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Posts posted by Branno

  1. Hey guys,

    Today was a sad and good day.

    Mum wrote her car off 4 days ago, in turn, forced me to give her longingly loved corolla back to her.

    Ive owned it for a year and loved it.

    But, being christmas and with everyone wanting to spend money, plus, I am only a p plater, any car goes.

    She bought me a 1998 Holden Vectra. It has 66000 kms on it. Was owned by an old lady, Cost $6000.

    So, I've down graded quite a bit, but I was spoiled anyway.

    Anyway, the terms are, that if I keep it in good condition and dont do anything stupid in it, I get to keep it, free of charge.

    I can then do what I want with it, IE: sell it and buy a corolla <3

    In the mean time, would you guys still accept me in the community?



  2. It isn't a constant driving style of mine, There is one round about which you really have to give it some if you even want to enter it without being hit.

    Its really f*****g busy, ALL THE TIME.

    that is the only place I axel tramp.

    Out of the hundreds of times Ive gone through it, its probably happened to me 5 times.

    Its still bad though.

  3. Hey guys,

    When doing a hard launch off the lights with some wheel spin, I get a huge amout smacking/banging in the front end, what causes this?


    **** shocks combined with soft engine mounts.

    SO pretty much every stock car will do it, unless they are upgraded.

    Thanks for your help guys, It means alot.

    Really brought my attention to how much damage it can do.

    Have a good one.


  4. :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:

    Hey guys,

    Today I had an adventure to the gold coast.

    The weather was fine until we hit the rain on the way, Was incredibly heavy, I couldn't see the tail lights of the person in front of me. :o

    I'm guessing that this rain was the explanation to the water in my tail light.

    Ive taken a video so that you can all see, Ive explained it all there.

    If you could please tell me how to remove the light so that I can get the water out, that would be GREATLY appreciated.


    :clap: :clap: :clap:

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