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Everything posted by Hiro

  1. Even though the thread title says closed, it seems it is still possible to post in here. So I thought I'd add some of my experiences. Yes, a stock ADM 7AFE AE102 is theoretically capable of hitting 200km/h (the max reading on the speedo) in 5th gear before hitting redline. Whether or not that is a true 200km/h is down to the accuracy of the speedo, but calculations based on gear ratios, final drive, wheel diameter and engine revs make it possible. I'll admit to a small bit of illegal activity, and say that I have reached this speed myself, albeit going down a slight hill, on the New England Highway just outside of Branxton (where the new dual carriage-way went in). I do not condone this sort of activity anywhere on public roads, and I was stupid to attempt it. And what's wrong with dyno-ing a stock engine? It gives you a base reading to give you an indication on how much gains you get from future mods. I dyno-ed my stock engine for that exact reason. I have since dyno-ed it after exhaust mods, and will be doing so again after intake mods. Some people just like to know how much of a difference some things make. Same goes for 1/4 runs at WSID, I've done several in the same stock AE102, just to see what it could do (haven't done one since the exhaust/intake mods though).
  2. Hiro

    Yay or ney?

    Vanilla coke is the bomb, especially with Captain Morgan..............I can barely stand normal coke in mixed drinks now, just tastes wrong. Out of a can it's bearable though. And I must be one of the few that actually liked the original Mother, sure it tasted weird (I like ginger though) but all energy drinks taste weird. New one is better though, if not for the taste then for the 500ml can value (V and Red Bull cans are WAAAAY too small, and over-priced). Even created my own drink with them, the Mother Superior. Mother + Bacardi Superior (like vodka/Red Bull). Never tried it though, probably tastes like ****.
  3. Welcome to 6 months ago, last year, and any time in-between...... ...............im behind the times?....lol Just a bit.....
  4. Welcome to 6 months ago, last year, and any time in-between......
  5. You'd have to have sensors in there to stop you starting it when it was in gear. Manual cars should always be parked in gear anyway, so it's kinda useless on them (you'd have to remember to park in neutral every time), auto is a different story since the car shouldn't be able to start in drive anyway (that's what the neutral safety switch is for)
  6. Ahh, but the old Insight looked like **** too (unique ****, but still ****), and it flopped majorly.
  7. Actually the Port Melbourne plant used to spit out Corollas, that is before it was closed down. 1968 - 1994 at Port Melbourne. And the Altona plant from '94 until the end of '99 (AE102 was the last locally-made Corolla).
  8. Wait 6 months or whatever until Lovells or Whiteline bring out a spring and buy those instead? lovells have got a spring but noone knows hoe good they are If the Lovells spring is just as good as the ones they've done in the past, then it'll be better than Kings.
  9. Considering the vacuum is the thing providing the suckage, bypassing the manifold and just plumbing it to a catch can will do jack all. Something has to suck the vapour out of the cam cover, it isn't just going to go by itself. Actually, the whole point of the breathers on the cam cover is to prevent the build-up of positive pressure in the head. If there's no restrictions between the breather and the catch can, any positively-pressured gas will flow out of it's own accord. spillage - leave the system alone, or do a catch can plumbed back into your intake manifold properly. Actually, on most cars the breather is there to draw air into the cam cover for the PCV system. Intake air goes into the cam cover, circulates through the engine, mixes with crank-case blow-by gases, and then when there is a large manifold vacuum the PCV valve opens and this mixture gets sucked into the manifold and then the engine, and burnt. That's how the PCV system works, PCV standing for Positive Crankcase Ventilation. If there was no breather, then no air could get drawn into the covers and the PCV circulation system wouldn't work, and the vapours would stay in the crankcase and mix with the oil (a bad thing). Some people don't like the idea of the blow-by/oil vapour blow-by getting re-circulated into the engine, so they fit an oil catch can on the PCV hose, which strains out the oil whilst still flowing air (basically a filter). This oil can get returned to the sump, or just periodically emptied. The gas output of the catch-can gets routed back into the intake manifold through the PCV valve.
  10. It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it....:P Look at V8 Supercars, they only have 17" wheels, yet how many SS or XR8s do you see rolling the streets with 19s?
  11. Wait 6 months or whatever until Lovells or Whiteline bring out a spring and buy those instead?
  12. Looks like an AE101/102 to me, key giveaways are the side profile, aerial and side mirrors Makes me ashamed to own one actually.....
  13. You used a newspaper as a battery? Interesting concept Seriously, what battery is that? I'm looking at getting a new one for the 102 soon, smaller is better because of the CAI but I still want decent power, if I stayed at current size I'd be looking at a Yellowtop, but smaller would definitely be preferable
  14. Considering the vacuum is the thing providing the suckage, bypassing the manifold and just plumbing it to a catch can will do jack all. Something has to suck the vapour out of the cam cover, it isn't just going to go by itself.
  15. My fuel light will go on and off around 35 litres when on a steep hill or going around corners, I've managed to work out that the gauge sender is in the front left side of the tank, as the gauge goes up when facing downhill, and when going around roundabouts really fast. Will come on solidly at about 40L, and the pump'll starve at about 45 litres on corners or steep uphills. Most I've ever put in is 47L, for a 50L tank that's cutting it _very_ fine.
  16. Depending on which dyno results you take, I got exactly that. The exhaust is a big restriction (intake not so much), especially where the intermediate pipe goes over the crossmember before the cat. First dyno (SAS in Sydney on an absolute stinker of a day, 40 degree intake temps, in Shootout mode) = 67.8kW Second dyno (Hunter All-Wheel Dyno in Newcastle, normal intake temps) = 61kw Both of those runs were on mechanically identical cars, just on different days in different weather on different dynos Third dyno (SAS again, on a nice cool day), with full exhaust but still stock intake = 71.1kw Add in the cold air intake, and timing adjustment to suit the 98 fuel, and 75 could be possible.
  17. Remember that Australian Labor is just about as conservative as the Liberals (who aren't liberal at all)...at least the controlling faction are. There are huge differences between the American Democrats and Republicans (the Democrats are quite liberal) and the Republicans are very conservative.
  18. Hence the term "repairable write-off"
  19. I've been told I look like David Arquette, on more than a few occasions
  20. Oh, and all the wiring you'd have to do too. And the GZE gearbox (E-series) is a waste for a n/a 4A, the ratios are all wrong. And saying you need it for the power is a laugh, since 1) it's torque that kills gearboxes, not power, and 2) whats wrong with the C52, C56 or C160 that came standard behind the 20Vs? Only engines which came out in the AE10x in Australia were the 4AFE and 7AFE, and most of the models were 7A powered. CSi was 4AFE, Conquest/CSX/RV/Ultima were all 7AFE. And there's no such thing as a 1.4L 4AFE, there's a 1.4L 6AFC carby twincam model in the povo-spec AE92s, but that was it.
  21. Any engine modification that increases performance isn't allowed, but most CAIs/SRIs don't increase performance anyway, so it's a bit of a moot point. Would probably come down to how ****ty a day the rozzer who pulled you over is having.
  22. Supposedly there's a FWD mini-Lexus due to come out in 2010, based on the Prius platform, so maybe that's why, so they don't have a conflict. An -F version of that could be quite tasty, most likely based around a 2GR or 4GR
  23. Unless it's a new Corolla, then it's 5-stud too.
  24. There's a BMW X5 that lives down the road from me with the plate "V". Always forget to take a photo. And a couple of doors down there's the number plate ATOYOT, so in the mirror it says TOYOTA. And it's on *drum roll please* *more drums* *keep going* A Jeep Grand Cherokee. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhkayyyyyy.......
  25. Don't make posts like this, you're not making it obvious enough to the n00bs that you're not being serious. And if you are being serious, you have major problems. Yes, of course I'm going to suggest RWD engines/boxes into a FWD car I would have thought almost everybody would have immediately taken the post as a joke, but I guess not. You'd be surprised the number of people who don't have a clue about their cars..... And remember that the internet is a terrible medium for sarcasm.
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