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Posts posted by Tofuboi

  1. Man I can't get over your Car renderings!

    And what are the odds of you finding me on DeviantART seriously haha. I know it wouldn't be much different but i'd love for you try a render of my aurion with the gold paint. my friend tried and its very hard to get the gold right. :P

    Still loving your ideas though!

  2. Oh man Tash you didn't add me to the list. You know I'm comin' this time haha. :P

    Oh well, add me to ze list of awesome attendees! It seems we have quite a few birthdays this month. Mine being on the 28th (day after) and one being on the actual day.

    Sounds like cake is a must and is no longer a lie. :D

    Also my mate Andrew is gonna make an appearance riding shotgun with my good self. He's looking to upgrade his lonely little Hyundai Getz in favor of something more.....reliable. :D

    Here's a photo I prepared earlier of our meet point. VicRoads at Kyenton has approximately 30-40 spaces tops with plenty of driving room to maneuver cars if anyone wants a photo shot before we go. :)


    You can get to this location by taking the exit shown in the below picture off the Calder Freeway then at the BIG roundabout go straight through to Beauchamp Street. Which the VicRoads is the first right hand entrance.

    NOTE: One is entry and the other driveway is exit. Be careful. :) I've tested this driveway with my car which is lowered, driveway entrance is safe as is the exit. :)


    We also have some videos of the Recon Run that Tash, Babs, Benji and myself did which show a Aurion's Roof view of the route (although Benji missed a turn) so it will give you an idea of road conditions etc.

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    Part 5


    Overall I can't wait to go! :D I hope to see you all there!

  3. Ladies and gents, unfortunately i cant come to this meet anymore. Something popped up :( But ill make sure i come to the next one! Hopefully my set up will be in by then! Have a fun time everyone and drive safely!

    Bummer :( Well make sure you can come to the next one cos its the meet up our way! So you've all got to keep Sunday the 27th of Feb free!

    Yep! Sunday the 27th! KEEP IT FREE!

    Also watch these totally cool videos. They're from our recon run. :P

    6 part series, only got 4 up at the moment. (they're 1.6GB each lol)

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    EDIT: Sorry to hijack, but im proud of my videos haha.

  4. Was a couple of weeks ago, but I saw that gold Aurion in sunbury with the black rims. Tofuboi I assume? I'm also from sunbury :)

    Pretty sure I watched it pull out of sunbury maccas the other day too... Makes me wonder where you get your username from

    Too much Initial D anime bought the Tofuboi name to fruition.

    That and in my gaming race sims, i tend to drift a lot giving me a similar name haha. :P

    Thanks for spotting me! :P

  5. Ill just throw it out there, maybe a cruise and lunch at one of melbournes water damns?


    Hey Reece, will definitely consider it! Could you please pm me of what you have in mind or fb pm me? Thanks.

    If it's the 30th then count me in, day off from work, and will cruise on down :D

    Awesome! Looking forward to meeting you! :)

    Duy, Any date is fine provided it's during the day :D


    Any of the options sound great Pete, count Barb and I in as well for the 30th :) Must admit the steamboat in the city sounds interesting. Not so keen on the Peking duck idea being a fussy eater, but guessing there are plenty of other menu choices?

    Barb will be driving? :P Still don't know what to do, have to decide soon.. Lol

    Yes i'll be there... looking forward to my first official meet... and to introduce Luna...

    Congrats on the first post Babs! :P

    We need to get you a photo to put on your profile by the way.

    Now let's get down to the nitty gritty. I'm gonna be a maybe for this, for a couple of reasons. 1. Currently living off $95 a week... Yep $95 a week, and $80 of that has to go to fuel alone. So you see where that is going. - 2. Work. As most of you know I work for a Telco, with the QLD floods and what not our work queues have gone up expidentially so work is pretty much wanting everyone on deck 24/7 until we can get that work done. So if work wants me on that particular day then i'll pretty much have to take it.

    But i'm not saying I'm not going yet, just saying I'm a maybe.

  6. Even with the hardened suspension on the Sportivo. I found that it still improved the setup at least 40-50% better than it was without it.

    At first I thought it was the placebo effect but i can still feel today that it feels better than a mates sportivo ZR6 that doesnt have it.

    Cheers mate. I've spoken to Kenpo through PM and he pretty much says the same thing. I think I'll order one now from eBay. :spiteful:

    Woohoo, my next mod is coming up lol

    Then you'll have to come past the airplane viewing area again and find me haha. :P I never thought i'd see anyone up this way. :P

  7. Even with the hardened suspension on the Sportivo. I found that it still improved the setup at least 40-50% better than it was without it.

    At first I thought it was the placebo effect but i can still feel today that it feels better than a mates sportivo ZR6 that doesnt have it.

  8. So I'm planning on getting the front upper strut bar to compliment my UR rear sway bar. Do you think it's worth it? Would like to hear more stories about it

    I had the top brace installed on my Aurion for about a week before I got the rear sway bar installed and noticed a difference. I think you'll notice more of a difference if you have something that isn't a Sportivo as the suspension setup is obviously diff between the stivo series and the atx and others.

    Definately worth it in my opinion.

  9. anyone here with a gold aurion sportivo with like black rims? seen driving down country roads near the airport..

    That will be my good self! It's about time someone spotted me haha.

    What the hell were you doing on that road man? :lol: I only spotted you for like 2 seconds as we both went past each other at 100KM/h!

    I had a good feeling it was you too which is why I posted it here. But what a random spot that was in middle of no where outside of melb. I'm too good B) . Who were all the passengers?

    If you spotted the car at around late Sunday night (8:00pm-8:30pm or so). Tash would have been in the car as well as her friend. :)

  10. Hahah, sounds awesome Mick :lol:

    Yep - tentative date for the meet this way is Sunday the 27th of Feb. I'm up for whatever in Jan, the 23rd we are going on our recon run for that cruise so just don't make it then :lol: We are having our housewarming here Jan 29th (welcome to come if you fancy a drive!) so maybe don't make it Jan 30 cos I might be too hungover to drive rofl

    Australia Day doesn't sound like a bad idea though seeings its a public holiday and all :D Altho oops just read that might be a track day... Hmm.. go with the 30th of Jan then and I'll make sure I stop drinking early enough to drive the next day heheh

    It's such a pity The Garage Cafe isn't open on Sunday's, would have quite happily driven down to eat with you all there! What about another good pub/restaurant somewhere in Melb and we can go have another photoshoot under the bridge or something?? Just a catch-up meet and not actually drive anywhere too much.


    ..... It's my birthday the day after. ;P (28th)

    Well on the 26th I'm thinking of doing something so 27th ill prolly be a bit ehhhhhhh. We'll see!

    Also recon run is still scheduled for that Jan date! :D

  11. Got a quick question for all the gurus and Daryl out there. (Daryl's more than a Guru, he's a god.) :P

    I'm obviously getting the pulling to the left issue finally after all this time, so I need to get that sorted. However I am also noticing recently that I'm getting some really strange vibration at 100-110-115 km/h intermittantly. It can cause the steering to shudder noticeably for a few minutes then suddenly it'll be gone.

    A particular place I spoke to thinks it may just be road condition mixed with the modified suspension making the car more suspectable to changes in condition through the steering wheel. This i didn't buy at all.

    I've had all my tyres changed and my 18" wheels balanced and aligned multiple times. Balancing is fine on all of them, alignment seems to change every so often, most likely the pulling to the left issue doing that.

    However it got me thinking, do you guys think that the vibration could be caused by the intermediate shaft issue? It hasn't been replaced yet and it's only just started happening oh about 10,000km ago?

    EDIT: Not sure how I'm going to go by this either because the car's out of warranty now. :(

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