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Posts posted by Harvs73

  1. Recently we have been having dramas with the moving headlight on the Presara. The left headlight bulb would dim right down at start up and stay that way, when restarted at a later time it would go back to normal brightness then at other times the bulb would not work at all. We took it to Toyota and they could not find the fault, luckily the helpful guy we have come to know mentioned that he had a Toyota known fault alert that listed the exact same problem. It seems that once again Toyota has manged to buy faulty parts and passed them onto consumers then failed to tell anyone about it when they discovered it.

    These bulbs aparantly cost around $500!!!!! Luckily our car is still under warranty and it will be replaced for free.

    So if you have this problem with your Presara take it in and get the bulb replaced for free if it is under warranty or make sure it gets tested!

  2. One of the signs we had (but didn't know it) was the slight discolouration of the drivers side pillar panel(?). About half way down the grey went a slightly different colour than the rest of it. This discolouration had been there since we bought it and was just passed off by the dealer as 'one of those things' when we mentioned it.

    From what the Service manager said, it affects all Aurions with a sun roof and late model (?) Camry's. But basically as it's a manufacturers fault it should be replaced free of charge no matter what the age of the vehicle.

  3. I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before but I will bring this up anyway.

    Several months ago my wife noticed a drop of water coming from the drivers side visor. We both had a look and couldn't find any reason for it despite a thorough check of the moon roof etc on our new Presara. It didn't happen again until a few months after, once again we checked but couldn't find any reason. But as it was due in for a big service under warranty we mentioned it then.

    It turns out that all late model Camry and Aurions have a porblem with the tube that drains the water from the Moon Roof down the drivers side pillar. A bad batch went through and they are rotting and letting water build up in the pillar. The end result was that Toyota had to replace the whole internal lining and tube under warranty, this was achieved in a few hours.

    When questioned why no-one had mentioned this to us at any stage during the purchase or other services we had done, the service manager just said that it would cost too much for Toyota to inspect all affected vehicles and replace the drain tubes on those that needed it. So it was up to the owner to notice it and bring it to the attention of Toyota that the KNOWN FAULT was occuring! To put it mildly, I was not a happy camper. What made me even more happy was that we were told that if we hadn't bought this up at that service our warranty could/would have been voided!

    So if you have an Aurion or late model Camry with a sun roof I suggest you get it in and have it inspected to make sure that the tube doesn't require replacing.

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