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About qkslvr

  • Birthday 06/15/1981

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  • Toyota Model
    Silver 2003 Corolla Sportivo

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  1. I know of someone who imported over a 100 units of these. basically, you can still 'grey import' them as long as Nissan haven't brought them in yet. alot of the dealerships are getting their stock through grey importers at the moment. My mate was lucky enought o see one when they first arrived. He was a passanger in one that day but wasn't aloud to drive it. hehe poor guy. anyway, to answer your question. yes, there are quite a few with compliance already.
  2. I was at a friend's house to celebrate her daughter's 4th birthday. obviously, the lights were still on. Some self rightous f*cks decided to hoon past the house every 15minutes yelling "EARTH HOUR!" at the top of their lunges. These are the same type of ppl that get into fights with neighbours because they water their plants during water restrictions. They should just get a life! Since when did a voluntary thing become enforcable by douchebag vigelante a$$hats?!?
  3. qkslvr


    Look at that Grill!!! LOL
  4. qkslvr


    Playing up the "Bogan" image hey, Simo?!? LOL i reackon Simo is in actual fact a S.N.A.G posing as a blokey bloke. hahahaha
  5. those Aurions are definitely drool worthy
  6. Congrats!! i remember driving alone for the first time. it hit me when I was driving alone and just looked around inside the car and realised there was noone in the car with me. You feel so free! i still remeber it. enjoy it dudette! But take care on the roads.
  7. Nice work dude. Keep the pics coming. I live vicariously through you and Xoom now. haha
  8. You work at the Docks? do you know a guy called Hok there?
  9. the twin axial helis (two sets of blades above each other that sping in opposite directions) are a gazillion time easier to fly because you don't have to worry about tail control but they have very limited in their flying capabilities. If you fly tail rotor helis you'll have to fimiliarise yourself with two types: fixed and collective pitch. Collective pitch gives you the best control and stability but are harder to setup and more expensive to maintain. I have a T-Rex 450 Electric. It's a collective pitch model. Assuming you fly in Mode1 (most Aussie radios are set up this way) you'll need to learn to use one hand for pitch and the other hand for roll. it will take you a while to get used to it. no amount of explaination will teach you to fly, you'll have to learn by trying it. but i must warn you, it gets expensive. I have not yet had a flying day where something wasn't damaged or broken. I have changed many landing skids, main blades, tail blades, and tail booms.
  10. qkslvr


    What's that all about, Simo?
  11. qkslvr


    Nice Crew
  12. qkslvr


    It was alright, and surprisingly roomy. I've slept in worse conditions. Though the pillow was just like a pillowcase filled with macaroni. I guess it was just something for the experience. Was probably the most expensive accommodation during the trip. I'm 21. Was 20 during the Japan trip. What were you trying to get at here. I did take a trip to Shibuya and checked out the 'love hotels' if that's what you were thinking. hehe. I wasn't taking a shot at you or anything like that. It's just that you look sooooo young there. lol
  13. qkslvr


    If your hard up for a root you should just start a thread, surely you can find something :) >>CLICK HERE FOR A GOOD TIME!!!<< That is gold. Nice one Simo. I like your style. To keep in line with the photos, it's an old photo, but it's me on my Story Bridge climb in 2007: And a capsule hotel in Japan: i've always wondered what its liek in those capsuls. was it comfy? Forget the capsule. How old are you, DJKOR? lol
  14. very nice. Go Silver!
  15. the trick for the road is to have them as soft as possible without them bottoming out. It's a trade-off between ride height and stiffness.
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