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Posts posted by benji4138

  1. I really think this following response belongs in the Stupid Thread but anyway to keep with the imaginative, money was no object feeling of the thread.

    Anyone thought of modding the Aurion to be able to fit a jet engine in? Surely it would be quicker than the POS Jet Van that always fails at the Heathcote Boxing Day drags. It literally returns faster on it's normal engine than goes down on it's jet.

    No idea how it could happen though, and would be rather uncomfortable. Not to mention losing a lot of the storage space.

  2. Not sure if it's any help but I found with mine (bought it new, Aurion) that it was using fuel at a rather high rate for a while (can't remember, may have been around the 1500km) and then all of a sudden each tank it used less and less fuel, as if it just needed to be ran in. I was only doing highway driving and getting figures of about 12L/100km but now I get on average about 8.5L/100km with a mix of city and highway, also mixing careful and leadfoot driving

  3. Hi Everyone im abit of a newbie here so i would like to just do a quick intro of myself my names jason and at the moment im thinking of getting an Aurion, Ive always wanted to get one but didnt really now if it would be worth it. I currently own an old Bmw 325i E36 and have just had enough with the maintenance costs ive spent easily $3k+ in less then 12 months and its come to a point where i just cant see it being worth putting money towards it when i can use my money to pay for something more reliable and still have that 6 cylinder power. Thats Basically why im here im not really a fan of ford or holden not that there not great cars its just not my thing. So my question to you guys how do you find owning an aurion, and the costs it entails along with maintenance etc if i were to buy one theres a high chance i would go to the Qfleet auctions and buy a government used or ex cop car version with low ks considering my budget would be max $17000 So what do you guys think hope someone can help me out :D

    Can only help you out with info on owning one. They are incredible, the power being right there and gives quite a nice kick when fully open and yet it cruises along very smoothly (as well as a car can on these crappy roads), I'm still stunned to this day how such a powerful car can go using not much fuel, and you don't even need to drive it sensible. Plenty of room and always feel safe and comfortable behind the wheel. Even has pretty good cornering and handling abilities for myself. A much nicer car than the equivalent Ford or Holden and I was always tossing up between an Aurion and an XR6. I'm very happy that I chose the Aurion and can't say enough good things about it :D

    I do miss not driving a manual though but have gotten used to the auto and have also found that the Aurion has one of the best cruise control's I've experienced. Driven VE commodores and a G6E falcon for work and they're cruise controls are rather erratic, for instance, taking either of the latter mentioned up a hill, you would drop from 100km/h down to 90km/h and by the time you went over the top of the hill you'd be doing 110km/h and would keep going until ~125km/h down the other side before it tried slowing down. Whereas with the Aurion I find it only fluctuates ~5km/h max on a rather steep hill, on most hills though it sits within about 1km/h of set speed.

    And I find the seats are incredibly comfortable as well, with a nice feeling of being held in. Toyota did really well with the positioning of the seats stitching as well because the stitches aren't in a place that will attract much wear. My old man has a BA Falcon and his stitches on the seats are in places where you brush across all the time, and because of this the stitches are wearing out which means he'll have to replace the interior or let it decline further.

    Can't think of much else to add but it's a great all round car for use in many situations and if your into modding then it's also a solid platform to work off with the forums here being a great place to learn laugh.gif

  4. Is this? for 360?

    If it is ill take the lot :P

    Just checking the titles it seems like they would be originally for the Xbox. And reading up I thought that all Xbox games could be played on the 360, but apparently not blink.gif here is a link to all Xbox games that can be played on the 360 Compatible Games

  5. LOL good one mate. Well you've seen my car, it's got front and rear bars installed, so there's a guide. :P

    Cool, well I'm thinking of getting them from Ebay and just waiting for the shipping, amongst other things. I think what confused me is that I'm still not used to seeing it as 2011, and I still think it's 2010, so when I saw your's and Tash's posts in Jan '10 I thought, sweet, there are still people who haven't upgraded and want a group buy.

  6. Very interesting reading overall - this is probably one of the next things on my list, getting the front strut and rear sway. I don't mind a bit of spirited cornering heheh, especially on our cruises!

    Seems like the best combo for the Camry would be to stick to the 19mm rear sway then, just looking on the Ultra Racing website now and it's the only choice available anyway. Definitely a price increase though, $218 now for the front strut and $323 for the rear sway, plus $17 postage for each item.

    Seeings the thread has been revived could we maybe get a group buy going? Try and get a bit of a discount heheh

    You can have my old rear sway bar. I'll get the new one and everyone will see my epic oversteer and then i'll be a member of the Guni 'Oversteer is Bad mmkay?' Club. :P

    Okay jokes aside. I am interested in the upgraded rear sway bar. However right now the car seems to have an....okay balance. But I don't drive near as hard as Daryl does, so he might need it more than I would. :P

    I'd also be interested in a group buy if we could get it a little cheaper. Be doing both the front and rear :D Quite interesting article about the FWD spin.

    Edit: oops, hit the reply button without seeing there was more pages to read :blush:

  7. Thought you woulda been, but also thought you might have had someone else driving the car. It was a nice looking blue aurion, just on stock wheels, and couldn't remember if you had changed ya shoes

    Someone else driving my toy? *shudders at the thought*

    Still rolling on stocks, sports grille, stock height, no spoiler, no tint, no P plates - If you come across that combination, it's probably me, I'm usually around the Sunbury, Keilor, Taylors Lakes areas quite a bit

    Yeh I'm the same. Only other person who has driven me car has been me old man, purely because I was working and it needed to get a service.

    Ah righto, well if I do see you it'd have to be near the train line as I go by on a Freight Train tongue.gif

  8. One of my last planned mods for my best was going to be turning her into an AWD beast....

    Please tell me that was only just a dream, because I would think you would have to be pretty crazy (in the bad sense) if you could actually justify the amount of custom work and dollars involved. It's like saying that I'd sure like to sleep with Hollywood celebrity, but I know that it is something that would never ever happen.

    It's always nice to dream of winning the lotto. Although if I did and worked out the cost, I think I'd just get another car that was already AWD or RWD with plenty of power tongue.gif Might I also add that I don't think straight due to working shift work, rather sleep deprived most of the time whistling.gif

  9. Looking good mate :D Too bad our Feb meet isn't at night. Still be able to check em out, but I reckon your interior lights would look so much better at night laugh.gif

    Never know, I might have a whole list of mods done by then... Still trying to sell my other car :angry:

    Once that's done, lower, intake, exhaust, tint, rims and then i'll end up in court for displaying pornography in public B)

    lol, well let's hope it sells soon then :D You don't happen to drive with P plates on at all? If so I think I saw your car tonight unsure.giftongue.gif

  10. One of my last planned mods for my best was going to be turning her into an AWD beast (adding power to the engine as well, so pretty expensive) but after a few articles I think I may wait for the FT-86 to come out, or something similar and save some dough. Sure it would be awesome to have an AWD Aurion, and it would be an impressive beast for the quarter and the track, but it's just way too pricey.

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