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Posts posted by Dead

  1. i still need to see xmen damn it lol i wanna watch that too

    yeah i haven't seen that one either!

    lets do a movie marathon! I remember the cinema's used to have movie marathons a few years ago but I don't know what happened.. <_<


    Fast & Furious

    The Omen

    i wanna see them alllll

    I'd wanna have a movie marathon with you guys too tho :(

  2. hey people lets all go see that fast and furious 3 tokyo drift

    it looks lil tacky acting but hey nice cars........

    np Pete lol

    Ah yes...'THIS' movie. I was a hard critic on Paul Walker when the first 2 came out, but he grew on me. The connection he and Rome had in 2F2F was really well written and inspiriing to watch. Would't say he's a 'good' actor, but he's fun to watch...a larakin lol. "You still fight like sh!t! You still fight like sh!t!" Roman and Brian (Paul's character) fighting in 2F2F lol.

    The 3rd one...hmmmmm. It has Little Bow Wow in it...lol that say's enough for me hahahaha.

  3. My name is Xeonos and I hail from Bassilsk V, a planet in the next galaxy. What are these 'Venus' and 'Mars' planets like? I have noticed that the 'Venus' planet is very noisy and hostile...I tried to land there but had these strange shoes with pointy bits thrown at my ship! When attempting contact their ground control all I recieved was something about 'the month'. I'm mystified. I also visited Mars, also strange planet. Opposite of Venus in fact, they kept giving me these things called 'high fives' which hurt! They perform these 'high fives' with much force! It wasn't too bad though as they kept giving me this strange amber coloured beverage which altered my perceptions and reactions somewhat. Intriguing.

    Well those are my experiences...what are you, as people, really like then?

    We Bassilskans are curious...


    Chief Research Officer

    Bassilsk V Exploration Expedition #4562111

  4. haha you're such a girl...

    my girlfriend is the same... we'll play a racing game and she'll just go for some crap car that looks pretty...

    I'm a girl that owns euro cars with a jap car :D (yes yes I know it's a game...I have seen a supra bury an Enzo into the groud though...)

  5. need for speed is fun :lol: i drive a VW Golf :P

    VW golf they are ok not the best cos of power and FWD!

    The VW was bloody good in a straight line. Corners? UNDERSTEEEEEEEER. lol

    The RX7 I have now is modded to high heaven with underground parts. It handles better and goes quicker in a straight line than the top notch Porsche and Murcielego (spelling?). I know I can grab those two before said cars and do the same to them, but I just like the fact I can blow away big $$$ euro sports cars with a mad japanese beast :D

  6. I had this account shorter than penny and I was over 100 within a day lol.

    I'm the Pamela Anderson of the forums (jase is still Paris Hilton)

    Oh what? I take it back. I 'created' the account on the 20th of April, but I didn't use it till last week.

    Whatever I'm still a slutty slutty bang bang.

  7. M3!!!! :)

    Their gearing is sooooo ghey though pete. Better as a track car methinks. You're welcome to try though man :D

    ps: the M3 GTR of Need for Speed: Most Wanted drifts so maybe it will in real life? lol

  8. yeah that video is insane!!!

    the way his feet are moving when they show the footage of the footwell... insane!!

    beautiful car though... :D

    Are you thinking what I'm thinking Tom?

    I'd love to learn how to drift man, purely for the recognition that I could control my car better if it was put into a spin or something. That's true driving prowess, having control.

    Maybe we should have a group drift training session or something one day at wakefield? I know I'd spin out straight away hahaha (might be better once I do my advanced driver course with mick/jimmy and batesy lol)

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