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Posts posted by alarum

  1. Hi all...

    My main is now on Dath'Remar... toon name is Mheythroal, lvl 56 NE Hunter ;) ;)

    Although I don't play much these days... Been capped for the last 2 weeks because I have an ***** of a housemate who used all my bandwidth... heh

  2. as of yesterday, the Magistrate gave me a 3 month holiday from driving, so it will allow me enough time to do some more mods :)

    Very sweet ride man.

    Tell me, what kind of performance increase did you see after installing the brass battery terminals? :whistling:

    So much stuff! Can't believe it =)

  3. Oh...I think it is scratching noise from some parts of rubber underneath, it could be temp. solved by lubricating. By the way, isnt Boge a German Brand certifed shock supplier by BMW? Pls correct me if it is wrong.


    I took her down to Wholesale Suspension after I got them installed and the guy checked things out, and he put a socket and a freakin'-long connector arm on the suspension mount, and tightened it somewhat -- the same noise that I'm hearing when I go over bumps. I might try giving it a lube, but other than that it looks like I'll have to replace it.

    BOGE are German made, yea! And apparently I've got a life-time warranty as long as they're on my car :shrug:

    Now I just gotta get my auto-choke fixed and I'll be right! :yahoo:

    (Oh, and the back suspension done... but that can wait a little bit, I'm sure)

  4. Well, struts and springs were installed tonight, and I still have that bloody noise! (Sounds crunchy going over some bumps)

    From research I had done it sounded like the springs were sagging and rubbing against itself, but now I don't know what else it could be... bushes have been ruled out, suspension has been ruled out.

    We're going to jack it up tomorrow and check with a little bit finer detail. Will post any results we get!

    So, I ended up getting BOGE (which is a re-badged / same production line as KYB) and Kings, and I can tell already I'll need to replace the rears, now... *sigh*

    But the ride is a little bit more comfortable, so there's a plus :yahoo:

  5. Just going back to the parkers conversation; I got done by a cop on Dunheved Rd, Werrington for blue parkers in my TR Magna (hey, it was blue and it matched, ok??)

    The ticket was written out for "non-white driving lights"... it's really bad I saw a Nissan Skyline (the earlier models, R??) this morning around 6:00am, still kinda darkish, he would rather drive around with his lights off than turn them on, and I suddenly knew why: when I did see him with his lights on his right bulb had blown and only his blue parker was showing -- looked kinda dorky...

    My 2c (:

  6. That was my spare that I got with the car when I bought it, and from the bingle the smash repairers gave me a tyre with a dodgy tred. So I swapped the dodgy one for my spare.

    The out-of-place rim is the official Vienta Grande rim, however the smash repairers gave me a Vienta VXi rim... damn hippies...

    So yeah. There's my story.

  7. Well, I've been a part of this wonderful group for a considerable amount of time now and I haven't put up any pics of my baby...

    So, here is a link to the ToCA gallery :)

    Only mobile phone for now, but soon I'll take some better pics, and include the engine bay.

    Enjoye! alarum on the Gallery

  8. Ahoy... My 1998 Camry (Vienta) gets about 500k / tank, which isn't too bad, really.

    Average of 11L/100k's, that's about 60% highway / 40% stop and go...

    Usually just BP 91, sometimes I'll lash out and go BP Ultimate / Vortex but only when I'm feeling rich...

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