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Everything posted by sportiyo

  1. so he's faster than u? heard u r like a gun driver and not many people on here can catch u in the mountain mmm u guys should become a race driver or at least try
  2. dude, were u on white horse rd on sunday?
  3. nice, is it different than our sedan?look like camery but nice, i second the wheel command above :)
  4. Scratch X is indeed the solution to fixing key marks on cars. In your case you will need 2 tubes. 1 tube for the car and the 2nd for when you find the person, have them pinned down, and have them swallow the entire contents of the tube. You then laugh as they are taken to the hospital to have their stomach pumped. Haha, if i ever find out who done it ! Where can i pick up some scratch-x; Just any car accessories store like autobarn or supercheap? Thanks all for the input and help! yeah u can find it in supercheap, autobarn,even k mart, look out for some turtle wax thingy, the one with colour, cant remember the name, its got black, blue and etc, its got some form of paint in it i think, last time i used it everything became black, my cloth, hands, everything, it help masks scratches, stone chips and snarls and deepend the colour of your car, and it comes with a stick(looks like a lip stick), maybe use this after scratch x?
  5. niceee, how much did that bonnet set u back?
  6. i notice not just people with pod but also people with stock air box
  7. or show off in front of their mates/gf that they have balls to do it, but deep inside they're jealous, sick people
  8. fXXk heads!!!!! i agree if not that deep, try scratch x, and than wax it a few times, .
  9. maybe mr runx? i saw his car few years ago, b4 i had the rolla, and saw his tail light and fall in love with it instantly :P whats the other version like? yes it was mrrunx! he bought a lot of good stuff from a car that was changed to stock. the jdm head lamps come in 2 varieties. the original is clear chrome with the black shading. the other one is light blue chrome with the black shading. about $240 a pair for the original and more for the light blue chrome. 240!! ignition x wanted 500!
  10. nono i dont mean there's two versions. what i mean is the brake light that light up on either side of the reverse light. me and waiwong38 has 4 brake lights (+ 1 one the spoiler, mine wasnt light up coz i was taking the photo) vs 2 on oridinary corollas iam not sure, havent get some one to look, but if yours do i think mine should too, every thing else is the same, indicator light, reverse light and etc, i wonder how many people have these in au? bloody jap, always get the good stuff :) sorry being off topic, Marcus, do u know how much for a set of jdm headlights in japan?
  11. maybe mr runx? i saw his car few years ago, b4 i had the rolla, and saw his tail light and fall in love with it instantly :P whats the other version like?
  12. what do u mean? i mean this: hahahahahahahahaha yes the old "they cost 2 much for you" incident damn Lebo.... yeah i think its same as yours, r there 2 versions?
  13. Not any JDM light i would probably limit it to say just that 1 u had pictured .... im not sure about any others. Yes Dennis had to mod it to make it fit by sourcing a prefacelift harness i think it was or he got Daniel to make one up i cant remember but when i saw the lights they were a direct plug and play into a preface lift corolla yep those light is plug and play for pre facelift, how do i know? they're on my car now , e-gene and i(mostly e gene) did the swap in about 20min, just unscrew, unplug, screw and plug, thats it, and e gene says it needs some mod to be done to facelift to be able to work, thats y he only wanted pre facelift owners to buy as for finding them on the net, its very hard..... i kept an eye out for it for half a year, and not one pop up, but i know ignition x can import them, maybe try them first, they also sell jdm headlights, but its gonna cost u a bit
  14. u bought it already! so quick, now u need to clean up your garage
  15. i have to share this with you guys, i just saw an awsome car on the road, looks like a zonda, but lot racier, maybe like a le man race car, huge t wing, stickers, blue, in micham area anyone else saw this? EVERYONE on the street was like:WTF! looked like this but with an even bigger wing, four exhaust pipes in the middle like a zonda
  16. i bought the stivo cause of my kid, and u selling the stivo cause of your kid , but i reckon u r doing the right thing, u probably need a bit more torque, so u can drive quietly without revving real hard to over take and also have air con on for it,not to mention the extra space
  17. congrat on becoming a father, nice list of cars too,liberty gt very nice with a kit and lowered :D
  18. our sportivo too, whenever we hit lift, there would be some black smoke come out of the exhaust i think what he meant was the smoke is coming out constantly? and dam that is some nasty stuff, good thing he was ok, imagine the whole engine fall onto the road
  19. ahh thx dude, very helpful, i will check right now :D
  20. this is what iam worry about, so u had the ecu recall done, and its still not making the power it should? could it be that the first ecu recall u had was fake and they didnt actually put the new ecu in and try to save money, because just seems strange that they put new ecu in mine and still have the old ecu's data on it....the first day i got my car back i did feel there was more power, but now its not much different to b4
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