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Posts posted by MIIKEY

  1. do you already have subs for your lexcen?

    ive got 2 x 10inch ported subs sitting at home that could use a new home...

    if you plan on changing over to the corolla within a few years i wouldnt bother doing up the lexcen.. good car though, my parents bought 1 brand new back when they were new... hehe

    na haven got a set of subs yet, im lookin for a set of 12"'s pref around the 1000 watt mark and a known good brand, i plan on keeping the lexcen for as long as i can

  2. Hi guys me and fatboi are organising a cruse on the 7th of sept to palm beach & just thought i would invite my fellow club members

    Date : 7th of sept

    Time : 10.30AM

    Place : Meet at minchinberry Bunnings & head off to palm beach

    Beaches : palm beach or beaches around the location

    Cost : a tank of fuel n watever money u want to spend

    bring whoever u want , we want a good day n hope to meet some unfamiliar faces

  3. Yeah the auto car would be heaps better for city driving and it should seat plenty of mates comfortably too... An added bonus is that there's no problemo if you hit something, just select "R" :lol: But remember, just 'cos you're spending money on it now it doesn't mean you have to drive it now :spiteful:

    M&M did a good job on it in the first place hey, white on white FTW

    yeah they did a great job with it, i dont wanna ruin it cause i can imagin how much time n effort they had spent on it

    as soon as i seen it i was like * Droools over the car * mummmyyyy buy that n fair enough we checked it over, the colour's r unique i gotta admit :)

  4. Yeah that could be a start... see with a hatchback you can face it backwards, pointing to the rear of the car, because the theory is that the sound can rebound off the glass and be directed into the cabin. With a sedan I've read that it's better to have it facing into the cabin... Anyway don't put a stereo in your Lexcen, let it be a hack and spend your cash on the 'rolla!

    lol iv spent money on the rolla , but its manual n im not to keen on driving the manual yet, im just doing auto for my Red P's but when it comes to the Green P's im going to go through a school and learn manual properly

    oh and i dont wana ruin such a beautifull car since im gunna b doing alot of saturday nite city driving

  5. saw a 03 (i think) corolla with trd/toms badging (cant remember which) there at plumpton one time... i left a home made card promoting TOCAU on the windshield.. turned out it was some old middle aged lady driving it? wierd

    jase ur soooooooo rude!!!

    shes not middle aged.......shes miikeys mum and she's way pretty she dont look old at all. gosh!! miikey is 16 and on his L's in case u didnt know. the rolla is our old one that they bought last year. in case u didnt already know. and yes they do know about the forum as u can see above u. miikey is on here all the time :P


    :) gotta love ya mish

  6. there are a few mystery corollas lurking round plumpton shops...

    hate going there now witht he construction.. when i try 2 get onto hyatts road when leaving i 4get that the plastic barriers are blocking the way so i gotta turn round to the mcdonalds side and go home that way..

    totally agree'in with u mate, the constructions a pain inda butt

    so far iv seen 2 white ones and a black one

    n they all arent stock within looks, not sure about performance

  7. Alot of things can cause the protection to kick in.

    Check your grounding wires, check power cable and check speaker cables to make sure they are tight and secure.

    Your amp could be overheating.

    Your amp could also be stuffed. Most amps I see with protection mode activated is usually due to a bad amp.

    BTW, moving this to Audio section.

    sorry BigBum, i sent him to post there cause he wanted the fastest responce, but thankx for that bit of help :)

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