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Posts posted by BYL05R

  1. dnt care people its full aussie bro much more rooom, and more more power, OMG YAY POWERSTEERING NO MORE STRUGGLING, CRUISE CONTROL WOOOT WOOOT, POWER WINDOWS YAYA =D i would kill for it ova my old rolla,

    and u guys got to admit it is better den a old 1985 battered rolla, and GT LOST wat are u talkin about i rarly see any broking down, i see moslty fords dying fords are ***** holes and OMG these cars are soooo much more fun den any toyota apart from the AE86, and older den 1985 model toyotas... not ditching toyota, toyota is awesome got to admit

  2. PRETTY hahahah... and wo dude spillage i have no idea what you are going on about lol (LMAO DONT WORRY I JUST FIGURED IT OUT!!!!), ... and well brad HOW THE HELL DID YOU MAKE THAT crap that look excellent man... i just use the exposure tool to darken them not always the best option


  3. Think I might have to come down and meet a few more of you guys :)

    But whats gunna be better??? Cruise or Friday Night Football??? Very tough choice haha...

    Where at the cinema complex is the meet???

    IN the carpark the one outside the complex not the underground one unless we decide later to drive in there to take nasty photos hahah

  4. Toyo mate,

    you are on the right track... but i think the wheels dont look quite right... close but no prize for you :P

    Keep up the good work :D


    thnx bro... da wheels always da hardest to get exacltly right because da tires might be flat or da rim is just looking funny on them cause the wheelsmay be out of portion

  5. i no where this backdrop is its in a park down the road from me

    KEWL!!!!! dats hectic take a same picture of your car like that heheh and i might work some wonders on it hehehe :P

  6. hahah NICE WORK brad... maybe we can all do our bit aye like... and i was asking for opinions but not harsh ones man come on u like f'in oath and all this crap anyways back to photoshop lol i finally got a decent pic of my dads tarago and i am going to do wat i want to it =D well if you dnt like it i dnt care its your opinions =D

  7. you guys need a chill pill man come on like seriously if u cant do any better den just talk how crap things are come on andy show me ur skills if u say mine are soooo *****!!!!!!! hmmm yer boi dnt talk if u dnt know come on its only a picture and how is it imjustice its loud and proud PROMOT UR TEAM, and ur COUNTRY as i quote that you said to simo i while back YOU MAKE ME A PROUD AUSTRALIAN sooo i guess ur not aussie

  8. I can't believe what i just saw...

    it was requested to me by sum1 on this forum... not mentioning on their name but privatly so it was done lmao... outstanding results =D :P... ITS ALL IN GOOD FUN AYE BOYS

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