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About KevO

  • Birthday 10/24/1989

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  1. Needs some 16s and chunky tyres lol
  2. I'm unsure of the specs though sorry
  3. might have spotted Rob a week or two back on Wallgrove Rd. This was like 530am in the morning lol.
  4. Spotted you too but was incredibly slow to react lol
  5. We'll definitely go out and take photos Charlie. lol I might even tag along to a cruise one day if one were to be held. Although everyone would probably pay me out on my fuel economy. In due time I guess. Still waiting for a couple of things to arrive :)
  6. haha looks great charlie! you've done so much to your car.
  7. haha nice charlie! riding more aggressive than the wheels i ordered for the wrx :P
  8. Debading will definitely change the rear end. Gives it a cleaner look. I recommend just debadging the Ascent emblem for now and keep the rest. Then maybe debadge the rest later on :P
  9. ZR6XY a couple of cars behind me on The Cumberland then the M4. OHY-34H i think the plates were... black sportivo dumped on work meisters (i think) at Parramatta. It was so low that the skirts were almost touching the ground.
  10. Good job Cuong! Your car has come a long way and looks great :)
  11. I think that's a friends' husbands' car. I remember her telling me she got new plates lol
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