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Posts posted by william777

  1. I don't see how slugging Australians with a carbon tax will help the environment if other big polluters like China, India and USA do not do the same. Our economy will only suffer and our manufacturers will not be able to compete with the rest of the world. They will relocate to other countries that do not have a carbon tax. Aussies will lose their jobs. Our small businesses will also suffer and go bust and there will be huge unemployment. With the carbon tax, everything will go up in prices, not just electricity and petrol. Our standard of living will suffer.

    I will still drive my Aurion and pay $1.49 for BP Ultimate ....

  2. My previous commodore had its aircon serviced. What they did was to top up the refrigerant, changed the filter, and also sprayed the whole system with a disinfectant to sanitise/remove odours from water leaks, tobacco smoke, food, mould/mildew, fungi/bateria, etc. It was about $150 for the service.

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