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Posts posted by K-Rad

  1. Hi. I recently went on a 7 week holiday and didn't disconnect my car battery on my Aurion Prodigy 2008. When I returned the car only just started. I've been able to drive for the past 4 weeks since then.

    The problem is that when I start the engine it doesn't fire every time and when it starts it revs pretty highly for 30 seconds or so.

    I'm assuming that I've lost charge in the battery and am thinking of using my battery charger to recharge. Does this sound plausible?

    Are there any issues with disconnecting the battery from its terminal and recharging it? I will also top up with water if required.

    Any help for an ignorant owner would be much appreciated.


  2. Pleased to be a new member of this forum, as I stumbled upon it when doing research for the new purchase. I found it extremely helpful and am looking forward to getting involved myself.

    Picked up my new baby on Saturday. Black and 53,000 km. All's going very well so far. Not thinking of tinkering with it too much, but plan on upgrading the head unit as it has no iphone connectivity and some of the other features I'd like but not need. At this stage looking at an Eonon C5116, if anybody has some advice.

    Anyway looking forward to some future interactions.


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