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flexin last won the day on November 13 2014

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About flexin

  • Birthday 09/01/1986

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  1. Hey guys, it has been a long time and i am not even sure if this forum is still active LOL, just thought i would let you guys know i am selling my RUKUS, if you guys are interested i will be making an ad on carsales within the next day or so, i am located it sydney, if anyone is interested you can contact me via this forum for further details, cheers - Jim.
  2. Good **** rebz, glad you got it back bro, sexiest aurion on here, well done on the mod.. And lets go for a cruise soon bro, ill give you a buzz tommorow after work
  3. Looks good mate, lowered boxes are sex
  4. Nah the wheels are a new design from xxr, but yea new shoes none the less :), ill be getting the dish sprayed white again, gloss black will look cool with the calipers i like a nice flat look personally, what you can do is put some trd decals on the calipers.. If you check some of my pics you will notice them, i really like them against my black calipers
  5. They look good bro what size? I got some 20 x 9s comming in 3 months, As for the calipers even a matt black would look nice, blend in with the wheels, your preference. - Jim
  6. Yea its 100% custom, esp the front vent panels got laser cut and all the insides are custom components, i should take a video of the sequentials in action.
  7. Hey mate, ill digup his number tommorow so you can contact him, regarding the price it really depends on the size of the pieces.. But with that said he dipped all my pieces cheap, ill msg you the number tommorow got his card somewhere.. Yea i live in sylvania so miranda is where me and the missus go when we wanna go watch a movie etc.. For groceries we hit up southgate
  8. Haha that looks awesome mate well done, excellent job. - Jim
  9. Its the sexiest aurion i have seen imo, and next mod will take it to another level.. Keep it going bro
  10. Hey bro, white for the win! As for the drls there one of a kind custom made, i can message the guy that made them for me and ask but for the time and labour he spent on mind i am pretty sure he wont want to do them again, unless the price is right i suppose lol, all the circuitry was made from scratch same with the molds, by far one of my fav mods on my car, just hit me up with a pm if you want his contact details
  11. lol, was fun bro.. thanks for the invite.. it was a shame nobody else turned up.. but the wife loves the cubes even more now, lol
  12. How many cubes are you expecting there
  13. Also i should be able to make it, i am getting the rest of my back ink completed next friday aslong as im not too sore ill be comming 100%
  14. Lol i saw that once driving into gunumutta bay / cronulla we drove past each other, i thought it was full camo pattern but i can see the resemblance with the colors, its a nice looking cube
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