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Posts posted by iffster

  1. id be supprised if it couldnt get into the high 12's with some of the stock corollas coming ever so close to 14 flat.

    provided the suspenssion and tyres are set up right, the car will have a crap load more torque with the turbo'd setup.

    in terms of uniqueness, how many ppl can say they turboed they're 2zz,

    answer = not many.

    we all want to be unique in some way, take something as small as personalised plates, some ppl dont understand why ppl get them.

  2. Most of all... never ever say you are at fault until it is proven!!!

    thats probably the most important thing

    when ya have an accident, just take the details of the other person and leave it to the insurance company to duel it out.

    thats why we pay the big money these days.

    had a problem with a cabby once who said quote "its his road"

    obviously not all are like that, but some really can be ignorant to road rules cause they're driving so much.

  3. taking off the wiper is not a hard task. just depends on how far you want to go and your budget.

    wiper might cost at most 80$ from a wrecker ( 3k from toyota lol) and anywhere from 800 - 1200 for the removing of wiper.

    g/f has had her indicators removed on an echo and it still looks awesome even after sitting out in the weather for the past 2 years.

  4. spotted a very clean silver sportivo (facelift) at UOW today in the carpark.

    number plates were A## - 22P

    anyone off here?

    yah thats me

    clean, hahahaha, the front of my car has all dead flys stuck to it and my windscreen has all that sticky fly crap, lol


    thats the kewl thing about silver cars, even when they;re dirty they look clean and then when they're washed they sparkle.

  5. im suprised you used the instructions at all

    i found the instructions to be really unhelpful

    i guess your first bet is to try and unhook the wires

    after that i geuss it shouldnt be too hard

    but you know how it is, as soon as you say it shouldnt be hard you;ll end up finding some bolt that is in a really awkward position.

  6. i remember when it was raining i went to maccas drive through.

    i went to get the wallet out of the back pocket and went to get some leverage off the foot rest and boy did i look like an idiot lol.

    but have micky_tee about the clutch and brake covers

    i think they were close to driving me mad.... plenty of patience definately required.

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