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Posts posted by Slurdog

  1. Is it an after market cruise control. I had that in the 1990 Camry and one reason I did not get a Corolla was the lack of factory cruise, it caused me no end of problems. Hence my earlier post of danger with cruise control.

    Once it just kept accelerating....140-150....... had to cut the power. :o

    Yeah it is an aftermarket item, one they installed prior to delivery. I read your earlier post on the dangers of cruise, and disagreed...not any more!!

    So pretty much what they told me about the cable being loose is most likely BS. In realilty this could happen again at any stage as long as i have this aftermarket crud in my car!!?? AAWWWW that licks balls :angry:

  2. Hey fellas

    Got my car back yesterday evening, The problem was the cruise control. They said that the cable for the cruise was 'sagging' over the accelerator cable, and when i put my foot down the cable must of snagged on the accelerator cable holding it at full throttel. They tightened the cruise up and assured me it would not happen again ;) Im a bit suss on that <_<

    If it happens again...............

    and in good service fashion, they took my car for a test drive, an scraped the Sh#t out of my front spoiler (chunks!!). took it back straight after i noticed, and he said "well its very low". I went off. now they are repairing and re-painting the front end (hehehe i had heaps of scuffs prior :D freebie)

    End of the Day: If anyone has the cruise fitted, get them to have a look at the cables, coz its only gotta get stuck once in a bad spot to give you some serious problems.

  3. I totally agree with you Z.

    When I brought it up with my Dad he was horrified! He is an ex Toyota Dealer, and he straight away put that into motion. We have written a letter of concern to their quality control people.

    Even more concerning is that the same thing just happened to my cousin, who drives the same car (but a may 05 build). Im not sure if it has something to do with the weather in Coffs, or how close we are to the beach, whatever it shouldnt happen hey.

    I get the car back this evening.

  4. Goodmorning Girls and Boys,

    I had an interesting thing happen...

    On Saturday morning I didnt have much to do, so I went for a long drive by myself in the mountains behind Coffs Harbour (end-less twsity back roads with near-no traffic). I found this loop road that is about 25 kms long, and is absoultely stunning in the difficulty of the road and the beauty of the surroundings. It was like no road i had drivin before, almost like it was designed for a tarmac rally or something. :D

    Anyway, my driving nirvana came to an abrupt stop when; while in third at around 80kmh in a section of narrow and twisty sweeping bends, my accelerator got stuck and the car lurched forwards without my wishes!!! instinctively I braked, and the car just pushed through the braking making the brake pedal feel like a rock!!!, so next I chucked it into neutral and it was bouncing off the limiter!!! so then i turned the car off and stopped. :o

    I got out and checked the pedals and noticed the accelerator was pinned to the floor, it wasnt stuck behind the floor mat or anything, but just jammed on the floor, i pushed it back up and its back to normal, WEIRD.

    It could of been a disaster...big time!!!

    Im definately taking it back to the dealer for a look!!!

    Has anyone else experienced this???

    I HIGHLY recommend that people check this out on their cars (mine is a july 05 build), as mine didnt show any sign of degradation, it didnt feel crunchy or sticky at all.


  5. is it definately going to be FWD??, coz if they went to effort to make it RWD it would sell better without a doubt!! Whats the point in designing it for aussies then make it FWD??? Swing and a miss big time!!!!! Does'nt make sense to me :blink:

    If it were RWD they could then compete in V8 supercars, which would be great to see.

    Looks chunky tho

  6. I think the Hydrogen Powered cars are the real future of motoring, compared to electric cars which relay on powerstation generated emmission rich power.

    They laso have similar (if not better) power results.

    Hydrogen powered cars are already basically ready for production; BMW, Toyota/Lexus, Merc, Ford have working cars and designs. But the infastructure of Hydrogen fuel stations is not there. I think in Germany they have a couple of stations with Hydogen already.

    But what do you think of the emmissions being water vapour? sounds really good....but could that end out being endless rain in parts of the world??? ;)

  7. I'd say the sportivo wont have enough torque in the top end to push through to 235 in a decent amount of time, not without a LONG straight road or LONG downhill section :P

    a stock MY01 WRX struggles to accelerate after 215km/h due to the wind resistance at that speed. And it has much more power/torque than a sportivo

    I agree... as soon as you change into sixth at 200-210kmh it settles a bit. but i reckon 220-225km wouldnt be that far down the road.

    The rolla's aerodynamics are really good at speed and i reckon the rexies wings would slow it down at top end.

  8. I recently did a long drive thru Coffs-Dubbo-Griffith-Bathurst-Sydney-Coffs

    I hit 210kmh at the start of sixth (2zz), was still pulling...but i backed off. It was SO stable at speed!!! (especially compared to my old ED falcon at 180kmh. The Corolla loves a trip.

    I highly recommend a drive to Bathurst for a day trip from Sydney, Mount Panorama is definatly a must for any car nut, even at 70kmh over the top its a hoot!!. (drive around a few times to suss out if theres any cameras)

    Nothing Suss <_<

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