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Everything posted by "RuNx"

  1. Yes i will be there bill and justin dun lie skiing where the fudge are u gonna do that!!!!! Well there's not alot of snow in penrith and the only place that has water near your place to water ski is a Aqua golf @ Penrith Panthers!!!LOL HAHAHHAHaaaaa Just look out for the golf balls that me and bill will be hitting at you!!!! :D ^_^
  2. I saw a cop at flemmington markets on parra RD around 8:30am christmas eve the traffic was completely jammed up due to everyone trying to get in sum last minute chrissy shopping at pa and fruit and veg!!!!!LOL The cops were directing traffic since the traffic lights were absolutely no help! There was a highway patrol wanting to get out through this carpark of traffic he put on his lights gives the siren the woOp WoOP!! People stop the other cop stops traffic and he flies off down the road i managed to get through a few minutes after goin down the road i see the same highway patrol in the drive through at MACCAS!!! Getting breakfast!!!!!LOL :D :P ^_^ They must be doin their job!!!!!! PPPWWwwwAAAHHahahahaaaaaaa
  3. Well i do love the twisties such as the ones here in sydney in the National park run but due to having a kit, lowered springs and shocks that are starting to pack it in due to drives through the national park and other roads like it ....... I'll have to say cruise or freeway for now!!! <_< But thats until i get better brakes and coil-overs!!!LOL ^_^ ^_^
  4. yup bro ill be there hope there is no rain or anything like that!!!!LOL
  5. bertie(u know guys the little chocolates "bertie beetles" with the rice bubbles in them)!!!
  6. yeah bill ill be there bro!!!!!!!Thursdayu huh there isnt really that much happening on thursday night but i guess everyone is on holidays by that time so it should be good!!!!!!
  7. I'll see ya there!!!!!!Everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. HAHHAHAHAaaa man he will never live that one down will he Justin!!!!!! He would probably reply to that comment but he is too busy playing Counter Strike man GREY is such a TYPICAL!!!LOL If i can make it Justin i'll be there by about 8-8:30pm man its hard to get people organised these days!!! Back in my days if u were goin for a cruise it was easy......If u coming get in ur car and go!!!!! Nowadays with my mates there are too many pollitics invloved "Idun wanna go there, i dun wanna eat at that place, i dun like the dic k he ad s that hang out there!!!" BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!
  9. In the cronulla area huh!!! HHHHHMmmmmmmmmm well i dun think that we will be able to cruise there with a whole bunch of cars not the way things are going at the moment anyway!!!!! Just make sure that u arnt carrying any weapons or molitov cocktail bombs!!!LOL :D :P ^_^
  10. shop (JUSTIN are u advertising for a STORE thats a big NO NO!!! :D ^_^ )LOL
  11. COLD AIR INTAKE (investigate these things!!!!LOL *use the search button!!!HAHAHAHHAHAahaaaa hey JUSTIN!!!!) ^_^ ^_^
  12. Yeah justin i should be there as i have already informed u and i'll try and bring a few guys along too!!!!
  13. implosion (i think thats how u would spell it??)
  14. Welcome...... :D :D ^_^
  15. Actually that stuff is pretty good and it smells nice too!!!!! Hey EGGBERT it was you that jump through Paradox's window and landed on his front seats HUH????!!!!!LOL ^_^ ;)
  16. I will definately back up that statment!!!!!!!! My friend had the loudest, ugliest sounding straight threw muffler on a civic as well he finally got sick of sounding like he was going 170km/hr doin only 60km/hr!!!LOL And changed to a cheaper version of the MUGEN twin-loop muffler made by X-FORCE and if anything you cant hear him much accelerating from 0-60km/hr it also increased his bottom end speed dramatically from when he just had a typical straight through muffler!!!! :)
  17. Obviously u have used heaps of soap and water ???!!!!! Maybe try using an ODOUR NUETRALISER u can get one in a spray it's from GLADE the brand.....You can buy it from COLES....etc I use it instead of a air freshner i dont like a constant strong fragrance in the car all the time it also worked really well when my dog threw up on the back seat!!!!LOL :D But on the torture note....I'LL be in!!! I hate little kids!!!(probably why i have a dog!!!LOL) Evil bastards but wat say we tie their parents to the back of the car as well!!!!!! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ :D
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