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Posts posted by theDefiant1

  1. Hell no - I think I half put it up to be teased.

    All said and done, I can make a wicked mint-chocolate mousse dessert, as long as I'm being supervised. But that is about it. And Sarah wont let me into the kitchen, so cooking for her is out of the question.

  2. Just reminding all in writing to remember that it is difficult to determine any emotion, feeling or sentiment in the written word. Some things said in this thread are probably less aggressive than they seemed.

    My 2 cents worth? I spent 9 years at uni, and have 3 degrees and have sat more exams than I care to remember (and can't remember most of the content anyway - Viva la Cram). And I always found exams to be more important than most things going on (including when the WRC was still in Perth, and I missed most of them). Stating the obvious - you fail an exam, and it can hold you back an entire year. It's not worth it. I rationalised that if I could not make this meet in June due to work requirements, and once i'm back in Perth, well I could always fly over for the next one.

    As it happens, I will see those who are there, and hopefully meet the rest at another time in the future. :rolleyes:

  3. *sniff* And I tried so hard to please you people!!!

    FYI, the potato was microwaved. I even stabbed it beforehand!!!

    I just can't seem to get a handle on cooking - whenever I'm in the kitchen things go wrong. My dear mother, a chef, kicks me out of the kitchen because when I enter, things go wrong for her! We won't mention Sarah... :whistling:

    And no, I didn't cook the meat, just merely reheated it. :toast:

  4. I appreciate your efforts Grey, but if the seller chooses to stay firm with a discount when n=10, then honestly he can, in the words from The Castle, "get stuffed".

    I don't think it would be too difficult to find another supplier, possibly even a local, that could come in at a similar price.

    If they don't want to support clubs, then I don't want to hand my money over.

    (not angry, just disappointed with them).

  5. Could you perhaps take a happysnap to show us?

    Your description makes me imagine things ranging from centre-console airconditioning vent usage to internal air only to oops, I just let one rip. :lol:

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