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Posts posted by bafittler

  1. Just out of curiosity, are the blocks of the 1ZZ and 2ZZ the same, with the head being the major change between the two engines? I am aware that there are different piston bores and strokes. I am contemplating of mounting a 2ZZGE head onto the stock block for my car.

    I am aware that the 2ZZ can tend to be a little sludgy at times, and was thinking if it this could be counteract by having a longer stroke and bore. I guess the amalgamation of the best of both engines ... or a complete lemon when combined.

    Yeah I know it would probably be easier to just buy a 2ZZ and install it rather than doing the changes I have mentioned ...

    As pointed out by Northy the different bore and stroke would require a rework of the picstons and conrods etc. in the block.

  2. Yeah roughly how much can we drive when the fuel light comes on, as I feel uneasy seeing it.?????

    Not sure ... have had a few of my friends refer to it as the go home light. Personally I prefer to never let the light shine ... and if it does I head to a servo ASAP. At the end of the day distance to travel all depends on personal driving style.

    Yeah roughly how much can we drive when the fuel light comes on, as I feel uneasy seeing it.?????

    When the fuel light comes on there is 10L's left. So you would be able to travel 100kms no problem when the light comes on.

    Scandrew, 400kms on 35L of fuel gives you economy of about 8.75L/100kms. That's pretty high but definately the factor of whether you drive auto or manual, city of highway will affect. My uncles got an auto 1zz and he gets about 450kms out of the tank with mixed driving so I don't think you need to get your car checked.

    Another thing to mention is that the stivo's have 5L extra capactiy of 55L than the 1zz's 50L tank.

    The new Corollas (at least May06 onwards) have a 55L tank ... guess the Engineers realised that there are some really good points about the Stivos that should be sent throughout the entire range.

  3. Man, you guys get 450km+ ?

    I'm happy if I get to 400k.

    I've got a 04 Corolla hatch?

    Should I get it checked out?

    When I go to fill up I usually get till up around 35L?

    Does that mean I've atleast another 20L to use as the red light comes on?

    Depends on how close you get your needle to the red :) If you are driving at a steady pace, with no rapid acceleration then yeah get youer vehicle checked out. It also depends on what type of driving you do mainly ... city or highway.

    You should have 10L or so before the fuel light comes on.

  4. i love DIY, thru it we can learn things abt our cars plus save for some $$$.

    another question on insurance, peekay, u have 2 TRD mods in ur car, are they regraded as toyota genious parts?

    and, what abt a aftermarket head unit, speakers etc.. so i have to tell the my insurance company for that?

    i thought everything that i didnt tell the insurnace company would be an unclaimable items, so my thought was, if my car is stolen or something, then the insurance company will only pay me the agreed value. am i rite?

    please correct me if i m wrong!!

    Most insurence companies will find anyway possible of getting out of paying a claim if they can. When they insure your vehicle they will cover you for specifics ... change the vehicle without declaring it and they can come back at you with a line "Thats not the vehicle you insured" Crappy way to do things but unfortunately that is the way they work.

    The Volvo incident isn't the only one that has occurred ... hence the reason why we need to declare any changes we make to the vehicles from stock when we start our policies ... kinda sucks!!!

  5. TOCOA - Corollas - techy bitsThe face lift models also have slightly different guards over the front wheels so as to cater for the different design of the head lights ... kinds sucks but that is the way that toyota are running things.

    Never though of looking at a corolla and seeing a hyundai getz ... :o

    From what I can find the engines in the May 2006 onwards Corollas are all the same (am willing to stand corrected here). My suggestion is that if you can find one with the engine coding 123 instead of 122 get it. There is more information about the engine codings in http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=8352 (Northy has done a great deal of research for it).

    I bought the face lift model and cannot fault it what so ever - although it is a pain the proverbial if you want to change the physical appearence of the car as you need to replace the entire bumber as pointed out in other posts in this topic.

    If you are looking at doing some changes over a period of time start off with the Sportivo model - it has a number of upgrades in it that will make the changes a little easier in the long run.

  6. To continue the LEAN principles drawn from the TPS (Toyota Production System) one must also take into account GAMBA, in essence the boss on the floor looking at what is going on.

    For many people this can be viewed as:

    Your wife/girlfriend walking into your garage, wanting to know what the hell you are doing at 3AM in the shed with your car ... instead of in bed asleep.

    At the very worst, one can then expect to recieve a KAN BAN (pronounced Karn Barn in the USA) which is translated as a visual signal for the production to move on to another location; and at very best a pull of the ANDON cord (or public notification of a problem); whereby production is stopped until all problems have been solved. The pulling of the ANDON or issuance of a KAN BAN can possibly be interpreted as or represented by "GET YOUR A%#@ OUT OF THAT ^#&@ING CAR" (and onto the couch, where you will sleep for what feels like an eternity). The KAN BAN is part of the Pull System; which one may be required to do after experiencing a GAMBA from the wife/girlfriend whereby she leaves or kicks you and your SOH (Significant Other Half, aka your CAR) out.

    The departing of wife/girlfriend can at times be seen as part of the KAISEN; if your car is deemed to be vital and important; she was distracting you from your work. The time spent with your former wife or girlfriend may also be viewed as MUDA or waste, within your work on your SOH and as such under the TPS must be removed; she may not have been exactly value adding to the production system employed by you and your mates.

    In all cases the feminine pronoun can be substituted by a masculine one.

    some variations may occur in translation - will be happy to modify any wording that may be incorrect.

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  7. would have to say that the clutch is taking a little to get used to - own a 2006 Ascent and occasinally I have the same problem. I came was driving left hand drives for a while and found that there was a similar problem in a few of the cars I used (also with electronic throttle linkage). Not sure that I can help work out a way around it though - and I don't want to go back to driving an auto unless Toyota have fixed the slude-a-matic that was installed in the first of the Australian wide bodied Camry.

    (short foot note - anyone had a good look inside the new camry ... I can see so many parts that look like they were taken out of my 93 Vienta its not funny).

  8. My 1993 Camry finally spat the gue with me the other day. 13 years of faithful service and the head gasket finally decided that it wanted to ease itself from between the block and the head :( Made a hell of a mess ... feel sorry for the guy behind me driving the covertable with the roof down.

    Anyway I think that after buying the first privately owned Camry in Tasmania, it has done the family proud ... 335,432 km, and still running the original exhaust system that it came with.

    Can't be bothered forking out the $1700 odd dollars to get the thing up and running again. So I must regret that I will be leaving the Camry forum for a few years ... can be found on the Corolla one shortly :D

    Anyway if anyone wants a project car drop me a line.

  9. Have a '93 Camry (wide body V6 Auto, manuf. Nov 92), with over 334,000 km on the clock. Was wondering if anyone has any with simialr mileage and has faced any problems with it as it approaches 350,000? The other thing is that this specific car has always been chewing through the CV boots on both sides (inner and outer) of each axle, is this a common occurance with this model/series?

    Any feed back would be appreciated.

    BTW already have in mind to sell it as scrap metal thou :P as I think the resale is going to be rather low.

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