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Posts posted by Ilivfor6

  1. I am really starting to dislike you Lucio! <_<

    Now that someone is regularely doing it every time I can't use the excuse "It's the gearbox"

    I am now trying my butt off to improve my changes. Practicing a lot coming and going from work. I think I have improved by about 100rpm, falling mostly between 5900 & 6000 where last week it was 5800 & 5900 :(

    I guess I better practice some more on my way home tonight!!!

  2. Mobil Synergy 8000.

    Use to use Optimax all the time but fill to fill my car was different all the time. One fill it seemed up and the next it was down/lethargic.

    And a family friend who works on Jap performance bikes tells his clients to stay away from Optimax as it was causing engine problems on the bikes he was working on (ie. burning out the piston rings & stuff like that!

    Ever since going to mobil synergy 8000 the performance of the car has been very consistant and feels smoother!

  3. The brakes on the stivo are not the same as on the other corolla's. They are more of a performance brake. A friend of mine who use to own a workshop and did a lot of performance brake packages (expensive stuff like tar-ox) has told me this is a common problem with performance brakes. If the pads are not matched right to the rest of the system that noise occurs.

    They would have a lot of people come back to them after replacing pads on a break set-up done by them earlier complaing of the same noise. When they put the brand originally used for the set-up back on the squeel went away!

    He has suggested that maybe the Pads are wrong for the set-up and were a compromised solution for their brake & rotor wear, price & stopping ability. He suggested that I should try a better brand (which means better compound). This will hopefully eliminate the noise, and the car will brake better. The downside is higher rotor wear & tear.

    His other advice to stop the noise was to cane the **** out of the stivo. His words "Brake hard, Brake late & make them glow" which I have done lately and while I was doing it over I did not hear the noise.

    I drove with the wife the last 5 days (slow & carefull) and the noise came back. I am now going to flog it again and see what happens :D :D :D

    Imagine Toyota coming back with the fix "Drive the car harder" :blink:

  4. The guy in Europe who has recorded a sub 15 quarter in a stock stivo says he leaves his foot a little on the gas during change. Not all the way just enough to keep it reving.

    I am a little hesitant to do that as I do not wish to punish the car and especially the clutch. But it seems to work for him.

    I find when I try to let the clutch out real quick I get that sudden Kick/shudder through the drivetrain. Have only ever landed in lift 1st to 2nd twice. Boy does it go well when it happens!!!

  5. A friend who has a 2zzg celica (manual) had his car on a dyno stock standard - before doing all his mods - and it put out approx 96kw to 98kw at the wheels.

    And Peekays with the TRD CAI did about 106kw at the wheels.

    I think motor are in dreamland. Even their 0-100 time was slow. I have seen an article in a rally magazine where they recorded a 7.6 second 0-100 and the reviewer said the launch could have been better if he had time to learn the car. They believed they could shave another .3 to .5 off that time with some practice.

  6. Peekay helped me install the TRD CAI just before XMAS. It does make a difference through the entire rev range although it is more noticeable in the 3000 to 6000 rev range.

    In lift it feels a lot stronger but it's hard to tell if its just your mind playing tricks because the sound is so amazing. It sounds like there are a lot more cubic inches under the hood.

    Definately an overall improvement and well worth the $$$ :D

  7. All the minor adjustments are made to the mount supplied in the TRD kit. You do not have to modify any part of the car. Once you spray the TRD mount that requires the slight modification black, it looks pretty much factory standard!

    I do not know if you will be able to get a kit that requires no minor mods to it for our stivo's and in previous cars I have never had a custom intake as nice as this TRD CAI... and I have had a few!

  8. With the TRD CAI those extra hoses are simply removed and the Kit comes with plugs for this.

    The metal mount for one of the sensors needs to be modified with a little bit of grinding as it is just slighlty too big for the clip at the back of the sensor to go on, and aother piece cut off the mount as its not neaded and just gets in the way.

    Other than that it pretty much goes straight on. Its very nicely done as it even comes with rubber mountings that go straight to standard points on the car.

    The car idles perfect and absolutely no vibrations from the kit!

    The TRD kit is a quality item and does it make a difference!

  9. I always seem to land around 5900 - 6100 from 1st to 2nd and almost always about 6200 - 6300 2nd to 3rd. Although with the TRD CAI it does not matter as much because at 5900 the car seems to be pulling a lot harder than it was before.

    I generally don't post speeds, but I was well into 3rd, which with the induction sounds :D :D :D

  10. Word must be getting around about the stivo! I pulled up hard at a set of traffic lights saturday night next to a lowered VS commodore and could instantly see he was going to try and toast me on green, when one of his mates in the car said to him not to do it as he thinks its one of those hot corolla's.

    He didn't listen.... so after he pulled up next to me at the next lights (he fell a fair bit behind) his mates were laughing their asses off at him. He did not look happy :D

    It's nice to know the stivo is getting a little bit more respect!

  11. Get it in writting!!!

    As has been previously posted one of the AUS members was promised warranty br Penrith Toyota (I think it was) and told no worries. When they asked for that in writting the story changed and no warranty was offered, and they are importing the stuff.

    Just be carefull mate I don't want you getting caught out thats all.

    Maybe try contacting Toyota Australia and asking them, as it is them at the end of the day that will decide if an issue is warranty or not!

    Cheers illuminati

  12. Mr duck, I would recommend saving your money a bit longer for the TRD CAI as I have. I've just installed it last night and it is awesome. The car definately feels like it has more grunt between 3000 - 6000rpm and really takes off in lift.

    To order from the states it costs about $200 US plus approx $50 AUS shipping.

    It's the best money I've spent my stivo has even more personality now :D

  13. Be carefull about powerchip!

    These are the guys that have been stuffing peekay34 around for months. They actually had his car for many days trying to do the computer but couldn't.

    Ask Peekay about his experience so far and you might think different.

    If Toyota finds out you have played with your computer you can kiss your warranty goodbye. It does not matter what the other guy says.

    TRD in Japan does have a replacement modified chip and a couple of mechanical items to bring the lift in approx 5300 - 5400rpm. I think it was around $8,000 - $10,000. It was designed for people building 1/4 mile cars. I read about it somewhere on the web. :D

  14. I have found Josh Sady's service division to be very good and Peekay would probably back that up, but we both have built a very good relationship with them over many years.

    The problem you will find is that most car dealers profits come from their service divisions, very few make real profits from selling cars. So any non billable time is not acceptable to most.

    When it comes to fixing niggling problems like rattles in new cars the dealers generally don't get paid for it unless there is a defective part or workmanship found in which case toyota will consider paying them for the work. Loose stuff that causes rattles in cars definately does not fall in this category!

    So unless you actually bought the car from that dealer they really do not want to know you, and even if you did most still are like that. I know from experience josh sady is not like that with people that have purchased from them.

    If the dealer you purchased from is not looking at your problems keep complaining and also try complaining to Toyota Australia. You will probably have more luck that way than finding another dealer who will concern themselves with your problems.

    Sorry mate but after much experience this is what I have found. If he ignores you complain to Toyota Australia and keep complaining they will generally exert some pressure on the dealer to deal with it.

    Josh Sady's service division has always listened to any problems and I have never felt rushed by them so if you are just looking for good service maybe give them a try!

  15. Lighten up a little ganyb. If you noticed I did ask a question

    "What part of the stivo exactly is it that you find noisy?"

    I asked becauses some don't like tyre noise, or ambient noise like whats going on around the outside of the car, others engine noise. Some can to a certain degree be rectifeid, some can't and others just too expensive.

    If you could clarify a little it might be easier for someone to help with a solution! I know a couple people and if I ask the right question I might be able to get an answer, but generally if you don't asked an exact question a large amount of worthless info comes back.

    Let me know and I will ask for you.

    Cheers mate

  16. You cannot help yourself!!!!

    Classic example this morning... What do you do!

    Pull up at a set of lights next to a clio sport. I start salivating the instant I see he's up for a little run. This car is a previous MOTOR bang for your bucks winner so I was eager to say the least to see how the stivo would go.

    Then to the left a mini cooper S pulls up and he wants in too. It's like an adolescent wet dream!

    Lights change and neither of the 2 jump away as quick as I thought they would with the mini pulling about a bonnet lenght and the clio's rear just by my front. Then I hit lift and pull past the mini with his front now by my door and my front by the clio's door. Slam 2nd revs dropping to 6000 the mini staying where he is, the clio inching out for the instant it takes to hit lift again. The nose of the stivo bucks as lift kicks in again and I pull alongside and then past the clio. with 2nd maxed out the clio's front is by my rear bumper. That's where I backed off, 30 over the limlit was fast approaching and I tend to not go over that.

    The clio sport driver pulls up alongside with a huge :D and gives me a thumbs up before going ahead. Felt real good, made up for just getting done by the Astra Turbo yesterday... that prick got me by a lousy bonnet!

    You cannot wait untill you've done thousands & thousands of km. You get a rush of blood, pop your cars cherry and then there is no going back!!!

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