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Everything posted by qkslvr

  1. - brake squeal while reversing and braking (got it "fixed" once on 1000km and 10,000km service. never worked at all. - slight rattle in front passanger side door. sounds light something knocking on the window when it's down inside the door - interior arm rest on the front door trims are loose. - no steering reach adjustment - passanger seat does not slide on railing smoothly - suspension is too damn high!
  2. Hehehe. Thanks guys. :D i've been itching to see how my car would look like lowered. and i think you may be right Shao, they look more like 18's. i scaled them too much. Hey E-Gene. those eyelids look familiar? hehehe. i got them painted and fitted. they look really good. Thanks again.
  3. Don't you wish the sportivo looked like this from the factory. All i did was lower it put 17" rims on and HID conversion (photoshop job). oh well.
  4. Yeh that's for sure. I was a member of an old Celica forum and our dream was to get the 3s-gte conversion done. some members did. :P
  5. Where did you get the info on the next gen celica? Yeh. the GTi club Supras in Japan run the 3S-GTE engine with a horizontal mount radiator. There is so much room left over after the engine goes in that they can mount the radiator that way. mind you, that 600hp 3s-gte corolla would probably drive like a slug in low revs.
  6. wow. 3.49seconds 0-100km/h that is unbelievable.! the 3s-GTE engine has definitely stood the test of time. hard to believe the 3s block is the same block that goes on the old camry's :P
  7. hahaha :D that is some funny stuff. i can't believe they went out with it.
  8. Damn dude! :( gives me shivers looking at those pics. So sorry about your accident man. Don't worry dude i'm sure it will look and feel like new when it's fixed. Dakoda, i don't think he airbag goes off unless you are moving 40km/h or faster. (i think)
  9. Likewise man! gave a good run. get your clutch fixed and we'll try it again. :P I'm just itching to see if i can beat you. :D It was all in good fun anyway. Grimlock, i don't think the next run will be for a while. i just gave my car a good wash and realised how many stone chips i have. :( i've got to get myself those bonnet protectors before the next meet. Or maybe a full car-bra. hehehe Cheers
  10. aluminium then styrofoam and then anothe layer of alumunium to sandwich the foam. it will be like an esky. :D
  11. Yeh. Last minute change of plan. the OzHonda boys didn't show and we were told that it was a bumpy drive down south. when my fingers recover from the long post earlier i'll tell you about the Civic that "tagged" along :D
  12. Hi dude. welcome. I'm a web programmer (boring! ;) ) is that your car in the picture. I just realised that there aren't too many silver s'tivos on this forum. correct me if i'm wrong.
  13. That was definitely a good night. Shame about all the stone chips Influx, i think you better get that windscreen looked at before the "star" starts to spread. Xoom, you should have lined it up properly so we could all see how the unichip performed against the stocker. Sorry guys! it's true. Those JDM integras are damn quick. the guy had a worn clutch and still manage to get the jump on me. it's true about our cars being top end performers. He would always get out ahead right at the begining and then when i was in lift i would hold and begin to reel him in. Here is the run down: Integra: early 90's integra with stock JDM B16a engine with exhaust. (worn clutch) Sportivo: 03 model stock sportivo. (crappy driver :P ) Race conditions: Rolling start at 20Km/h <_< (hard to synchronize the start) starting: I would gun it when i heard his exhaust start to get louder. run1: we did not following the above rules for this one and i launched before he had a chance to react. we diregarded this one Run2: rolling start, i gunned it, he gunned it. He immediately pulled in front. my nose was just at his boot. Lift in 1st, Lift is 2nd, Lift in 3rd. I was reeling him in. I pulled just up to his nose. we were almost neck and neck (then he slammed on the brake because by then we were going way too fast) He later aknowledged that i had him in that one and credited me with that run. Run3: Rolling start again. both take off at exactly the same time. Again he pulls off infront again. :o damn! he is half a car length infront. 1st - hit rev limiter, 2nd - hit rev limiter , 3rd - backed off. at the end of it i was still behind but had pulled up a little so i could see him in the car beside me. we both backed off and he and I had this massive grin on our face. he gave me the thumbs up. (i think he was happy he beat me) Run4: Rolling start. Again, he pulled in front i'm at his boot this time. 1st - hit lift, 2nd - hit lift I'm right up to the back of his door. try to shift to 3rd, let the clutch out a little too early, sychros wouldn't bind.... SH*T!!!! He is immediately two cars infront! :( . Damn! beat me again! ) Run5: He yelled out the Window that this would be the last run before he turned off home. I yelled out that there was a speed camera not far up the road but he gunned it anyway. I decided the speed camera was still 1km up the road so i give it a go but by the time i reacted he was long gone :( . Oh well. I told the Honda guy to fix is clutch and we'll meet up again when i get more practice. That was a fun night. In conclusion the cars are very close. It was definitely a driver's race. Unfortunately, i wasn't good enough with the gear changes. Xoom, you should give him a run. the unichip may prove to be the deciding factor. Each and every time he pulled in front on rolling starts. they have more mid range poke than us. Next time we will do launch starts and see how that goes. He had a slipping clutch and was still astoundingly quick so be warned guys. Sorry for the long post guys. The OP was definitely the highlight of the night.
  14. hey mike i don't think you would notice a powerloss. the stock intake setup sucks air from the engine bay also doesn't it?
  15. Hi Xoom Fair enough :( but if you say it's a minor issue then that eases worries. Damn! i was so hoping for that extra 10Kw hahaha :D
  16. i was just reading the posts on the ozhonda forum. hahaha. Xoom and Sportivo being our ATOC diplomats. :P the guys over there seem pretty friendly. Just a couple of them where abit hostile but then again WE were "invading" their forum after all. Damn. i was looking forward to seeing some hondas give the sportivo a run. :D oh well, it should still be fun
  17. ROFL! :D that is some funny Sh*t!
  18. hi E-Gene cool. I live in sydney but when i come down to Melbourne i'll give your place a visit. :D should be cool
  19. Hi guys some info on meeting point Fitness first carpark where we will meet Parramatta Rd toward Parramatta (turn left just ahead after telegraph pole) Disclaimer as you enter carpark. Please be on your best behaviour =) Carpark hours of operation. just a headsup for those attending. :D Cheers
  20. I work just around the corner from there. Please note that if you are coming down parramatta rd from Parramatta direction you will not being able to turn right into the car park. You will see Fitness first then you need to turn left into Alban St and turn back out. Cheers and look forward to seeing everyone there. :D Oh! bring all your cameras!
  21. wow! you probably couldn't even take off in second gear without wheel spin hahaha :D
  22. qkslvr

    Test drive

    Wow! sound's really cool and futuristic. I don't really think any of us s'tivo drivers will complain about it being sedate as there are many other features to keep us occupied :D it sounds like it drives really good for a 1.5litre engine. it would be a strange sensation driving in stealth mode. the car is moving but no engine noise. i'd keep thinking the car has stalled. :P at current petrol prices (i payed 119.9cents per litre yesterday <_< ) i'm sure it will end up that most ppl will drive cars like the prius.
  23. Xoom, would you be able to send give me directions also? we are still meeting at Homebush stadium Friday 8pm right?
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