....

Here in castle hill! il show u if you want some time! we can take over the place if we get a few toys together.

r the badges still up for grabs?

well where about in Castle Hill?? i know the area pretty well.

yup, the badge is still up for graps between you and Grey-Rolla.

up show ground towards old windsor road. T junction left 1st set of robots right 3 circles on your right.

its a g garage and they have a pretty new car wash.

Here in castle hill! il show u if you want some time! we can take over the place if we get a few toys together.

r the badges still up for grabs?

well where about in Castle Hill?? i know the area pretty well.

yup, the badge is still up for graps between you and Grey-Rolla.

up show ground towards old windsor road. T junction left 1st set of robots right 3 circles on your right.

its a g garage and they have a pretty new car wash.

yer definitely less water using a hose than a bucket ... my tap is on constantly filling up buckets etc.




Thx for all super replies.

Someone pointed me to this vic gov site: http://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/info.cfm?top=120&pg=997

There's a line that says

3. Fit your hose with a trigger nozzle

A hand-held hose must be fitted with a trigger nozzle and can be used to wash your car and water your gardens and lawns at any time.

So.. what does that mean? Can I get those 5-dollar plastic trigger from K-mart?

Here in castle hill! il show u if you want some time! we can take over the place if we get a few toys together.

r the badges still up for grabs?

well where about in Castle Hill?? i know the area pretty well.

yup, the badge is still up for graps between you and Grey-Rolla.

up show ground towards old windsor road. T junction left 1st set of robots right 3 circles on your right.

its a g garage and they have a pretty new car wash.

yer definitely less water using a hose than a bucket ... my tap is on constantly filling up buckets etc.



whats that?


Fit a trigger nozzle to your garden hose and it's legal to wash your car. Same rules apply in Qld. I would much rather wash my car at home than at any of the automated car washes or self serve car washes.

They recycle the water and to get the water to a safe uasble level they pump it full of chemicals then you spray it all over your car and there goes your glossy paintwork. I've had to buff quite a few cars that were regulars at car washes and the chemical polluted water just oxidizes the paint badly and it's a hell of a job to get the paint work up to scratch again.

Just a word of warning to all you car wash users; it will wreck your paintwork!!! If the owner/manager of the car wash can't give you a written guarantee that it won't then I know I wouldn't be using it.

Fit a trigger nozzle to your garden hose and it's legal to wash your car. Same rules apply in Qld.

Say What!!!!

Level 2 water restrictions for SE Qld

Car and boat washing is permitted with a bucket; attended hand held hose with a trigger or twist action nozzle; or high pressure water cleaning unit with trigger nozzle.
Fit a trigger nozzle to your garden hose and it's legal to wash your car. Same rules apply in Qld.

Say What!!!!

Level 2 water restrictions for SE Qld

Car and boat washing is permitted with a bucket; attended hand held hose with a trigger or twist action nozzle; or high pressure water cleaning unit with trigger nozzle.

Trust me Azza I know these things...


I was quizzed by a local council inspector because some stoopid neighbour dobbed me in. I was washing my car on a Monday afternoon. I has washed it on the grass, as it then gives my lawn a water, and then moved it onto the driveway to finish.

The idiot only saw my car on the driveway, rang the council and told them I was using the hose on the grass to water the lawn and not wash my car. Also complained that I was using the hose on a Monday.

They had to investigate it so I had a visit from them. The inspector kindly directed me to the website of the council and identified the scenarios for using water. Nothing I was doing was wrong, just the neighbour was dumb.

He advised me that the laws indicate a trigger or twist nozel so the water can be shut off easily.

No hosing lawns or gardens on Mondays.

Washing cars can be done at any time anywhere and the myth that cars had be washed on the grass was just that, a myth.

Maybe because you are in Brisbane City, they are controlled by Can Not Campbell and they don't know what they are talking about... Maybe my neighbour works for Brisbane City Council....

I was quizzed by a local council inspector because some stoopid neighbour dobbed me in.  I was washing my car on a Monday afternoon.  I has washed it on the grass, as it then gives my lawn a water, and then moved it onto the driveway to finish.

The idiot only saw my car on the driveway, rang the council and told them I was using the hose on the grass to water the lawn and not wash my car.  Also complained that I was using the hose on a Monday.

They had to investigate it so I had a visit from them.  The inspector kindly directed me to the website of the council and identified the scenarios for using water.  Nothing I was doing was wrong, just the neighbour was dumb.

He advised me that the laws indicate a trigger or twist nozel so the water can be shut off easily.

No hosing lawns or gardens on Mondays.

Washing cars can be done at any time anywhere and the myth that cars had be washed on the grass was just that, a myth.

Maybe because you are in Brisbane City, they are controlled by Can Not Campbell and they don't know what they are talking about...  Maybe my neighbour works for Brisbane City Council....


Looks liek sydney is Bucket or watering can only for cars.. not the trigger style hoses like in other states:(

dry style car washing = microfibre cloth, spray bottle with car wash inside and u just spray then wipe it away.. meguires has a waterless car cleaning kit and its a NXT quick detailing bottle, a microfibre cloth and some other thing

the bugger!!! egg his house!

Yeah, and then he can only use a bucket to clean it with! :lol:

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