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Posts posted by PsychoRez

  1. I'm still a bit confused but i called up my Toyota and asked if they have these new products, the guy on the phone said yes. I told him my car is two years old and i have done 60,000KM's so far but the guy on the phone said that i don't need to.

    He told me if they're going to do it, it will be in 3 locations in the car the fuel tank being one of them. Whatever that means. He quoted me BD.30 *86 AUD* for the operation.

    I might book an appointment and see what all the fuss is about. What do you guys think? still too early for me?

  2. Well, I'm about to install a couple of Borla Mufflers on my Aurion maybe this week.

    Thanks to how easy it is to replace mufflers with the Aurion i can just change the rear mufflers and still keep the quietness when driving normal. Even though these mufflers are S type through i don't think ill get much noise out of them if i don't touch the middle mufflers.

    My only concern is that i might have to change the pipes down there because it seems in stock the Aurion uses only 2" Pipe! People have told me that sh!t can really restrict your cars performance. But I'm happy with the way things are right now, i just want LITTLE noise when accelerating hard is all.

    Will post impressions once I've installed them.

  3. Mine messes up every once in a while but it hasn't happened to me in a long time.

    I'm assuming you mean when you open the Moonroof halfway upwards, right? Sorry i can't explain it any better, english isn't my first language. If that is indeed what is happening then you can use this method to shut it: Don't use the auto function. Manually flick the switch bit by bit until you close it completely. And i mean BIT BY BIT, small tiny flicks.

    And if you want to reset to factory default here's a trick the Toyota guy showed me: Flip the switch that opens your moonroof completely and keep holding it until it's open fully, then keep holding it for 5 seconds. Then Do the exact opposite with closing, hold for 5 seconds. Apparently this is the way it's done.

  4. ^ My Toyota pretty much told me the same.

    That everything was fine during the test drive and that the Gear oil used is good for 100K + Km's. That at 100000Km there will only be a CHECK even, no need to change at all. "Longer Lasting Oil, sir"

    BS. I'M the driver, i know better. At least he told me how much it'd cost to get an Oil change for the Transmission....100USD. Kinda expensive i guess but not so bad.

    Any of you guys recommend some magic special oil for the Transmission? Or the stuff Toyota uses is enough?

  5. Aw that Grill looks sick tho!

    Man..is this a common problem with these grills or is it a rare case? Because i want to order one from that site right now! Should i just get the regular mesh grill and avoid this one?!

    And a question. How are their body kits? That thai site you guys been using. Good quality? Will they send the body kits painted or?

  6. I just drive the good old fashioned way. Use S only when I'm too zoned in with Speed and D for everything else!

    I think in a way i prefer D, though lol. Because the RPM starts at the very beginning most of the time giving me a nice "Kick" feel when i punch it. I noticed when Driving in S the car doesn't pull as aggressive as it does when in D.

    The Aurion has a sweet engine. To this day it still puts a smile on my face every time i accelerate hard. Bah, i even do an evil sort of Laugh most of the time when i Accelerate a bit hard from dig. Not too hard that my tires would screech. But hard enough that my steering wheel gets a mind of it's own and sways right and left. I love that!

  7. I've JUST started getting this issue. I'm at 55000Km's right now. I've been feeling the first and second gear changes.

    But i have noticed that the gear change hasn't been as smooth as when the car was new for a good while now. But i just figured a good Gear Oil change would fix that right up!

    In fact, i might schedule and appointment for that sometime this week.

  8. Have a look at these reference pages from DBA to get the measurements.

    Front: http://www.dba.com.au/products/dba2709

    Rear: http://www.dba.com.au/products/dba2707

    Thank you, man! Can't believe those discs cost the same price Toyota charges for them garbage they call Brake Discs.

    She is still my baby! At the moment I've progressed to hard acceleration. Not good for fuel consumption but bloody fun. :lol:

    DJ is right! You just wait, bro. Keep driving hard for a bit and you'll see :D

    You'll first feel a shake at high speeds only, 140Kmph - 150Kmph. Then a bit more time and you'll start feeling it when you brake at 100Kmph! It's annoying as heck and it kills the joy you get from the speed. I don't even drive that fast anymore because of how shaky it gets...

    I can't wait till i change them!

    Question: I get these Brake Discs, would it be wise to use regular Toyota Pads on them?

  9. Haha this thing was sort of annoying me and i actually thought it was a defect.

    When i told the Toyota test driver dude he told me it's the ABS check, but i didn't believe him for some reason lol. But if the manual says so!

    Just to clear up: My car also makes a Clunk noise when i start it up and drive off. The timing seems to always be spot on, like 10 or so seconds of driving.

    So i guess nothing to worry about here!

  10. I drive pretty aggressively so that might be it. But i never really brake that heard. I just ease it in..So I'm very disappointed.

    Ultimately these car manufacturers want to make money and it would be in their best interest to Not make the consumable parts that longer lasting. Business is Business.

    Any of you guys would happen to know the exact measurements of the brake discs on the Aurion? Diameters and stuff? Because the dealer here only told me the maximum and minimum thickness level.

  11. ^ Castrol is pretty damn good. I'm using Edge Sport 10W-60 but it's supposedly more suitable for high performance and tuned vehicles. I was kinda afraid it might damage my car since my engine is non of those. But so far it seems fiiiiiiiine.

    I'm really debating whether to keep using it or switch back to the normal ones. It's supposedly the best and can handle all kinds of heat temps...doesn't sound so bad. I do live in the middle east and let me tell you it gets friggin HOT hear. And i do floor it on a daily basis, quite a lot actually.

    How do you have such good english if you don't mind me asking? :).

    Also, how does the Aurion put up with the heat there? I heard that Toyota's are excellent in the heat as a lot of the people in in those areas drive Toyota's in the worst places ever that gets to extreme heats.

    Hey bro.

    About my English. Well...i guess television and video games and entertainment in general played a role in it :D. Maybe the fact that I'm originally Farsi has something to do with it.

    And it depends. At first i was using REGULAR oil because all they told me is one of them is for 5K and the other 10K lol so i didn't really pay much attention to it. But i can tell you the car performed poorly during the heat or when i drove it for more than 1 - 2 hours. I could feel the car becoming heavier.

    All that changed when i went synthetic, though :D. Can't believe i waited till 35K to do it!! >.< Now the car ALWAYS performs as good as it did during cool weather. It was actually quite a big difference lol.

    So if you're using synthetic here you have nothing to worry about, it'll hold strong.

  12. Hey guys.

    I took my car to Toyota to check this pulling to the left issue and the bastards are actually telling me it's because of my tires lol. OK, My left front tire needs replacing "right one is the spare" but the issue was there at like 10K Kilometers and i know for a fact many people are having this issue, this thread is proof!

    They said they did wheel alignment and stuff but i heard that before, won't do jack.

    I requested that they'd let me speak to somebody when i come and pick up the car. Worst case scenario ill just show the guy this thread LOL.

    Alright i know the answers are in this thread but if somebody could help me out with what i should say to this guy so they know the issue, I'd appreciate it. Soon too because ill be going today! lol.

    It's a bit confusing for me so i need it put in a nutshell >.< Anything would be appreciated.

    I don't want to pay for this myself when Toyota might fix it for me for FREE.

    Thanks in advance!

  13. ^ Castrol is pretty damn good. I'm using Edge Sport 10W-60 but it's supposedly more suitable for high performance and tuned vehicles. I was kinda afraid it might damage my car since my engine is non of those. But so far it seems fiiiiiiiine.

    I'm really debating whether to keep using it or switch back to the normal ones. It's supposedly the best and can handle all kinds of heat temps...doesn't sound so bad. I do live in the middle east and let me tell you it gets friggin HOT hear. And i do floor it on a daily basis, quite a lot actually.

  14. Thanks for the Help, bro. But you have to understand that i started feeling the vibration very early, Maybe in the 20's i can't remember but it was early. So i HAD to get them Machined!

    DBA site isn't showing any results for Aurion, though >.< If the Price is friendly then i wouldn't mind ordering one from there.

  15. Hey all

    I drive an 08 Aurion and ever since then I've had to do two Disc-Facing jobs "Maybe three i can't remember" But the thing is...Every 8,000KM's or so vibration returns when i use the brakes at higher speeds then becomes more severe. So far I've done 54,000KM's

    So I'm pretty sure the Brake Discs Toyota use are made out of Chocolate because this just doesn't sound right to me. My last service they told me that i have to change both front Discs which will cost me 500AUD...But no way in hell I'm getting the cheap sh!t they give for this Car.

    I have no idea how to go about this. But i want Good brake discs that will actually Last a good while. Anybody here got aftermarket Brake Rotors? Some suggestions would be awesome.


  16. I dunno much about this issue but at about 44000KM's i started feeling "knocks" on my steering wheel. Usually when turning and at first it happened only once in a while. But just recently at 52000KM's it got pretty bad, felt it every single time maybe even when i was going straight.

    They fixed it for me for free but i dunno how much it cost. I dunno if this issue relates to what you just said though lol.

    But i know my Car makes a sound after i start it on after a while and move off. There's a slight knocking noise that comes up after like 7 seconds of driving. I asked the dealer and somebody told me it's a totally normal thing, that it's the ABS...Anybody know if there is some truth to that?

  17. At around 30000K i started using synthetic oil "stupid of me to wait for so long" and ever since i noticed a huge difference in both performance and fuel average. Performance wise before when i was using regular oil sometimes my car would feel slow during the heat or after running the car for a good while but using the synthetic oil...there is consistency with performance.

    And i used to get 16 - 18 L/100Km average on a daily basis, and sure i usually drive fast but lowest i could get it was 14 most of the time. Now my fuel average doesn't go above 14 L/100Km lol. I usually get 12 - 13 L/100Km. God bless whoever invented synthetic oil.

  18. ^ In my opinion, that oil would be too thick to use on a relatively new engine. As per the manual, the Aurion recommends a 10W30 oil or equivalent (eg. 0W30 or 10W30). These engines are made with specific clearances and this is why they usually recommend a particular oil. Having too thick of an oil can actually be bad for your engine despite what you may think because the thicker oil may not be able to flow as well as the thinner oil which can ultimately lead to engine damage.

    Damn. Has this been proven? I mean have people who used it ever reported engine breakdowns and such?

    And i JUST started using it, about 2000 - 3000Km's ago. It cost a fortune too. Is it okay to run it until the next service comes or should i just try and replace it as soon as possible?

  19. I couldn't find the Thread that was created for this Question. Mainly because the search engine sucks d!ck. And i also didn't want my head to get chewed off for creating a redundant thread. And this question is sort of silly, SO:

    I have a 2008 Aurion and just recently decided to use the Castrol Edge Sport 10w-60 Oil for it. Now from what i gathered so far this is supposed to be THE thickest oil out there. And funny thing whenever i do a search for it on Google it's always associated with Super Cars and sh!t. One article states that "it's even appropriate for Racing Cars" after saying that it's designed for high performance cars and stuff.

    Now i know this oil is mostly used by BMW for their vehicles. My question is: Is it safe to use it with a Toyota?

    Is it dangerous for my Engine? I haven't found ONE article online about somebody using this on a Toyota for some reason. I'm sort of worried that it might damage my engine because it's not designed for it.

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