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Posts posted by (mr2)

  1. Probably not the locks it will be a worn key, get a new key cut to code and this normally fixes the issue. You key has a transponder chip in the key head and this will need to be cut out and moved to the new key.

    The central locking won't work from the passenger door only the drivers and the button in the car. On these I think that there is a plastic switch that clips on the back of the drivers door lock that drives the central locking. If it isn't working from the switch inside the car check all your fuses.

  2. Sit in the car with the doors closed, security light should be blinking.

    Insert master key into the ignition

    press and release accelerator peddle 5 times

    press and release brake 6 times then remove master key

    insert key to be registered

    press and release accelerator peddle once ( security light starts blinking)

    after 60 seconds security light will stop

    remove key and press and release brake

    job done.

  3. If you don't have another master key you will need to get the immobilizer reset, the dealer can not do this they can only replace parts. If you only have the 1 key first I recommend you go get a spare, at leas then if you do damage the chip it's not that big a deal, plus you should have a spare anyway. If you do damage it expect to be out of pocket a couple of hundred plus the inconvenience of not having your car.

    And when you get the chip out glue it back into the new key.

  4. It should be fitted and the remote is integrated in the key. Remote key from dealer is going to set you back around $280 plus cutting and coding. You will need a master key to code this in other wise it will set you back a bit more.

    What color is your key head?

  5. Good news.

    When you see the locksmiths ask him to code your Valet key in as a Master, this way you will have 2 masters and will save you this issue if you loose your master key.

    Also get them to code cut your key not just copy your Valet, and get them to do it without the Valet cut on the remote key :)

  6. Thanks for the info, now I understand how a new "master key" can be obtained.

    If locksmith's can reset the immobiliser and create a master key, why cant Toyota do this and insist on a new security system?

    Because Toyota is stupid and made it that way :)

    Doing the job is not straight forward though which is why it isn't cheap.

    I think the confusion here is the fact the keyless entry on a zze122 is seperate to immobilizer, the unit under the dash is a keyless entry module, not immobilizer, an accent won't have the module from factory at all just a vacant space and plug for it in most cases. The keys don't come into it at all unless you are getting a key with intergrated button instead of just a fob which is a seperate button not on your key. The unit under the dash has" keyless entry module" written on it and is not an immobilzer, the immobilizer is built into the engine ecu on the zze122 as opposed to the camry hilux etc where it is a seperate unit that feeds to the ecu.

    No confusion here. I know that the remote and the transponder chip are seperate, but to code in a remote or new key a transponder that has been coded in as a Master is needed, not a Valet.

    I don't know if this car would have a remote from the factory, but having a look under the dash or calling Toyota will be a good way to find out.

    The immobiliser on the 06 Corolla is seperate to the ECU, pre 05 it is intergrated with the ECU. The box is fairly easy to see if you get your head up under the peddles.

  7. I have the programming for ALL of Toyotas keys and remotes as I their security CD.

    By putting a new key into the ECU this is writing in a new MASTER KEY, you can either write the key into the ECU/ Immobiliser box or reset it and the car will write in the first key that is used, as a master.

    As an Auto Locksmith I have done once or twice :)

  8. Millenium Locksmiths are Brisbane and personally I wouldn't be using them - http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/brisbane-brothers-win-security-licence-despite-bike-links-alleged-death-threats-against-competitors/story-e6freoof-1226536463774

    If you got a module with a remote already coded into it that would work but for ALL Toyotas with transponders you need a Master key to code in new keys and remotes, no other way around it, doesn't matter if it is a seperate remote or part of the key head. With older Toyota's that use the remote to immobilize the car you need an existing coded remote to add a new one.

  9. Just having a look on Toyota parts on line and redbook the only remote for central locking I can see is in the key.

    So if you want that then this is roughly what you are looking at.

    From Locksmith

    Immobilizer reset $300 - $400

    Remote key from dealer cut and coded $300

    From dealer

    Repalce all locks and ECU $3800+

    How much do you really want it :)

  10. I don't get the question either, if you won't be modifying your Hilux why would you be after ideas?

    Now if you want to modify it I I can see why you would be after ideas but it might help knowing more about your car.

    What is it, going from your profile you have a SR Hilux, is it 2wd or 4wd?

    What do you want to do with it? Big lift for off road or lower it and have a mini truck?

    Or do you just want some flashy neon lights on it?

  11. One of the Chinese companies said if you paid US$25 more they'd guarantee it, and pay for return postage if it didn't work, which I thought was reasonable.

    I buy a bit of stuff from China, good luck getting anything under warrenty, even if you have paid the extra $25 for it. It's pretty much you get what your given and if you don't like it, they wont return your emails :)

  12. The cheapest way for you to do the job.

    remove the ECU, take it to a Auto locksmith with the door key and get them to cut a new key to code and reset the immobilizer, and get a spare!

    remote keys are expensive, around $360 plus cutting and coding.

  13. Has you ignition been changed, is that why the key is different to your doors? if it hasn't it can be that your key is too worn.

    If it is the one key for it all from a Hi res photo of your key I can tell you what your key code it, but never post a photo of your keys on a forum.

  14. call an auto Locksmith. They can make a key from your door lock. The code will also be stamped on your door lock and Toyota have this on record which you can get from your VIN.

    The immobilizer as you know needs to be reset as you know, this isn't as straight forward as using a PIN or pressing a button, it is also something that Toyota can't do. $300 is a good price for that.

  15. The battery will only go off if there is a back up battery but I doubt that your car would. The remote you have, does it have the Toyota logo on it or does it say anything?

    If you don't want the siren you have a couple of options.

    1. go to a locksmith and get the over ride switch on the siren turned off.

    2. go to a company that installs alarms and see if they can help out with a key or deactivate the siren, or ideally get your alarm fixed.

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