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Everything posted by Tofuboi

  1. *jacks up the suspension and gets the rally tyres going* Right, whos up for that Rally Stage again? Come on Guni I know you want to. :P Okay, on a real note. Going up to Marysville might be a good idea as the roads leading that direction were quite good. (Even if I did almost fall off the side of the bloody cliff, dodgy freakin' narrow roads.) Tash and I already discussed that we're not allowed to go on my windy road near my house in Sunbury as that's where I busted two rims and Tash doesnt want to try it. :P But a drive up this direction wouldn't go astray. If only we had a good place to go... Oh well count me on for that weekend anyway! Oh I know! EPIC WEEKEND LONG CRUISE! :P ...no. :P
  2. Yeah well that's exactly it, I reckon they have gone up a fair bit in price since the last time I looked at them :( Not cool.. Hahah Daryl & Nathan - I will stay out of that one! Isn't your rear sway bent Nathan? :P No, that was the lower front. Rear's fine. :P
  3. You can have my old rear sway bar. I'll get the new one and everyone will see my epic oversteer and then i'll be a member of the Guni 'Oversteer is Bad mmkay?' Club. :P Okay jokes aside. I am interested in the upgraded rear sway bar. However right now the car seems to have an....okay balance. But I don't drive near as hard as Daryl does, so he might need it more than I would. :P
  4. Hey it's my car on the right. ;) I don't need to show mine off now haha. Nah here we go. Also CBF with the numberplate editing. I trust everyone here... Well yeah. :P --- This photo was taken just 30 minutes after I took delivery of this wonderful machine! Using a Sony CyberShot DSC-S650. This photo was taken in January 2009 on the way home from a party that I was at, it was like 12am or so. Using my arm as a camera holder and the Nokia N95's 5 MegaPixel Camera. (For those interested, that was going at 110km/h. Gives a whole new meaning to using your mobile phone while driving huh?) This last photo was taken by our very own Golden Camry owner Tash when we were waiting for the Corolla Army to show up at the October Victorian Cruise that we did. (Also, never trust Google Maps! RALLY STAGE ANYONE!?) --- I must say those are my three favs, I wish I had more dark shots tho like Daryl. I want professional photos done. :(
  5. I believe the Aurion may just come out on top on this. Mate of mine owns a BA MkII XR8 6spd Manual and I know for a fact he's not a crap driver at all. On a private stretch of road (its awesome coz my uncle owns about a 600m or so stretch of road that spans over his land, wide enough for two a side) (ps, i still dont advocate hoon driving etc, this was done on private property) my mates XR8 and my ZR6 did two tests, rolling start from 60 (therefor no blasts back to 1st gear) and the XR8 didnt make too much of a move, probably pulling forward by about...half a metre? By the end of about 400m he was maybe 5 car lengths. :P Although he did expect the XR8 to completely smash the ZR6, but the fact of the matter it just didnt.....as much. :P Standing start was another thing, prolly till i reached 60 or so he started to pull forward and got me by a good 1 second plus. Anywho, ZR6 and XR6, despite the extra hundered kilos weight on the XR6, i reckon that might be enough to sway it or at least keep it even. GOOD LUCK! ;)
  6. Spotted a Rolla Sportivo with the plate that began with TTD (i think it was TTD-something), was black too. Spotted it near me on the new onramp onto the westgate fwy from kings way. About 4pm.
  7. When I can get time off work. I have a week off prior to this other event im going to... MAYBE then :P It's in june tho. Thinking of throwing in the trip to Brissy before the National Meet eh? That's a good idea. On the topic of interstate driving.... as of today, I am no longer banned from driving in Victoria The national meet is not the event i was referring to, but now that you mention it. I need to organise leave for that. God I hope I can get the time off! :o
  8. When I can get time off work. I have a week off prior to this other event im going to... MAYBE then :P It's in june tho.
  9. Man I am moving to Brisbane. I want to be able to participate in stuff like this, no one in boring Melb wants to do stuff. haha. ;) Plus another Aurion up there to match wits with the likes of Daryl and co would be an interesting experience to say the least. I need to witness first hand of Crazy Daryl's driving style. :P
  10. There is no need to remove your front bumper if you were to fit the CAI. Simply jacking the front of the car up and removing the splash guards give you enough room to work behind the bumper. This is what I did when I fitted my cool air feed (whilst changing my PS fluid) and had no issues with space. Then you can make a cutout on the splash guard underneath where the pod goes and it will get a good feed of air thanks to the way the splash guard there is designed (ie. it scoops the air). Ignore the dirt and scrapes, but see how it kind of has a scoop to it: Hmmm..... I see what you mean. I guess I am skeptical of the way things get with having an pod filter that close to the road. considering i drive on dirt roads from time to time :( I'll see how I go. :)
  11. Right. I've decided on the K&N Kit based on the fact I don't want to remove the front bumper just to get the filter on. I also believe that I doubt there will be much difference in air flow down there based on the youtube video. It's pretty closed off down there by looking at my own car. I am also ditching the twin pipe idea for the exhaust but I feel I might be able to work with a similar pipe routing method used already but without the merge point as is.
  12. Don't tempt me Daryl... I am still unsure on the whole non-common-productness of it all.
  13. Back on the subject of the K&N Intake that Daryl's just bought. I did happen to stumble upon a Youtube Video of a Fujita Cold air Intake system being installed on the Camry/Aurion V6 as seen here. This is the youtube Video (It's in spanish or whatever but the video speaks for itself.) I had a look into it and I guess I wanted your opinions on wether you'd really see much difference between the K&N kit (which is about $340 delivered) or ths Fujita kit which at the time of writing this is about $287 AUD excluding postage costs etc. This is the Fujita kit that I located on EBAY Motors. Same one used in the Youtube Video. Since this decision will be complimented with the Exhaust stuff I'm working on, I'd like to make the right choice. Do I go with the method everyone else is using, or do a Daryl and go crazy? :P (no offence Daryl)
  14. I must say Tash. Those rims are definately better than my Aurions. I love em! It seems the whole black and gold theme I had going has seeped over to the Camry haha. Then again it's hard to get a good scheme going with a gold car. Definately need a photo shoot with the aurion and camry... ....and daryl's car....coz its just awesome. (note: if im in qld, must ride with him once...and prolly my last time... as he's nuts.) but yeah, PHOTOSHOOT!
  15. Damn all these mods going on... I now want the intake... I want to design my exhaust system so I can show Daryl that the equal pipe length is possible... (i know this isnt the reason he backed out, but eh :P) I want to lower the car... TOO MUCH TO DO! :P I really need a pay rise haha.
  16. his block must be freaking huge, its taken him an hour just to do it ;)
  17. It's more of the point that it's justifying cost over performance. I am quite satisfied with how my car is performing as it is, and until someone with another Aurion decides to challenge that and bump me back, then I will consider doing what it takes to keep myself satisfied. This is an open invitation by the way. Bring your Aurion to the 1/4 mile and let it loose. On the topic of spending, as you mentioned, it will cost a bit of coin to get the y-pipe sorted out properly and that is where you need to ask yourself, if you are spending such money to fix just that little bit... do you think you may as well go all out and get the full potential and do the extractors as well? I must say I'm a little bit on the sad side I couldn't get that done as easily as I would have wanted it to be. It isn't entirely power that I was looking for... just this smoother exhaust note people were talking about. As well, a change is a change and I like to make changes every now and again. ... However, I just got a knock at the door and my disappointment has gone away: It is a shame that you've decided to back off from the exhaust modification but I can totally understand why. I am going to give the guys at A1 a ring either tomorrow or Monday to go in and give them some designs that I've jotted on paper and see what they can do for me. I did some measurements when I had the car up on the hoist last time to see how my crazy idea would go. But it did involve keeping the pipes at identical length to the way they are now. However the kicker being that there would be no Y-peice at all. I think it can be done but it's going to be tight....and expensive. Will keep you all posted.
  18. i might wait to see if it does any difference besides eliminating drone. Then I'll get mine done. :) the eliminating drone is good enough reason for me though.
  19. Just a word on the stock head unit. Tash who owns a Gold Gen6 Camry Sportivo recently installed an amplifier and replaced all 4 of the speakers with 6x9's (front doors and parcel shelf). Now the head unit thats used there is a Fujitsu Ten which is the same HU as the Aurion holds (the non sat-nav version that is.) Now adding and amplifier and still running it off the head unit she claims is pretty darn good. I'm yet to hear it myself but hopefully will soon! :) Big improvement though, so I'd say go for it.
  20. Glad you guys all had fun today! :) Here's the reason why I couldn't make it today. :( Yup...
  21. EDIT: no need for this now, he fixed it :P Glad you all had fun today!
  22. Whao .... what a prick .... what's the damage like? <_< I feel your pain! Another time maybe dude! :) The car itself is fine thank goodness. The rim's ujst got some chunks and a nice big crack about 3/4 through the rim. I'll get some pics for you guys later, hope you have a great time today! Take lots of pics and get some video too! Remember. NO DIRT ROADS THIS TIME! :P
  23. Annoying as it sounds. I was going to make a suprise appearance. Well that was until I shattered my passenger front rim today after some douchebag refused to share some tarmac with me on a 1 lane back road. My wheel dropped into this deep pothole and it just smashed the rim to peices. :( Sorry guys
  24. I've only had a couple of cars during my lifetime, but let's start... First Car: 1986 Toyota Corolla CSX (AE82) 5dr Hatchback - Automatic - 1.6L of 57kW fury! :o It was red so it went faster! I got this car with my own money around the time of my 18th birthday. (2003-2004) Note: my knowledge on cars was minimal at this point. My Mum, Grandma and myself went and had a look at the car and it looked great. So I ended up buying it... Then stuff went wrong.... Horribly wrong... - Car overheated the day I bought it driving home, turned out there was no water in the radiator and there was no radiator overflow bottle installed due to the size of the battery being too big. So we got that all sorted. - Gearbox shat itself and wouldn't cycle through the gears properly, reconditioned gearbox later, all is good... - Warped head, yep... It broke some moar, new head and stuff later... :D lol - Instrument cluster was dodgy, speedo mechanism that the old speedo cable plugged into was ruined. Got a TwinCAM model cluster as no one had a standard with a tacho. 7,800rpm redline anyone? :P - Put it into a ditch and just about rolled it being stupid and getting sideways on a dirt road. Damaged the wheel, broke one high tensile bolt on the steering arm and stuffed the passenger side engine mount (holds the gearbox up :P). Even after all that I still had it for about 2 years later. Second Car: 1992 Ford Falon GLi (EB2) 4dr Sedan - Automatic - 4.0L Inline 6 of gutless power... I'm serious! Oh, and it was white! The first engine in this had finally gone so we got a reconditioned one in its place. The moment the new engine was in I claimed it for myself from my Dad. By this time I must warn you that stuff, still went wrong with this one too! I think I was cursed at the time! - It was as slow as anything, sure it was converted to LPG which was part reason, but this was slower than usual. Even on petrol! Oh god was it slow. - About 3 months in the LPG system had packed up and that cost about $3,000 to replace, pity it didnt help as it kept having to go back for retuning every 6 weeks, fail. :( - Totally did a massive rewiring job and installed a NA Fairlaine's instrument cluster (yep, the one with the HUGE digital speedo readout, worked great too!) - The rear suspension was pretty much shot aswell, apparently the back axle used to move side to side... :P Same with the diff, that was borked too. There was a ton more of stuff that went wrong with this car but eh. I'll move on to more Toyotas! Third Car: 2007 Toyota Corolla Levin ZR (ZRE152R) 5dr Hatchback - Automatic - Great little car...Well the second one was... :P They are black too! :o So if any of you have known me for long enough. You would have known about the story about myself and the Possessed Levin ZR. Basically the first one I had, developed a nice little fault that could not be located for quite a long time. In the end, I was graced with the metal and fibreglass of a second Levin ZR. (Which I'm still greatful for to this day, even knowing I got a new car now. ;p In the Levin, I did my longest trip which was from Sunbury Victoria to Ipswich Queensland and back which was a great time! :) Current Car: 2007 Toyota Aurion Sportivo ZR6 (GSV40R) 4dr Sedan - Automatic - 200 KILLER WASPS! - Gold Aurion anyone? My current car and I must say, my absolute favorite. This is the car I've done the most modifications to of any car. From 18" wheels to strut braces and sway bars etc. I've honestly had the most fun in this car than any other. There isn't much to say, it's also the car that's had the least faults! :o
  25. The clunk on the rear right wheel is common. It is definately the ABS self-checks taking place, I think theres a solenoid there or something that causes the sound.
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