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Posts posted by KeVSaL

  1. haha i thinkit just the weather LOL

    up and down constantly hear in syd lol

    whats the lastest on the PFC???Were all issues worked out???

    I want to take on this Mod in the very near future.....

    lookin to be the first 2ZZ runnin PFC in Jamaica...... :spiteful:

    there is only 1 issue that u wont be able to solve without doing something. That is the temp gauge stopping from working.

    All the other issues need u 2 fiddle with the wiring so someone who knows the 2zz ecu is going to be handy and altering some of the setting fixes a few others.

    For the temp gauge u got 2 options ..... by an external gauge or get some electronics guru to build a transmittor/reciever box to get the stock one working as the signal being sent to it is analog and it wants a digital signal or the other way around i cant remember.

    if u just pop it in u will experience hunting issues so the car just starts fluctating its revs @ idle upto 2500 rpms up n down up n down ..... the power steering idle will be off so as soon as u turn the steering wheel the car will probably stall .... a/c cauzing the car to hunt as well and again the temp gauge.

    hmmmm....seems like i have my work cut out for me. :unsure:

    thanx for the heads up though.... :rolleyes:

    Hey Northy,

    How did u solve ur temp. gauge problem ???

  2. haha i thinkit just the weather LOL

    up and down constantly hear in syd lol

    whats the lastest on the PFC???Were all issues worked out???

    I want to take on this Mod in the very near future.....

    lookin to be the first 2ZZ runnin PFC in Jamaica...... :spiteful:

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