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Posts posted by qkslvr

  1. hey guys wana buy these coilovers from this site http://www.nengun.com/ cusco zero 2s for my corolla sportivo 2005 superdave said the product code is the same is this site trustworthy does anyone know of any places in sydney or other if not this site to buy some off want them so bad car has been to high for too long heard cusco is the ***** and not too expensive trying to stay under 2500 as much as i can thanks :help:

    sorry to be the punctuation police but can you try and use some? i ran out of breath trying to read your post. :blink:

  2. I'm in the market for some tyres soon aswell. these are just my second set of tyres since i bought the car. first was was obviously stock Turanzas which lasted 50,000km. The second set which i'm running now are Nankangs and have only last 25,000km.

    I've never been performance oriented as i don't track the car but i think this time i might go for something a little more upmarket. I've got 17x7 rims so not sure what to get.

  3. Ok. Just thought i'd add my 2cents. first off, Great DIY post BKS. Glad to see some new technical stuff being added these days. Secondly; if you're going the skate bearing route, like And1 said, no need to buy the expensive bearings i.e ABEC rating from 1-5, 5being better than 1. they don't mean squat for our application so don't bother buying the expensive stuff. the higher the rating, the more precise the bearing and the faster the skates will go.

  4. Hey!

    Just wondering if anyone used it on their car..

    Feedback? :)

    I have. It's great for removing Tar and bug marks. The stuff buffs out with too much elbow grease. I can remove swirl marks aswell but takes alot of time. It's obviously slightly abrasive so use it sparingly. Use it too much and you could buff away your clear coat.

    P.S make sure your car is washed before you use it. rubbing it into dirty paint will make the swirl marks alot worse.

  5. You've got to be kidding right!?! they're young, they're horny, and they might even be in love. Just leave them be. If it makes you uncomfortable then do look at them. It's not like they're contributing to global warming or killing off the Pandas or something. THEY'RE JUST KIDS FOR GD'S SAKES! LEAVE THEM ALONE!

  6. Yep. The speedo works off revolutions. so if you change the rolling-radius of your wheel, each revolution of the tyre is going to cover a greater distance - you'll be going faster than what your speedo is telling you.

    Also, speed errors of this kind go out by percentage. so if you see a 3Km/h different at 60km/h (5% off), then you will be out by 5km/h at 100km/h i.e it will say 100km/h when you're actualy going 105km/h

    to find out distance covered by your wheel with one revolution use the following formula:

    Pi * Diameter

    Note: Pi (pronounced 'Pie') = 3.14

  7. Treat Octane boost as a detonation prevention additive, never rely on it to give you power (actually expect less)

    this is why it is recomended to use high octane fuels for track or 1/4's... not because it helps for power but helps reduce the chance of detonation.

    but if you're running stock mappings and you haven't tinkered with antying other than exhaust and intake, you shouldn't be getting detonation, even at the track or drag strip. If you're getting anything other than mild ping then you've got some more serious issues.

  8. You're engine mappings are tuned for 95RON fuel. Octane boost doesn't give your fuel anything other than a more controlled burn (read; slower burning). This just allows you to advance your timing a little more under engine load (to hopefully give you more power). Unfortunately for you, stock mappings won't fully take advantage of this and therefore you'll see no benefit.

    This i controversial but I have seen first hand during a dyno day that octane boost actually causes your engine to put out less top-end power. 90-odd KW at the wheel for a Sportivo running octane boost while the other cars of the same level of tune put out over 110KW each - the owner wasn't happy.

    Treat Octane boost as a detonation prevention additive, never rely on it to give you power (actually expect less)

  9. I guess you don't want to go into too much detail on a public forum about how your brother smashed the car, but i hope he has a full recovery. If this was some sort of tragic accident then i feel bad for him, but if he was at fault then at least he's ok and has learnt something.

    Shame about the car but better the car than your brother. Take it easy dude.

  10. Hi all,

    Does anyone know where the best starting place would be to source a single 3rd row seat for a 1997

    Toyota camry vienta. I'll place an ad in the wanted to buy but if anyone knows of any manufacturers

    that would still be able to supply these it would be greatly appreciated.



    What the hell is a Dickie Seat? and since when did Camry's have 3 rows of seat? :blink::blink:

  11. Hi Guys

    this is a quick call to all W.A members. My brother is a producer on the SBS news program, Insight. He currently needs people from Western Australia to talk about the FuelWatch program and how it affects you.

    here is his message below:

    SBS Television's INSIGHT program - a weekly hour-long current affairs program (www.sbs.com.au/insight) will be looking at the issue of the rising cost of petrol next week. We're looking to speak to drivers in WA about FuelWatch and whether or not you think it's saving you money. Please email johnnyl@sbs.com.au by Tuesday 1st July with your details.

    Please send him an email ASAP if you are interested.


  12. My parents and every single teacher i had as a kid always taught me the same thing; if you ignore bullies they will get bored ans leave you along due to your lack of reaction. The more you react, the more you're feeding the troll, so to speak. Of course, there is a limit to how much you should take but it's just a rule of thumb.

    I reckon being picked on a little as kid helped me become a stronger person as i grew up. If i had a chance to visit all those that bullied and pick on me for being the little Asian kid, i'd rock up to their trailer parks, thank them for helping me become who i am today, and then offer to give them a lift to the nearest centrelink. :lol:

  13. Just out of Curiosity..

    Do the Asian Languages sound annoyin to Non-Asian?

    Coz u know, usually racist pricks like to imitate the way Asian talks, like 'chang ching chong' which i think is dumb and retarded.

    Sorry if this sounds rude, but couldnt figure out on how to say it in a better way..

    yeah, coz most people aren't aware there is actually a language called "Asian" hahaha.

    and 'chang ching chong' means "i just flicked your mother on the forehead with a racoon's tail" hahaha

  14. lmfao, on the weekends for my friends bday we went to the city and like there was i'd say 20 of us asians LOL and

    this drunk aussie im guessing ?, starts yelling at us saying "you fckn chinese kients, go back to ur own country ur stealing our jobs and ****" HAHAHA

    and LOL well i was like wdf? we were born in australia u d!ck

    then we just walked off LOL but like he was still swearing n **** LOL cos my mates and i were swearing back haha

    the end

    sounds like what usually happens when my friends and I decide to have a night out at Coogie beach. hehe

    Next time someone tells you to go back to your country, just tell them you can't because your boats brocken down and you're working for the money to get it fixed. hahaha

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