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Posts posted by calvin

  1. Hey thanks man, for some reason i never thought of removing the battery first..... Is that resonator box the thing that sits under the pipe and is connected to the bottome of the pipe? Do you know what the purpose of that box is? I thought it was to collect any water which got into the stock piping to prevent it from entering the engine but not sure now... is it safe to remove this box?

  2. Can i please ask how you removed the hose that comes out of the airbox?? I have been trying for ages to remove the hose and just let the airbox suck air from where it is. The way i figure, the air will still be relatively cool however it will give me a better respnse time and also because there is less distance for the air to travel i figure i get some torque and a nice roaring (not too loud) sound as well...

    Sorry to take it off topic but i would find instructions helpful, as for some reason, i cant remove the clip (im scared to use to much forcem dont wanna break anything) and there is a bolt which does not seem to be moving. Also the fuse box is hard to get out of the way because of the wires attached leaving not mch space to work with.. ANy advice?


  3. Does insurance have to know about the TRD CAI?

    Isnt it in theory the same thing as replacing "damaged" piping with superior materials and adding a new filter element?

    Has anybody had any trouble getting there insurance to cover this? Or did insurance just say it was ok because it was a TRD item....

  4. can i ask a newbie question about the need for a tune? If this chip is to be added to a stock example of of a partciular car, lets say a corolla then if a chip with programing had already been developed, wouldnt this chip work the same way for ALL other corolla's? I mean cars of the same model and make arent so different as to require a dyno tune individually are they? Or am i missing something big here...?

  5. just out of curiousity,

    would the c-one strut bar or the greddy strut bar be better?

    They are both the same price ( i know the trust one is $250) but which is a better make, fit?

    i see you have the c-one bar fitted, any idea how many tubes etc it has?

  6. I went to Ryde Toyota and enquired about the butterfly parts, Apperently they are $85 each!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I could not believe it. I spoke to my dealer about it and he said that if i gave him my original head unit from toyta, he would swap me for the parts.

    What a **** rip off. I think ill just get one of those metra kits

  7. Hi,

    one of the first things i did to my car was to take out the stock Head unit and to install my own head unit. However after installing this unit, i have found that there is a gap on either side of the head unit at about 10mm wide. I have put up with this gap for a while now however, recently i started getting annoyed because i could see the brackets etc. I went to strathfield to buy a bracket and i was told that this was a commone problem with toyota and to go to toyota parts to buy a bracket to clip on around the new head unit, thereby covering both gaps.

    I was wondering two things, firstly, who here has had this problem and how did you fix it?

    secondly, where can i buy toyota parts from? I live in Sydney BTW.


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