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  • Toyota Model
    91 Camry

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  1. Fish_man


    LOVE THE RIMS suits it so goood n my bonnet poppd up on me too last yr not kool!!!
  2. Evo looks heaps better ... but ill take that wing off hehehhe
  3. Like the twin tips hahahaha
  4. Ahhh sweet wuldnt mind one of these ahhaha
  5. Ummm on my sv21 i left the snorkle and that. Run some 2 vacumm cleaner flexi tube thing and thread it through the gap between the headlight and straight down.. I managed to fit 2 tubes into the snorkel and was a pefect fit didnt need any calbe ties. I can hear the diffrerence has more of a sucking sound int he engine bay and u can feel it if u put ur hands on the end of the custom diy tubes. Hope that helps. Oh the flexi piping is too big to fit between the headlights gap.
  6. Hey!!! Got me Xdrilled/slotted dba gold series dics supplied and fitted by Midas fairfiled. Awesome guys, he even painted me front calipers silver for me hahahah and my rear drums gloss black SWEET!!! for free!!! and i didnt even ask for it hahahaha looks awesome. Here some new pics of me car without mudflaps.
  7. Hmmm shocks seems abit too expensive there. Not sure about timing belts
  8. Ohhh alrittee mate good luck wit ur ride!!!!
  9. Hey!!! Nice SV21!!!! did the top gun ignition leads make a noticeable difference in performance??? im finking of getting them. heres my sv21!!
  10. Man THis thing is an animal!!!!
  11. Im from Smithfield area....
  12. Errrmm.. Alrite then i thought of doin it myself but then end up gettin busy all the time Grrr.....hardly have anytime on my hands anywayz cheers!!!
  13. Hey guys any1 noe any good places where i can get me calipers painted for a good price around the western suburbs area , Sydney. Any info wuld be much appreciated cheers!!!
  14. hey there nice rolla, but i reckon u still need to slammm it down hahhaha would look hectic!!! but still beats the stock springs
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