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Everything posted by Foss

  1. Took youre lead and searched my name. Quoted definitions are spot on the money. :D and my personal favourite
  2. Cheers guys. Still some bubbles and stuff in it, but as I say, its only a kinda test run, so I'm not that fussed. Yoz-r6, I haven't done around the stereo and AC controls yet. I have an aftermarket head unit though, so I just have the doubledin fascia as opposed to doing an actual headunit. I'll probably be finishing it off tomorrow (well, its 2:15am, so I guess today!), so I'll get some photos up once I'm done.
  3. Been thinking for a while about refinishing the silver parts of my dash and the rest of my interior. I've been thinking of scrapping silver all together in favour of a deep gloss metallic black, using a clear-over-base finish like the exterior paintwork. After some of the guys in the Aurion section refinished theirs in a carbon fiber vinyl, I decided to pull out the roll of carbon fibre I had left over from doing the interior of my old car and give it a burl. The carbon fibre is just a temporary finish, to see how I feel about the dark gloss look in their before I actually go out and paint it. So far I'm liking it. Heres the photos...
  4. I'm safe. I don't eat french fries! Anyway, you guys talked me into it. :P I did mine (well most of) last night with the carbon fibre style vinyl I had left from when I did my old car. Its a different finish to the rest. Personally I prefer this style, though the final finsh you guys got was much better quality. Still haven't done the climate control, the head unit fascia, or the trims on the doors. Will probably get them done tomorrow. The finish isn't 100% perfect (a couple of air bubbles and puckered curves) but its not gonna be a permanent thing anyway. Its more a temporary thing to see how I feel about a dark shiny finish before I fork out on metallic black and clear coat. Better I change my mind and have to peel off some vinyl than having to sand and respray the whole thing. Anyway, the pics...
  5. Mate, that looks tops! Wonder how it would look with the handle covers done as well. As in the ones that you remove to get to the screws.
  6. I had bits of my Lancer centre console and dash done in a brushed aluminium vinyl (in much the same style as the Aurion dash silver, actually). Not a tinted with a color one, thought, just plain ally color. Looked woeful, because the dash was cheap, hard, crappy plastic that was textured to look leatherish even though it clearly wasn't, so when the vinyl was heated up, the texturing started to show through a bit, so it wasn't smooth. On the Aurion it would probably look pretty authentic, though, coz of the smoothness panels. Don't have any of that vinyl left to test with now, though. Not really the finish I'm looking for in the Aurion though. I'm still kinda tempted to do mine in a clear-over-base, exterior type finish, polished and waxed. In a metallic black, or charcoal, or a darker shade of silver. That or an iridescent black with silver and maybe a greyish blue, but that would probably be too distracting.
  7. In a bit of a post hardcore and metal phase this week. Lots of E.S, Preist, Stone Sour, I Am Ghost, etc. I'll have snap out of it tomorrow night, though, when I jump back in the studio to work on some new remixes. :D
  8. I second Daryl's idea. I like that look. Needs red, still, I say, though.
  9. That looks great, mate. With all these people refinishing their consoles, its got the better of me (ya pack o' bastards! :P ). Think I've still got a roll of carbon fibre and a roll of brushed stainless finish vinyl stashed in the garage somewhere. Tonight its experimenting time.
  10. Don't really think it needs changing, but if it were to be changed, I'd say shades of grey in the same fashion that the softer blues are now, but with some red for header bars, buttons, borders, etc. (For example, this 'Fast Reply' box. Make the header bar red, the light blue that directly surrounds this text box a red shade, and make the rest of the grey-ish blues grey. Background possibly a dark grey or white.) Edit... Bugger it, photoshops attached.
  11. Valid point. I'd still have expected a reasonable improvement. I know people with similar drives, half the system specs, and faster Vista boot times! Oh well. S3 sleep it is! :D
  12. Definately wasn't the IDE cable. Tried 3 or 4. The only reason I didn't want to go to SATA is coz I felt no need blowing money on a new drive when my IDE has more than enough space for Windows and progs. All my data is stored on a 1Tb external, which I've barely scratched the surface of. Ended up biting the bullet and putting down the $58 for a new drive. Low-level-format of the IDE drives didn't work, and I just couldn't be ar$ed playing anymore. I wanted to get some use out of my shiny new quad-core! Slightly disappointed though. Win7 only boots about 3 seconds quicker than it did on my old Sempron 2600+
  13. People still enjoy manuals? Same reasoning maybe I love manuals. The lack of manual option (and then teasing us with what looks like a manual sequential mode until you look further into it) is probably my biggest gripe about the Aurion. And I'm not sure I see your reasoning there? Just thinking some more, too, of 'S' mode and it being 'the wrong way round', everybody I speak to seems to think the opposite. "V8 Supercars" is the cited example from everyone. I still think it's wrong. Or maybe we all just play too much Need for Speed?
  14. Very strange. Dodgy cable? I had something similar a while back. I had the drive on the very end on Cable Select and the drive to the middle as Master, so of course I had 2 masters so neither was recognised. I've only got the DVD-RW and the HDD on that line. Shouldn't hurt, given I previously had those same 2 drives plus a floppy drive (remember those? ) on that same one before the upgrade. The BIOS defaults to IDE. Its one of the things I noticed while looking for settings to fix the problem. Tried that. No dice. I think I'll just go buy a new HDD tonight. Turns out my local shop can do me a Samsung 250gb SATA for $58! Thats ridiculously cheap! I can't even buy them from my wholesalers for that.
  15. Just did a bit of a search of Technet. Couldn't see anything specific to Windows 7. Don't spose you have any links?
  16. Didn't have a power surge. Motherboard died of old age and the fact that they were a pretty woeful board in the first place. Aside from that, only 1 of the 3 drives was actually in the comp at the time, so a surge wouldn't kill all 3. Yep. Dumped all partitions and repartitioned from scratch. I thought the same thing. IDE mode? Its a PATA drive, not a SATA one.
  17. lol, My arms are plenty strong enough. I was being facetious. Still, personally, I can't understand how anybody could actually enjoy torque steer. With all the modern technology we pay for in these cars to improve handling and safety, I can't see whats to love about something that makes your car harder to handle.
  18. I don'y have kids myself, but judging by all the crap I found when I pulled my back seat out, the previous owner of my car had a young daughter. They had it for just under 2 years, and you wouldn't know the back seat had ever been sat in at all, let alone by a young child! I can't say for sure, but I assume the leather is the same material used in both the ZR6 and the Prodigy, so assuming your child isn't a vandal in the making, I reckon the leather should hold up fine. In fact, as much as I constantly hear people say that leather and kids don't mix, I can't imagine why. Have you ever tried wiping spilt drinks or sticky stuff off cloth? I think that comes down to personal preference. I like firm suspension, so it doesn't bother me at all. I don't like being in a car that feels like its floating, it makes me nauseous. Just depends on what suits you best.
  19. Its probably bollocks. Everything gives you cancer these days. Smoke? CANCER! Drink? CANCER! Spend the day in the sun? CANCER! Put your undies on backwards? CANCER! It's ridiculous!
  20. I think all my IDE hard drives have all become mysteriously faulty at the same time. They were all working fine last Monday, and my old motherboard died last Wednesday or Thursday. I bought a new mobo, RAM, and CPU yesterday, but when I put it together and whacked in my old primary hard disk and installed my new Windows, I get an error trying to boot. I've posted it up on the TechSupportGuy forums, so to save retyping it all here, I'll just leave you that link. Any ideas?
  21. Torque steer - where your car accelerates itself off the road into a pole. Whats not to love.
  22. Last shots of her alive? They could be worth a mint! ;) RIP Sam. Shame you couldn't get some of your mods off her, though. Few pennies worth there, I'd imagine. Couldn't really put them on a new car, though, anyway. Would be a bit like giving your new girlfriend your old girlfriend's sexy underwear. It just wouldn't be right.
  23. RHD? They're symmetrical! How do you get RHD/LHD headlights?! If the way they drive in Tassie is any indication, you're spot on.
  24. 569 pages! How is this game still going?!
  25. OK, I've listed it on ebay. So on the off chance that you've realised "sh*t, forgot, and I wanted that!" you'll have to bid for it HERE now.
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