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Posts posted by (mr2)

  1. $245 for just the remote, My trade price is around that so it's not a bad deal, It looks like they only come separate to the key the only remotes with the flip keys I could see were for different models, something else could come up if I looked it up by the VIN though.

    There is possibly a cheaper remote that will do the same job, if you go to a Locksmith or Mister Minit Who deals with Remote King products they should be able to sort you out as they will have both Original and after market remotes.

  2. I'm surprised that the dealer didn't have it. A lot of the time I have found that dealers do have info like this but they just don't know it. The PIN's can also be read from the head unit from one of the chips, I don't know what one but if your not in any big hurry I can have a look for you. I can also give the dealer a try for you, I do a bit of work for them so they might be a bit more helpful.

  3. From all the ones that I have seen you will have to use the parts from your existing remote key, like the buttons and the transponder chip, the chip will have to be cut out. There are some one Ebay and some Locksmiths would have them but from what I have heard the quality isn't that great. They look like the key would break easily where the blade goes into the head.

    It would be good to hear what others have to say.

  4. It is going to be tricky to get into the door cavity with it locked open. When you pull the handle does it feel right? is there any extra tension on the handle or anything. Where the door locks open on the latch, is there anything jammed in there, it's possible that something has fallen down into the track and is now putting pressure on the locking mechanism. You can even try pushing on the door while pulling the handle to release any pressure on the latch.

    if you need to call someone you should get out a locksmith, it would be cheaper if you can drive to them as you would save a call out fee but that might not be possible with the door stuck open :) If you do need one I can try give you a number for some one that can do the job but I would need to know what area you are in, hopefully you can get it working though.

  5. They are getting the shells from ebay because either the metal part of their key has broken or worn out, so the key no longer works properly. Toyota spare parts think that you can only buy a complete key which is around $450 by the time you buy the complete key, get it cut and coded into the car, but Toyota do sell just the part of the shell with the key blade in it for around the $100 mark, Toyota just don't know that they sell it like that :)

    If you don't have the buttons you can buy just that part of the key head, some of the keys have the transponder glued in the side of the head, others have it integrated into the remote part, if you want I can put up some pictures showing the difference.

    I did a pricecheck for just the remote part on a new Corolla ( they are all around the same price, there are only 2 types/ frequencys of the intergrated heads that I can think of) and that's $270 for just the part.To code these in you will need a master key though, so do you have another remote key or are you using the gray key? if you only have the gray then it gets a little more tricky.

  6. I didn't realise that it was a hatch so your right, a valet key won't make any difference for the hatch, it will be an issue with the lock or possibly the key if it was copied from a worn key. The hatch will still have the valet key as this wont work in the glove box and also can't be used to program new keys or remotes to the car.

  7. I bought 2 flip key shell cases for ZZE keys+transponder from eBay, just like Kenshin. About $20 shipped from HKG.

    Had it cut for $15. Perfect cut. Transponder fits nicely inside. However, it can't open the boot. It's not a genuine Toyota shell casing... But f*%k me it should be

    You can get Master and valet blanks, the Valet wont open the glove box or the boot, at a guess I would say that you either got a Valet blank or the lock needs a clean out for it to work properly, a good flush with wd-40 normally does this and saves pulling it apart, I would say it's the lock though as I doubt it would be an after market valet key.

  8. how about at least being a supporter for the club before you start advertising what you do for profit?

    No one is going to come to me to do it, I'm just saying how much you can get it done for, if you go to Toyota with the correct part number you will be able to get it done for the same price too, or you can just keep getting ripped off?

    Thing is your key barrel is worn to what your key was. Going back to brand new, can mean its sticky, OR it works for driver door but not ignition barrel, happens all te time when we cut a key from the code cause the customer loses their keys..

    Forums to help ppl. Not to make money from them

    I do this every week for the local dealers, sometimes though you are right, especially with Commodores, when ever I have to make keys to these the ignition nearly always has to be replaced.

  9. btw... nice thread revival -_-

    Thanks, I was bored last night :)

    And $150 for after market, that price cut and coded to the car, some of them the transponder is part of the central locking remove others it is glued into the shell. When I cut them I don't just copy your worn out key I cut them back to factory so you get a better product in the end, so $150 is a good price.

  10. Another thing that I forgot to mention is that your key could be too worn to work in the lock properly, as you wouldn't often use the lock on the barn doors and the key is used on the doors and ignition all the time. Getting a new key cut to code fixes a lot of lock issues and I don't mean go to mister minute and get a copy, go to a Locksmith and get the key cut to the factory code, it will cost a couple of hundred but will make your locks last a lot longer.

  11. Yes, there are diagnostic tools that can reset the immobiliser on SOME toyotas, the ones that can't be done via the OBD need the immobiliser box to be removed and either the keys read from that or it reset. This usually cost between $500 - $1000 from aLocksmtih, a lot cheaper than the $2500+ from the dealer.

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