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Posts posted by (mr2)

  1. Like Jeffy said it's not worth getting the cheap Chinese ones, sometimes the transponder chip is incorrect and sometimes the remote is the wrong type.

    If you are only after a spare then it might not be worth the extra dollars of getting a remote key as these can range from $250 to $400. If you can settle for a non remote key you can get one cut and coded into your car for around $100.

    If there is a chance that the lost key can be found and tracked back to your car it would be worth getting that key deleted from your car, you don't want someone walking up and stealing it :)

  2. The immobilizer for your car should be in the ECU(ACA20/ 21 Rav4?)

    If you get a new one it will be in a virgin state and your existing one will code in.

    If you get a second hand ECU without a key Toyota can't help you. But you can get a key made to it from an auto locksmith.

    Best option is to get one with a key, cut the transponder out and get a new key shell cut to your existing key, then use that key to code in your existing ones.

  3. Yes, I know. I have about 100 of them in my workshop. The chip has to be coded into your car, how are you going to do that?

    To do it you need an EXISTING master key or a Virgin ( NEW ) ECU. An auto locksmith can reset your ECU and code in a new transponder chip.

    There are also a couple of different chips, you need the correct one to be able to code it into your car.

  4. So far from what you have written nothing is going to be good enough...

    If you stick a different engine in there you then have to spend the money to make it fit and work as well as engineering which adds up in cost...

    yes Toyota would be a bit more expensive but getting the same engine it will fit right in with no hassle.

    What is your budget?

    As you are only after something with low power I'm guessing you don't want to spend that much on it.. I think that you will be best off getting the same engine or depending on how bad your one is get it rebuilt.

  5. If they put die in it it shouldn't take too long to find out where from, a quick look in the engine bay will eliminate that and as for under the dash if it is coming out there, there isn't too much to remove to find it.

    If it's not the gas it could be the compressor not turning on?

    Are you in Darwin? I used to take my car to Chin's Air conditioning in Coconut Grove ( It was across the road from my work so very convenient :) ) Never had any issues with him.

  6. The second auto electrician that you went to, I advice to not use them for anything :)

    Yes you can install an aftermarket unit, I have done this beofore. the easiest way to do this is to wire it into the Lock/ unlock button on the drivers door, the wires can be chased down to the central locking unit. This might be above the pedals.

    For the car that you have if it was factory fitted I would guess that it would of been a separate remote so if you did it that way you would be looking at around $100 for 1 remote.

    Try this to see if you can put the car into learn mode to code in a new remote.

    1. Sit in drivers seat, key NOT in ignition and DRIVERS door OPEN.. all other doors closed

    2. insert key into ignition and remove it, do this again

    3. Close and open the drivers door 2 times

    4. Insert the key and remove

    5. Close the door and insert the key

    6. turn the key from OFF to ON once to ADD remote

    7. remove the key from the ignition

    The door locks should cycle once to confirm ADD. If it doesn't then it may not be fitted with a remote.

    There are a couple of things though that could stop this working even if the car is fitted with factory remote. If the switches in the door are faulty, the switch in the ignition is faulty/ disconnected and the big one is if you only have the Valet key. Valet key is gray and you can not add/ remove keys or remotes.

    If you PM me your VIN number I can also check if there is a factory remote for it but it wont be 100% for if it's fitted ( Don't post it on the forum)

  7. The Mister Minut guy is a little wrong, but close..

    The original chip that came out to use for cloning used a battery, this had to be replaced when it got flat or your car would not start and because it was not sealed this made them vulnerable to damage. These haven't been used for a couple of years now. They were replaced with a chip that didn't need a battery but used a circuit board covered in a potting resin, still not the best options as other manufactures are offering better options, chips that don't matter if they go swimming and are harder to damage.

    The "Chinese" option is probably European JMA keys, much better than Silca :)

    The problem with getting your keys done at somewhere like Mister minut is you are getting a "new" key cut with all the wear and tear from your OLD key, this is what causes your keys to snap and your locks to get worn and eventually fail.

  8. I doubt it. Just plug it in and see if it works. U won't break anything

    Actually some of the crap clone stuff from China isn't made that well. 99% of the time you will be fine but some of it can cause damage, like short the wrong pins out or write new data onto the car's computers.

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