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Posts posted by Les

  1. The Calibre (supercheap) Xenon Blue (just the name, not the colour) rated very well against better brands.

    Feel free to change your OEM Phillips or Osram bulbs if you think putting the Calibre ones in will be an improvement.

    It's your money.

    I am only going off that magazine review - better if someone could give me their review if they have tried this particular brand/model.

    Obviously Phillips Vision works as I've heard good things about them but cost a mint.

    BTW I am after brighter light, not **** factor/bluish tinge or what not - stock lights are too yellow and the oldies would prefer something brighter.

  2. Hey dudes, my parents just bought a 2009 Altise (aka gen 7 ?)

    Assuming it is the same size bulb (H7) for me to change I am going to try some from Supercheap - Calibre - I heard they got some good reviews.

    Is it ok to handle the bulbs using a cloth or a silicon glove ? It's quite hard to handle without accidently touching the bulb itself...

    Oh and how difficult is it to remove the bulb ?

  3. On the off chance, does anyone have one of these rear tail lights lying around in their garage ??!!

    It is for a 1998 AE101R Csi Seca Corolla

    Unfortunately, Pick and Payless @ Blacktown only has up to 1996 models which have a different type of light :(

    If you know of any good wreckers that I can try, please let me know. Will need to make some calls tomorrow as the car is due for a pick slip on the 10th !



  4. Hey guys, maybe a bit off topic but I'm looking to do the timing belt as well.

    The car has 160,000 kms (I don't drive it) and has not had the timing belt done before.

    Now in the workshop manual it says if you are doing A - type services (which is for a car that is driven regularly) and not B - type services (car is driven more), that it is not mandatory for the timing belt to be changed at any km/time interval - only to inspect it ...

    Obviously to play it safe, you should change at say every 100,000 kms ... The car is 13 years old with 160,000 kms on it.

    Should I change it at the next service ?


    Just doing some reading now on the interference and non-interference engines now ....


    FYI Pg 22 non interference


  5. Looking to replace a couple of busted green globes that wear the green condom as some on here have called it in the past :)

    Can someone tell me where is best to look for these globes and what is the model / type designation of these lights ? like H4 or whatever ?

    I am guessing Jaycar .. DSE .. autobarn .. Toyota dealer (no no no no no) will stock these ?

    Appreciate any help. Thanks !





  6. Thanks man !

    On my amp, re the crossover ... I am pretty sure that Channel 1&2 for speakers (I can use high pass setting) should not affect Channel 3&4 (use low pass setting) ... ??

    It won't, unless you have a very strange amp :P

    Cool ... I didn't think the RCA splitting would affect the X'overs on the amp !

  7. Want to power front speakers and a sub with a 4 channel amp.

    I have a single RCA output head deck and I want to split the output so I just purchase 2x RCA splitters right ?

    Now, what do I do at the amp end ?

    Do I use:

    * (L) output from deck split into both (L) front and rear inputs on the amp &

    * ® output from deck split into both ® front and rear inputs on the amp

    Does this mean I lose my fader option on the deck and need to tune the system from the amp - I think this is what I did before ...

    Does this sound right ?

    Also, are there any other options I can use apart from buying a new deck ?

  8. This topic is real helpful guys.

    Mum has an AE101 (96?) Corolla. It's due for a gear oil change.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction as to where the drain plug and fill up plug is - photos would speak a thousand words. It probably sits on the gearbox itself but it has been a while since I have gotten under any car so if no one has done it, tips and pics and tips would be great !

    Either way, I will have a go and post some pics when I am done.

  9. Good on you for modifying an AE101 Corolla .. not many on the road and a decent motor conversion at that !

    Did a blown motor necessitate the conversion or had you always wanted the conversion done ?

  10. I watched it as well and was thinking wtf ... trying to copy the episode where Top Gear were at an ex military site and trying to outrun the snipers etc.

    Give them credit for the effort .. but 0 for execution !

    HAHAHA love your report mate .. very funny !!!

  11. Anyone catch the Chaser's last night?

    They interviewed people in the US about what year 9-11 and the exact date was... people were saying 2000, 2004 etc, everything but 2001 then they were saying it was September 1st, 'some time in October you know... the 9th month', August 16... no idea where that came from... Then they went on to ask what 2 cities were effected (ie NYC and DC) one person was clever enough to say Pennsilvania as well, but most people said... what are you on about, it was only in New York...

    Yep, Americans care heaps...

    You would care if someone you knew went down with the building.

    I saw some of these conspiracy theories / documentaries and some of them are very interesting with enough evidence to back it up - what they showed of it anyway.

    It was a terrible tragedy and it would be a bigger tragedy if it was indeed if it was a cover up for something much larger that we will never get confirmation of. People will speculate for decades to come but as you already know, the real truth will only ever be known by a handful of people.

  12. Put these new 130W lights in (given to me by a friend) and was not too impressed ... not a lot brighter..

    See for yourself

    By the way, can anyone tell me what I can do with the head light adjustments ? What is the best angle for it to be shining at, where should I be doing the adjustments etc.

    I found the RHS was pointing down and have rectified that slightly .. But will still get the good brighter/whiter bulbs as named above.

    Any tips.

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