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About chicaboo

  • Birthday 06/25/1976

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  • Toyota Model
    1998 Nissan Pulsar VZ-R

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    Logan, QLD, Australia

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  1. Yea, I changed jobs/career, and have been a bit of a nigel in general. I haven't been big into any of the car forums for a while either. I'm considering going to the annual, but I dunno where/when/if I'm working one day to the next. So there's no point putting my name down.
  2. On the way home from work in the bus just now, I saw DJKOR's silver TRD Aurion going through Springwood>Daisy Hill on the HWY. Gav.
  3. If you think it's worth missing out out on a DVI or HDMI adapter, crossfire bridge and decent cooler to save a few bucks, you go right ahead. You do get what you pay for, even if the GPUs are all the same. Companies like Asus [TOP] and Zotac [OC] cherry pick cards/RAM for their OC series, and they do perform and OC better. Your shit brands just use reference designs, sometimes with a slightly better [better might mean it's just quieter than a reference cooler too] cooler for e-wang, but they still have slower memory, etc. Eviltwin: I'm truly sorry for what has ensued by giving my opinion. I won't contribute any further to this discussion regardless of what Hampster has to say. At the end of the day I hope you get a decent card that you're happy with, and does you wanted out of it.
  4. The ATi HD6850 for ~$220 or the HD6870 for ~$300 from Umart. The HD6870 would be better for playing games in the long run. 1. The price range is way too high for what eviltwin is asking. 2. Pointless getting a 68xx because he is playing on low res and doesn't need a high end gpu. Waste of money and card. FMD, now I remember why I don't post on this forum any more... The ATi HD5750 for ~$150 or HD5770 for ~$190 are good if you are tight on money [just get the HD5750 on bang/buck]. They are the best of the budget non gaming cards, but will struggle with say Metro 2033 even on the lower resolutions. If that is still too much, there is the HD5670 for ~$120. This is more a good full height Home Theatre PC card, however. The prices you say are OVERPRICED. You can get them now for: 5670 - $99 5750 - $129 5770 - $139 Good brands with decent coolers cost that much. eg: Asus, Gigabyte, XFX and Sapphire. Crap like Amaze, HIS and Powercoler will be $10-30 cheaper, and run hotter too... Kenpo, your sig farks me up. :P
  5. The ATi HD6850 for ~$220 or the HD6870 for ~$300 from Umart. The HD6870 would be better for playing games in the long run. 1. The price range is way too high for what eviltwin is asking. 2. Pointless getting a 68xx because he is playing on low res and doesn't need a high end gpu. Waste of money and card. FMD, now I remember why I don't post on this forum any more... The ATi HD5750 for ~$150 or HD5770 for ~$190 are good if you are tight on money [just get the HD5750 on bang/buck]. They are the best of the budget non gaming cards, but will struggle with say Metro 2033 even on the lower resolutions. If that is still too much, there is the HD5670 for ~$120. This is more a good full height Home Theatre PC card, however.
  6. The ATi HD6850 for ~$220 or the HD6870 for ~$300 from Umart. The HD6870 would be better for playing games in the long run.
  7. I did a search, and couldn't find this, so I thought I'd throw it up. :o A certain unmasked figure makes an appearance in this one too. Gav.
  8. Well, it's about time! :P
  9. There's a guy with a FWD green/black 350WHP KE TX3 Ford Laser that does 10sec 1/4s on an OPEN diff. He just runs slick tyres. With a trained right foot and the right tyres [if you have enough power to need them], you can run great times. You just need to learn how to apply the power.
  10. LSDs are made for corners, not straight lines... Learn how to launch and become a better driver. In any case, you had no LSD in the Aurion, so just give it a go. B)
  11. Take it down the 1/4 and see how much difference that 3kW and 450kg makes with a trained launch in the CR.
  12. That's some great power cuz!
  13. Bah, posting just gets you in trouble. <_<
  14. Nah, I didn't spot you, I spotted your car. :P
  15. I spotted Ingres's car at Sunnybank Donalds around 11:30pm.
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