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Posts posted by SILVABULLIT

  1. X force as a brand is cheap chinese mass produced hype. Don't like it and don't like the sound it makes.Am still yet to see any solid evidence on just how much superior it is over a quality made normal muffler....

    Why did you spend all that money and use the stock resonator?? Free up the system and then put a restrictor back in??? As for a high flow cat you won't notice a lick of difference HP wise from that at all.

    Westside mufflers in Padstow is who I would recommend to use for custom quality work. does a lot of work for the likes of Pac Performance, Queen ST smash etc etc. They wouldn't use Brad if he wasn't any good. Just have to see the quality of the cars always parked out the front to know the products are good.....

  2. What sort of dyno was it?? My car before the ECU recall made 96kw atw. Added CES cat back and it jumped to 105kw. Added the ECU recall and it jumped to 114.8kw. Then i added Headers and CAI and it made 123kw.

    In between all these things being done I did some dyno testing before and after an oil change. Oil and filter change only. Difference was just on 3kw. Once the oil gets dirty on a 2zz it does suffer a lil in the performance stakes.

  3. Whilst everyone seems to be ranting .... I thought I might as well join in ...................... NOT ........

    Ah well, I just headed home from Maccas after I couldn't locate where everyone turned off too.... Twisties can be had for another time .....hehehehe

    Kudos to the Sydney mob namely Mish, Mark and Petey for an event/weekend well organised!!! No stones left unturned, No skirts left unflipped, no boobies left unstared. Attention to detail was perfect! I sure had fun everywhere and @ hooters and the blow hole. Have to say that they are a great combo!!!

    Next year, Brissy, here i come!!!! Hopefully not alone from Melbourne this time... :rolleyes:

    Anyways, just got back to Melb not long ago and once again, curiosity got the better of me. I wanted to see if I could survive on a single tank from Sydney to Melb...


    Looks like I can. Screw u Holden and ur SIDI 5h!ts ...... Rolla FTW !!! :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast:

    There should be roughly another 8 - 10 liters left in that tank too ...... That's economy for you guys ...

    Total KMs I did over the weekend ....


    Not a bad effort. Just serviced the car and a brand new set of tyres ...... Not to mention I showed some of the QLD boys what a rolla can do around corners when equipped right ... :clap:

    We know what Rolla's from Qld can do around corners.. stay on the road hahahahahahahaha!!!! sorry mate couldn't resist LOL

  4. Can someone please post up the Show & Shine trophy winners...would love to know who won what.

    looks like you guys were blessed with great weather and the cars look awesome from the photos i've seen so far. :)

    Yeah ditto from me up here too. Pics and a list of winners please...

    Bring on Brisbane next year. Will be calling on a few helpers fro next years event. Have a few new things in mind!!

  5. Try cleaning your car after 3mths off the road with Mechanics (Albeit very careful mechanics) and 2 different engine conversions etc...

    Interior, Exterior and Engine Bay = OMG...

    trust me mate ..... been there and done that ..... a MASSIVE pain in the a.s.s ....... i had mine shelfed for 6mths and yeah cleaning it was a mission ..... hopefully u get her looking schmick for the weekend though .....

    You're actually going to wash your car?? you might be in with a shot at a trophy Billy Boy LOL ;)

  6. Should be a few nicely presented cars from Qld especially the ones who have frequented Hoppy's lately.... :toast:

    Safe Driving Guys. Make sure you keep Northy in sight at all times LOL. So wish I could be there but unfortunately I just have waaaay too many things on atm and a few events had to be missed and this was one of them. <_< <_<

    Plenty of texts and pics from the weekend!! Especially the hijinks from Hooter's on saturday night :whistling::whistling:

    Who will take up the mantle and dance with da ladies........ ;) ;)

  7. The ADR test procedures can be found at the following link for those who were wondering:


    Also a bit more info here that differs a bit from ADR28.01:



    3. Procedure for Stationary Vehicles

    3.1 Requirements for tests on stationary vehicles.

    3.1.1 Tests on stationary vehicles (exhaust noise tests) should ideally be carried out

    consecutively with the tests on the same vehicle in motion.

    3.1.2 The measurements shall be made at an open site where the ambient and wind noise levels

    are at least 10 dB(A) below the noise level being measured. The site may take the form of

    an open space where a rectangle with sides no closer than 3 m from the extremities of the

    vehicle can be described. The test site surface should be practically level, consisting of

    concrete, asphalt or similar material and not covered with powdery snow, tall grass, loose

    soil, ashes or the like.

    3.1.4 Whilst testing is in progress no person other than any occupants of the vehicle shall be

    within 1 m of the microphone in use. No person or object other than the person conducting the test and an observer or the objects necessary for the performance of the test shall be within 3m of the microphone in use.

    3.1.5 Before the measurements are begun, the engine shall be brought to its normal operating

    conditions as regards: temperatures, tuning, fuel, sparking plugs, carburettor(s), etc. as


    3.2 Microphone position.

    3.2.1 The microphone shall be directed towards the orifice of the exhaust outlet and shall be

    supported by a tripod or similar device not providing excessive acoustic reflection.

    3.2.2 The nominal axis of maximum sensitivity of the microphone shall be substantially parallel

    to the test site surface.

    3.2.3 The height of the microphone above the test site surface shall be equal to that of the orifice

    of the exhaust outlet + 25 mm but shall not be less than 200 mm above the test site


    3.2.4 The distance of the microphone from the orifice of the exhaust outlet shall be: in the case of a ‘Goods Vehicle’ or ‘Omnibus’ 1050 mm + 50 mm, in the case of any other vehicle 525 mm +25 mm.

    3.2.5 For vehicles fitted with one exhaust outlet which is at a height above the test site surface

    of less than 1500 mm, the nominal axis of maximum sensitivity of the microphone shall

    make an angle of 45 degrees + 10 degrees with the principal direction of the gas flow from

    the exhaust outlet. In selecting this microphone position the microphone shall be placed so that the

    greatest possible distance is achieved between it and the vehicle.

    3.2.6 For vehicles fitted with one exhaust outlet which is at a height above the test site surface

    of at least 1500 mm, the nominal axis of maximum sensitivity of the microphone shall

    make an angle of 90 degrees + 10 degrees with the longitudinal centreline of the vehicle. In selecting this microphone position the microphone shall be placed so that the

    greatest possible distance is achieved between it and the vehicle.

    3.2.7 For vehicles fitted with two or more exhaust outlets spaced less than 500 mm apart and

    connected to a single silencer only one microphone position shall be used. That position

    shall be selected in accordance with the procedure described in the preceding paragraphs

    in respect of an exhaust outlet which results in the microphone being at the greatest

    possible distance from the vehicle.

    3.2.8 For vehicles fitted with two or more exhaust outlets connected to separate silencers or

    spaced more than 500 mm apart, each exhaust outlet shall be treated separately as if it was

    the only one.

    3.3 Vehicle operation and noise measurement.

    3.3.1 The vehicle shall be stationary with the transmission in neutral or, in the case of a vehicle

    with automatic transmission, with the gear selector in the “park” position if such a position

    is provided.

    3.3.2 In the case of Goods Vehicles and Omnibuses powered by a ‘Diesel Engine’ the engine

    shall be operated in accordance with the following procedure. With the engine at idling speed the accelerator pedal of the vehicle shall be

    depressed as rapidly as possible and kept fully depressed until the speed of the engine is

    substantially stable at maximum (or governed) speed. The accelerator pedal shall then be

    permitted to return to its original position as rapidly as possible and left in that position

    until the engine has returned to idling speed. A single noise level measurement shall be made for each microphone position in

    use by noting the maximum noise level indicated during this procedure.

    3.3.3 In the case of all other vehicles the engine shall be operated in accordance with the

    following procedure. The engine shall be brought to 3/4 ‘ESMP’ and stabilised at that speed. A single noise level measurement shall then be made.

    3.3.4 The specified procedure shall be repeated until four consecutive readings having a range

    less than or equal to 1dB(A) are obtained for each microphone position used.

    What you need to do is hold it just off lift under 6k. and if you wanted to get technical about it there are many ways to "interpret" the rules......

  8. old boys like you SD and north and bren are good to hear from once and a wile, and good to attend a meet with. wish it was more often tho

    why thank you grass hopper!! Unfortunately these days I no longer can be out every thursday night so I have to be somewhat selective on when I can make it out and have some form of excuse as to why I need to be there. Dropping parts off is the most used one atm and works quite well.......

  9. Forum has definately changed in the time I have been here. What started off as the only section that really got posted in was Corolla has finally evolved into all makes getting some form of attention which personally I like. Back in the day of thursday night meets where you would have 20 corolla's it was always a case of my car is better than yours kinda crap but now it's just a case of my Hilux is the biggest and has the brightest lights at thursday night meets LOL.

    After all where would this forum be without the characters that have been and gone. Made my day a bit of fun!! And Northy got repeated use of the big red button.....

  10. Just noticed that I clocked over 5000 posts on TOCAU. Of the current active members who has achieved a big post count?? I've been here since 2004 to get that many and some have done a lot quicker. Speak up!!

    DJKOR you must be well on the way!!

  11. CES do not do a high flow cat for their systems. Plus to correctly test a Sportivo for legal noise emissions the car must be tested at about 5500rpm not 4500rpm. It is supposed to be at 75% of the engine's rev range or something like that.

    I'd be getting it tested somewhere with creditability first before making changes. Plus test is to be conducted with the noise meter held from memory 3 metres from the rear of the car at an angle of of roughly 45 degrees to the rear of the car or something like that. You must also do it out in the open and not near walls or you will get higher readings as the noise will reverberate off them.

  12. i had some trouble with the epa so i had to take it off and could not believe the power difference. put it straight back on once i got it passed!

    Unlucky lol, how did you get reported?

    I've never felt a stock sportivo exhaust :(

    My guess would be for being too loud!! Pretty sure thestig is looking for something that gives him power without noisepower and obviously being dobbed in like you did!!

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