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Posts posted by Hsien

  1. ok guys hopefully if i get a change after installing my new c/overs during the weekend,

    i will be picking up the extra set of throwovers for those who requested them and will be chaging mick and dylans .

    so if anyone still interested in gettin a set let me know cause this is the last time i will be going.

    cheers mario

    And i got a set sitting my garage with no car to put it in...if anyone wants a white throwover with red trd logo...

    Give you $20.00 for them.... (and I'll pick up) :P

    Haha...u wish...its still brand new..only been on the car for 4 days........make me a real offer.. :P

  2. ok guys hopefully if i get a change after installing my new c/overs during the weekend,

    i will be picking up the extra set of throwovers for those who requested them and will be chaging mick and dylans .

    so if anyone still interested in gettin a set let me know cause this is the last time i will be going.

    cheers mario

    And i got a set sitting my garage with no car to put it in...if anyone wants a white throwover with red trd logo...

  3. Is it worth doing a CAI setup on a Corolla Conquest (Automatic), or would i just be wasting my money?

    So one person said its a waste, and others disagree in general (but from what i gather these are all sportivos).

    So what about just plain Conquest Automatic? Worth it? or just like Leasaunce said, there's no point?

    mate he has a camry, i have had both 1zz and 2zz rollas and CAI is worth its weight in gold. ask hsien he has an auto 1zz and he loves the CAI.

    Yep Corey is right, I absolute loved it.... :P

    Seriously mate, even though its an automatic, putting a CAI, extractor and cat back exhaust will make ur car so much nicer to drive. My auto sedan was beautiful to drive after getting these mods done. Especially when the car is loaded with people, you can really feel the difference. Makes the car easier to live with i tell u... :D

    I miss my car... :(

  4. Clickes

    Read that and see the quote that "Using high octane fuel for an engine makes a difference when the engine is producing its maximum power. This will occur when the intake manifold has no air restriction and is running at minimum vacuum. These conditions are present only when the accelerator is totally depressed."

    interesting info..

  5. or it could be the fact that the MR2 revs to 6750 rpm whereas the rolla cuts out at 6400, when it is still making power.

    PS. Stivos are slow, 1zz is much quicker...<cough>

    PPS. Just read that document, it is a crock of crap. Using that guy's supposed drivetrain loss and hp figures, a stock 1zz should be making ~93kw atw and a stivo ~122kw atw.

    Haha..........isn't that our deepest wish..that stock 1zz and stivo puting out that power at the wheel..... :P

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