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Posts posted by alarum

  1. especially when going through the M5 tunnels...

    My reception is always good going through the M2 tunnel until I reach teh absolute middle. Craps out for a second or so, and then gets better as I reach the exit.

    And my antenna only goes to about a third of it's height. Needs to be replaced.

  2. post-5043-1188254236_thumb.jpg

    Damn, that's nasty! Lucky it wasn't a writ-off. My Camry was hit back in April this year, but only a dint in the driver's side door. Which was quoted at $1,855.

    Yeahhh wasn't happy... was carless for 6 weeks. AND they shafted me on one of the rims. So now I've got a stock Vienta Grande rim and 3 ROH rims. Hacky.

  3. Try pressing the accelerator pedal to the floor once before you start the car...

    See if that will get the revs to stay up...

    Ok, I've been giving her a little bit of a squeeze before cranking over the ignition, but never fully to the floor. I'll try that out.

    Two questions:

    1. What do you mean you "smooshed" it and...

    2. Why does the engine sit at 1,400 rpm on initial start-up?

    1. Crashed. Check the link in my signature, you'll see some horrible pics.

    2. The idle-up or "auto-choke" is to warm the engine up while it's below optimal operating temperature. Once this has been reached, idle returns to 1000rpm.

    is your camry a v6 or 4cyc? if its a v6 try cleaning the PCV valve (4cyc doesn't have it) and also the EGR. Buy an "upper engine cleaner" and clean the Throttle Body.

    if you have tried everything, if it still happening, try resetting the ECU.

    Let me know how you go....

    Gen 4 v6, like yours. :) I had a friend clean out the throttle body, and while this made ignition a little smoother when she was already warm, it didn't really help cold starts. I'll try resetting the ECU. Just disconnect the battery for 1/2 hour, right?

    Leasaunce: I'm at Doonside, maybe you wanna take a trip down the M2 and come visit one day, yeah? ;)

  4. Hoi boys and girls,

    Ok, so some of you may remember when I smooshed my baby...

    Since then she hasn't been able to start cold without a foot on the accelerator keeping the revs.

    Can anybody point me in the right direction as to what it could be?

    If I keep my foot on the accelerator for 15-30 seconds she will sit on a grand, but she used to sit on

    1400, 1500 when cold by herself!

    Any tips would be appreciated

    - Brad

  5. with the 1MZFE (and 3SFE 3VZFE etc).... F heads are designed for better fuel economy ie more torque low down... the performance G heads (3SGE 2ZZGE etc) are designed for performance ie more revvy engines with higher power at the top end...

    Ay. I've found if I let the V cruise along at 2k it's a smoother ride, but if I push her to knock a gear back and get up higher in the rev range she kind of struggles... and makes me think my fuel needle is dropping rapidly

  6. My Vienta has the 1MZ-FE and from what I've read it's more of a cruiser than a racer... but lighter alloy++

    Should be a bit of a beast still, a bit of vroom in a lighter car

  7. And i'm sure you have never EVER broken a law in your life you wonderful law abiding citizen :blink:

    You cant blame Grey-Rolla for having his p plates stolen off the back of his car... do you check the back of your car before you hop in? i certainly dont, unless the back is facing me as i was walking towards it. how would u know if it was stolen or not? if it was stolen a week ago and hadnt been replaced - maybe a ticket is worthwhile.

    The point is, I'm not trying to push onto people that I'm abiding with the law when clearly Grey_Rolla wasn't. That's all.

    Anyway, I added slapstick. He advised other P-platers to keep spare P-plates in his car. Such good advice, don't you think?


  8. I got fined for doing the right thing, the P plates i got in the car are ones i purchase from autobahn, and they are made for interior window, u can see them clearly when there is adequate light.

    You weren't doing the right thing, though. Since July 1 you HAVE (i.e. requirement of driving while on a Provisionary license) to display your P plates on the exterior of your car. EOS.

    So P Platers keep spares of ps in ur car, thats my advice.

    That's really good advice. ;-)

    Sounded like the cop was on a bit of a power trip. It gets like that.

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