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Posts posted by kdeito

  1. Hi Mikestar, how did you go with TMCA? I got the brush off from Teresa Lawson on the grounds that the car is outside warranty, and that I accepted their offer to pay half (this was under protest). There is an honesty and integrity thing not happening here. I believe TMCA should be replacing defective dashboards FOC that are showing up a couple of years after the warranty has expired and also advising all owners and dealers of the problem. It has certainly turned me off buying another Toyota, and is a story worth telling. Hey Maba, what do you reckon.

    Rgds, Kdeito

  2. Hi Mikestar, I have experienced exactly the same problem. See Kdeito dashboard crack just under your submission.

    It is my understanding that these are not isolated instances and I believe Toyota should be responsible for correcting the problem FOC regardless of warrantly expiry as it appears that the fault does not surface for about 4-5 years after manufactured. Even with toyota footing half the bill, the price to fix is quite substantial considering the age of the car.

    Hi kdeito

    what did you to to get toyota to pay half. I am going to write a letter direct to toyota with pictures and see if i can get any response. I went to a toyota dealer and they sent pics to toyota in the eastern states through the warranty dept but they just seemed to brush me off into the too hard basket with saying its out of warranty too bad. so i'll see how i go and let let you know. even some advise on what to do to fix it would be helpfull so i'll see what they say.

    Hi Mikestar, contact Customer Service phone No. out of service manual and they will refer you back to your local dealer (Ask your local dealer to research the defect history through toyota countrywide, or refer them to this website). Local Dealer offered half and I appealed and was refused, so I accepted the offer under protest. I then registered my disappointment with Customer Service who refused to reconsider the decision. I have now lodged a grievance plus pictures with the Toyota overseas email address. Keep posted/posting.

  3. Hi Mikestar, I have experienced exactly the same problem. See Kdeito dashboard crack just under your submission.

    It is my understanding that these are not isolated instances and I believe Toyota should be responsible for correcting the problem FOC regardless of warrantly expiry as it appears that the fault does not surface for about 4-5 years after manufactured. Even with toyota footing half the bill, the price to fix is quite substantial considering the age of the car.

  4. Just wondering if anyone has experienced dashboard crack. I have an 03 Prado GXL with 73,000k on it, always had a dash mat, garaged, original owner, not abused, and a crack has appeared right along the leading edge above the gauges and down the right hand side.

    My 2003 Prado GX has exactly the same crack. I also have a couple of very small cracks (1cm long) on the top of the dash.

    I believe that there are a few around. Toyota agreed to pay half to fix prob which was appreciated, being out of warranty, but it is more than disappointing that they haven't remunerated the full cost as it appears to be a concealed factory defect that surfaces after about 4-5 years. Any opinion?

  5. Just wondering if anyone has experienced dashboard crack. I have an 03 Prado GXL with 73,000k on it, always had a dash mat, garaged, original owner, not abused, and a crack has appeared right along the leading edge above the gauges and down the right hand side.


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